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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. All working fine for me with 3BB fiber in Pattaya now. But this site is sloooow the last couple of days. And I have long had frequent backend timeouts.
  2. Taxes on companies should be a gross income or turnover tax with deductions only allowable for R&D. Even a marginal rate like 5% would be a huge boost in revenue. Such a tax scheme is being introduced worldwide to prevent companies offshoring to avoid tax.
  3. I was getting a 500 - internal server error on this site only this morning.
  4. Trump is definitely a nazi. Overwhelmingly, the republican party stand behind Trump. Connect the dots.
  5. That's a javascript issue on your computer.
  6. I think he made a run of poor decisions in the lead up to Jan 6.
  7. If just a few of them actually see the light and jump the fence that would be worth it. Same as the vaccine argument. Nobody cares about the die hards.
  8. They can thank their lucky stars they'll be in a federal penitentiary.
  9. "Be there. It will be wild". Sounds insurrectionish to me. He wasn't charged because it would be a risky proposition but conspiracy to defraud the US will be a doddle.
  10. It's terrorism, plain and simple. Threatening or inciting threats against people to effect a political outcome is the definition of terrorism.
  11. Nice argument if that was all the advice he received but we know it wasn't.
  12. He was compelled by law because of his position. It does not mean he is biased.
  13. Who thinks that these people collectively have gone down for more than a century between them, all in Trump's name and some claiming they were acting under orders but Trump will get away with it?
  14. Exceedingly few. And they could go to a voting center just like the republicans want to or they could continue to use mail in voting. I did not suggest I was in favor of removing mail in voting, I only made the point that should appeal to the republicans to want to stop it. It should also appeal to Trump because there would be a declarable outcome instantly.
  15. Those rates are far above what most rich people in the US pay. Don't quote margin rates, quote percentage paid. Mitt Romney was famously expose during his presidential campaign as paying 14%, less than his secretary.
  16. 1. How do you know they didn't. 2. And accusation is insufficient trigger an investigation. One needs to show probable cause. Otherwise every wingnut would make every allegation under the sun. Oh, wait... Furthermore, if this is the same F1023, the FBI called and they want to speak to the guy.
  17. You conflated authorization to declassify with actually declassify.
  18. Pence and Biden never declassified any documents. Nor did Trump.
  19. Irrelevant. Raffensberger had no legal basis for his comment and he was under oath.
  20. Donald Trump must testify under oath in a lawsuit brought against the Justice Department by two former FBI agents according to a ruling from an appellate court, The Washington Post reported. "The Justice Department sought to block Trump from being compelled to answer questions about the handling of text messages between FBI attorney Lisa Page and FBI agent Peter Strzok that exposed their opposition to his candidacy and their personal relationship," The Post's report stated. "The two are suing the Justice Department, not Trump, but say the former president was inappropriately involved in how they were treated." https://www.rawstory.com/peter-strzok/
  21. You make it sound like you concur with Raffensberger's interpretation. I'm just pointing out the fly in that ointment.
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