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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. This will be defeated at a further appeal given that the lies cause actual harm to public safety.
  2. No. Had I been drafted I would have gone despite my opposition to the war. It was called national service for a reason.
  3. I did oppose the war but I registered for the draft as required by the law. They cancelled the draft before my draw.
  4. Yes, only one was a refusal for asthma. Biden did nothing out of the ordinary by getting college deferments, all the rich kids did. I was responding to the misleading claim that Biden "got" a deferral due to asthma. Undoubtedly the great unwashed will try to play word games again but he did not in any way, shape or form, request a deferral due to asthma. The navy refused to accept him. Again, pretty normal for asthmatics.
  5. He did. The court rejected., Now he can't plead until there's new charges.
  6. WordPress. A free php piece of crap which allows people to make their own websites which users can post on and viewers can comment on. It's a major target for hackers. The OP is likely toast. It needs to be resurrected from backups and a plugin named WordFence applied. Plus considerable research into hardening the site.
  7. He's young enough to run next time. I don't think any candidate plans on winning this time unless Trump's right wing popularity collapses. Christie is trying to accelerate that process. Or at least he wants to be the guy that says "I told you so first".
  8. Well, there's no good reason to vote no. Prematurely claiming it won't work doesn't cut it as a reason at all. A previous attempt, not in the constitution, got axed by the more conservative govt oz has had since the war. This will prevent that.
  9. That doesn't detract from the fact that he was a despicable human being.
  10. My public school education included Latin and French double lesson every day for 3 years. English literature was one unit all 5 years of high school. Social Studies was another unit for those first 3 years. Thereafter I studied ancient history, math, biology and physics. None of that was wasted in the slightest. I topped the school in Latin. Can't remember much now but I speak English bigly.
  11. uh, by that logic, anyone who stands for president needs their head read.
  12. No sense of honor and what it takes to bestow honor with the greatest dignity?
  13. I don't believe they have. Lefties have indeed pushed for a transition as quickly as possible but I don't think anyone has endorsed a total withdrawal of ICE vehicles before there's enough infrastructure in place. If you believe it's just a free choice issue, A or B, obviously climate change means little or nothing to you. Keep flogging that horse.
  14. The vast majority of people will never face that issue with the range of EVs today and the number is rapidly diminishing. Certainly for somebody who lives in an outback town in Australia it possibly makes no sense to buy an EV just yet. For somebody in NY it makes a lot of sense. For trucks on major highways it makes a lot of sense. The right wing always seem to have this all or nothing obsession ingrained into them. Everything is black or it's white when it's never really like that.
  15. They would vote for a drover's dog instead of Trump. My point is they'd vote for any Dem and that includes Joe. When I said they aren't rusted on to him like Trumpians are to Trump I mean Dems would happily accept another candidate. Trumpians are likely to take up AR-15s if he can't run.
  16. I don't care if they are black, white or brindle. Get off your racist horse.
  17. The average Dem isn't welded on to Biden despite what you'd like to think. The same can't be said about the average Republican. They don't have choices.
  18. The point is, when it's time for a president to be replaced, only Trumpians REALLY care who it is.
  19. Only the true believers think it makes much difference who is actually president at any one time.
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