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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. Many things wrong with this spaghetti logic. Apart from the conflation of poverty with class the 800K has nothing to do with immigration. "Changing the fabric of society" is a straight out racist dog whistle against cultural diversity. Those immigrants have come to the US for work and are the reason why the US economy is booming like no other on the planet. Do you support jailing people who employ illegal immigrants?
  2. This is my last post on this forum https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BHlFLsf7ot0
  3. You don't go home straight away in the rest of the world. In Australia you will spend some time in recovery then under a period of supervision which is not short and finally would have to have a person arrive to collect you who identifies themselves to the hospital staff and signs a declaration that they will stay with you and observe you for 24 hours and warns of criminal penalties for failure to do so. Otherwise you stay overnight.
  4. The problem is that whenever events like this happen, elements of both sides immediately raise the team flag and can't understand why anybody could be neutral.
  5. The reality is that the diaspora of the time was barely if at all distinguishable by outward manifestations. They intermingled and shared cultural and religious views. The religions of Judaism and Muslim both evolved out of the same melting pot.
  6. Oops, intended to ask those questions of Brian.
  7. I stand by my claim that zionism is an extreme nationalist movement. To rely on your claim that zionism wants only what it achieved 70 years ago is a deflection.
  8. I rest my case. Your position can be appropriately described as extremist. But I will say your answers to q 1 to 3 are seemingly contradictory. You don't deny that Israel intends to own all the land but deny they have a legitimate right to it. Is that correct? It's what you have implied in your answer. Good faith might be demonstrated by some slightly more nuanced answers. I did forget one more question that I have previous asked of you but that you have never deigned to answer. Is the loss of any number of civilians lives justifiable if that's needed to defeat Hamas?
  9. Oh, good. 1. Does Israel have a legitimate right to claim all of the region for itself? 2. Do you deny that the Zionist credo is that all of the "promised lands" belong to Israel. 3. Do you deny that a number of prominent Israeli politicians and religious leaders have explicitly made that claim recently? 4. Do the Palestinins deserve to have their own country and self determination? Or just Israel. 5. Are the illegal settlements genocide? 6. Is the indiscriminate bombing of Palestinian towns, killing 20,000 people not a war crime? 7. Is the displacement of most Gazans from their homes not genocide? 8. Is shooting unarmed teenagers with live ammo ever justifiable? If you care to answer more questions I have plenty but that's a good start and I have asked every one of those questions of you without getting a good faith or direct answer.
  10. Is the prospect of losing a war justification to surrender? The strongest side wins? It's not just Hamas that need an epiphany here.
  11. This is a ridiculous assertion. Stay on topic.
  12. 1. Link to paywall. 2. I missed that it referred only to Hamas officials. I took it to mean the wider refugee situation. My bad. 3. Qatar is a sunni nation so it's enmity with Hamas is obvious.
  13. It specifically rebuts your claim that Qatar is "frustrated" by Hamas. It is in fact frustrated by Israel. Should Qatar facilitate Israel's policy of genocidal displacement of people from their homelands because of retribution? Prove your claim with a link. We know what happens to Palestinian refugee camps. Nothing. They remain in situ for decades.
  14. Yawn, because they don't want Israel's genocidal effort in displacing them to succeed, yet again. You have utterly failed to address this point at any time. We have cockatoos who keep saying the same things over and over again without understanding their meaning. Egypt's PM or president I forget which said exactly that in a recent interview I watched on YT.
  15. His point is the abject denial that this recent history was consequential to current events.
  16. A full and permanent withdrawal of troops, return of all of the prisoners as demanded before any hostages are released would seem reasonable to my mind. That action would obviously result in no further deaths from this conflict. No other conditions would in the longer term. Further terrorist attacks are inevitble now, no matter how this ends. Assertions that Palestinians could or should turn against Hamas at this time are Zionist propaganda, not realpolitik.
  17. I can't understand this obsession with denying recent history. It is nothing other than a blatant attempt to whitewash culpability. My first awareness of the existence of the middle east came in 1967 then I just turned 13. For a week we got a football like summary of the number of Egyptian tanks destroyed daily on page 3 of the Murdoch local printed press. Nothing else. At that time I hit high school and learned about the history since 1948. It surprised me to learn that Israel was created to house Jews from Germany who had not had any familial ties to the region for many centuries and yet no corresponding state was established for the indigenous peoples of the region. Having been booted from compulsory religious instruction the same year and being a devout atheist ever since, biblical claims to land by either side meant little to me. Creating one state and not the other was sheer inhumanity and was pursuant to a zionist view that the entire region belonged to Israel. What could possibly go wrong? Well it did go wrong and the good intentions of giving those who most deserved one after ww2 a homeland went to waste as they provided continuing evidence of an extreme and pervasive nationalism leading to inhumanity. To say that I am bewildered by this is an understatement. I learned that millions of Palestinians had been displaced from their homes and they remain in refugee camps to this day. Over 5 million in fact. Then, in 1982, when I was well aware of ME affairs we saw the Shatila massacre in which thousands of refugees were killed with the active support of the IDF. I formed the opinion that both of these acts were crimes against humanity and amounted to genocide. Since then we have seen sporadic terrorist attacks by Hamas and subsequent collection retribution by Israel like the illegal settlements and the burning of terrorists' family homes. All crimes against humanity. Including the terrorist attacks. Other than that, the single issue which has infuriated me over the years has been the deliberate shooting of Palestinian teenagers in the head with live ammunition for throwing stones fireworks and petrol bombs. I can say that it's rational for any father of one of those kids to vow on his son's grave that anyone who facilitated or supported his son's death should never stop looking over their shoulder. Do I concur with that reaction? No. But to deny it isn't rational is disingenuous. Now we have the carpet bombing of densely occupied cilviian areas with the worst possible bombs imaginable after nuclear weapons resulting in 20,000 civilian deaths and destruction of most of the homes and infrastructure in Gaza. Clearly war crimes. My abhorrence meter flicked to maximum. I really hope I live to see the day justice is done for both sides.
  18. Then describe where the pork is. Not just "we don't specifically know which one of the listed beneficiaries will get the money therefore it could be anybody, we just don't have a clue who but this needs investigating right now".
  19. Thought I mention Biden and the border crisis. Oh well.
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