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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. How many gun owners have ever toked a joint or done a line of coke? I've not seen an allegation that H Biden did meth. You must have pulled that out of a dark place.
  2. I said that yesterday. The single reason that Biden was impeached was that Trump was impeached. They have to make it look like their as bad as each other so they can play both sides ism and pretend like the "crimes" are equivalent. Next they'll be saying they can only get him on a gun charge because deep state, like Al Capone.
  3. It's the deep state covering for the Biden criminal family again. If only the sheeple would open their eyes they would see the truth about how Hunter got 2 billion from the Saudis for coke.
  4. The impeachment is now. The time of the alleged crime is completely irrelevant. The house nut jobs don't care if Biden has dirty shoes, they just want to impeach him.
  5. They claim they already have it. Just not telling us. This impeachment is all about Trump. Because Trump got impeached twice. The maganauts think this is the best shot they'll get. Most people think they're in the clown car.
  6. It just seems funny seeing someone accuse the opposition of the lyingest lying president the US has ever had of being a liar. That's projection and irony at its finest.
  7. "Young people are not warming to the MAGA message," said Romney. I don't think it will be successful long-term because I think young people are paying far more attention and are not going to be sucked into the populist notions, and so I think our party goes back to, if you will, the wise wing of the Republican Party as time goes on." I quote that H.L. Mencken line, which is, 'To every complex problem there is a solution which is simple, clear, and wrong.' https://www.rawstory.com/romney-trump-slam-retirement/?traffic_source=Connatix
  8. When will, the GOP majority in the house have a vote on it like McCarthy said they would 2 weeks ago?
  9. Whatever you like to call it. Most call it a qanon delusion. Some call it an impeachment. A full house vote will kill it stone dead. They GOP don't want the actual hearing, they just want the never ending investigation. Hey, Benghazi! (TM) worked.
  10. "This year so far, neo-Nazi appearances have been spread across 15 different states and generally involved members from relatively new groups that initially formed as loose online communities, and then metastasized into formal organizations, such as NSC-131, Aryan Freedom Network, Blood Tribe, Goyim Defense League and a national network of Active Clubs," reports Vice. And while former President Donald Trump gained the support of many avowed Nazis in past elections, Vice has found that many of the current crop appear attracted to Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis over his hard-right stances on immigration and LGBTQ rights. Brian Levin, former director of Center for the Study of Hate & Extremism at California State Univ. San Bernardino, tells Vice News that rhetoric attacking undocumented immigrants and the transgender community from mainstream Republican politicians has helped embolden far-right extremists to escalate their actions. https://www.rawstory.com/neo-nazis-2665387930/
  11. Wake me up when he tells 30,000 lies in 4 years. Sooner or later there will be a full House vote on this and that will be the end of it. Why do you think McCarthy reneged on a full vote now?
  12. Yes, obviously. When do you think they'll produce what they have already? After they go on a fishing trip? Fishing trips aren't a bad thing but in this case we know it's purely to deflect away from Trump.
  13. Tell that to the poor students whose debt he wants to cancel or to those who still actually have a job because the Biden economy is still doing fine.
  14. 1. Checkout wasabi.com at $7 / Tb. You can add backups to data stored there. They have an s3 API if that's useful to you. 2. nVME and any solid state hard drives may not be the best backup medium. They may be more drop proof than a spinning disk but in general data recovery is easier from a spinning disk. Check WD Ultrastore.
  15. That's actually all we expect any president to do, sign his name. All the work was done by experts. When a president does anything other than that we should be worried.
  16. The GOP has become a party controlled by extremists now. They're going to go down for decades until they return to sanity. The GOP Can’t Hide From Extremism The backlash against former President Donald Trump’s meeting with Nick Fuentes, an avowed racist, anti-Semite, and Christian nationalist, has compelled more Republican officeholders than at any point since the Charlottesville riot in 2017 to publicly condemn those extremist views. Yet few GOP officials have criticized the former president personally—much less declared that Trump’s meeting with Fuentes and Ye, the rapper (formerly known as Kanye West) who has become a geyser of anti-Semitic bile, renders him unfit to serve as president again. Even this distancing from Fuentes (if not Trump) comes as House GOP Leader Kevin McCarthy, the putative next speaker, is poised to restore prominent committee assignments for Representatives Marjorie Taylor Greene and Paul Gosar, two House Republicans who have publicly associated with Fuentes. https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2022/12/gop-lawmakers-distancing-extremism-trump-fuentes-ye/672328/
  17. He'll lose the speakership anyway. The far side have turned their attention to shutting down the government now and they'll see that McCarthy is trying to swing a vote to pass the debt ceiling increase in order to avoid shutting down the government. He caved to the impeachment demands knowing that impeachment has a snowball's chance in hell in the senate. Just red meat to keep MAGA giving donations.
  18. 'The Left’s bloodlust': Trump codefendant Jeff Clark lashes out at legal experts Clark said Kirschner "has been on a constant kick saying Donald Trump’s political speech is poisoning the jury pool." "No, Trump is just defending himself and simultaneously campaigning for President, so he can once again do good for his countrymen, such as lowering energy prices, raising standards of living, and stopping communist China’s inroads into the USA." "I’m convinced they’re being paid for, or at least were seeded by, Arabella Partners, Soros, Omidyar, or some leftist billionaire or outfit or other. https://www.rawstory.com/jeff-clark-soros/
  19. If I could do that I wouldn't bother responding to your posts. ????
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