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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. It's reasonable to consider that what was believed at the earliest time we have literary recordings was also believed before that. Long before that.
  2. Knowledge is a memory of experiences. Science is a deduction from observation. That's a process. Philosophy and science are intertwined.
  3. Regardless of evidence which might be difficult to procure for pre literate times, your conclusion that if they believed that the moon revolved around the Earth (we know that was believed quite long ago) it doesn't mean they necessary believed the planet was spherical. That's a non-sequitur to my mind.
  4. The CNN poll, released Thursday and conducted by SSRS, found that 46 percent of registered voters said any Republican presidential nominee would be better than Biden in next year’s election, while 32 percent said the sitting president would be a better choice than any of the GOP hopefuls. In comparison, 44 percent said that any Democratic nominee would be better than former President Trump, while 38 percent say the former president is better than any Democratic nominee. https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/4191547-almost-half-in-new-poll-say-any-republican-would-be-better-than-biden/
  5. My view of science is that it has existed since Adam was a cadet. In other words, there has never been a time in the human era before science. Early folks must have concluded that since the moon revolved around the Earth then the sun must as well. This obvious misconception had a clear logical rationale. That was science, in my view. The extent of our literary history does not define the bounds of science.
  6. I think the scientific evidence was that it was flat. That's not to suggest that all scientific evidence is wrong which is the far right rationale. Unfortunately, some of our number haven't updated their scientific knowledge from that time. I guess they consider that science doesn't get better over time.
  7. "Trump’s poisonously stupid conduct in office and afterwards was completely unacceptable and alienated the middle of the electorate, that he creates his own private realities, that he will say anything without regard for the truth and that he is profoundly selfish, easily distracted and vengeful." https://www.rawstory.com/trump-cult-2665029444/
  8. Nothing to see here because, you know, it gets hot in summer. One of the anti climate change warriors here thinks that's all there is to it. Earth has sweltered through its hottest Northern Hemisphere summer ever measured, with a record warm August capping a season of brutal and deadly temperatures, according to the World Meteorological Organization. Last month was not only the hottest August scientists ever recorded by far with modern equipment, it was also the second hottest month measured, behind only July 2023, WMO and the European climate service Copernicus announced Wednesday. https://apnews.com/article/un-hottest-summer-climate-change-b7c7936070952da781af01288607b1f1
  9. Well, at least there's likely to be a vacant cell for Trump in Fulton County Jail. Man who died inside Trump jail had bite marks on body: autopsy https://www.rawstory.com/fulton-county-jail-2665001224/
  10. Wow. You're really showing how little you know about the issues. Sea level does rise at different levels in different parts of the planet. Another factor that makes sea level rise complex is that it’s not uniform around the globe. If you look at a global map of sea level rise, you’ll find it’s happening rapidly in some places and more slowly in others. This means that although sea level rise affects coastal areas all over our ocean planet, some regions feel its effects sooner and more severely than others https://climate.nasa.gov/explore/ask-nasa-climate/3002/sea-level-101-part-two-all-sea-level-is-local/
  11. How are the crops going on all that new land? Oh wait, it's just sand and pebbles.
  12. What utter misinformed rubbish this comment is.
  13. Apparently some did other wise we wouldn't be having a referendum. I'm not sure any recommended against it. I'd say you're blowing smoke up somewhere you shouldn't.
  14. No. The country is already badly divided. The proposed changes are intended to address. that. Bottom line. No metric by which you can measure Aboriginal people's life in Australia could be worse than it is now. Not doing something won't move the needle away from the world's worst health and education outcomes. And I didn't even mention the pernicious racism. What's been tried before could not fail any harder.
  15. Many people thought climate change was a strong factor in that election. Between abortion, the environment and climate change, Trump is on the nose.
  16. Then why is a constitutional body being mooted. You know better than the experts who have recommended it? You make it seem like nothing has ever been tried.
  17. But not ending fossil fuel subsidies? https://www.imf.org/en/Blogs/Articles/2023/08/24/fossil-fuel-subsidies-surged-to-record-7-trillion
  18. You don't think there's a level of climate change that would reasonably, if not must, result in human extinction? No tipping point that we could reach?
  19. To try and fix the world's worst health and education outcomes.
  20. So don't bother trying to then? A consultative committee bound to fail so off to the pub instead?
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