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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. Or it did until Donald Trump was inaugurated. The most obvious connection to Orwell was the new president’s repeated insistence that even his most pointless and transparent lies were in fact true, and then his adviser Kellyanne Conway’s explanation that these statements were not really falsehoods but, rather, “alternative facts.” As any reader of “1984” knows, this is exactly Big Brother’s standard of truth: The facts are whatever the leader says they are. https://www.nytimes.com/2017/02/13/books/review/which-dystopian-novel-got-it-right-orwells-1984-or-huxleys-brave-new-world.html
  2. Yeah, nah., I wouldn't want to be fired because my employer didn't like who I voted for.
  3. Apparently having members of the public certify the validity of the count isn't good enough for conspiracy theorists.
  4. That's already an election losing number. The slippery slope has begun. The chickens are coming home to roost. The eagle has landed. Oh wait, that last part is evidence is in the conspiracy indictment.
  5. It did happen and it encouraged Putin to embark on a path to invade Ukraine in the expectation that Trump would get to serve another term. When that didn't happen it was too late to change course without Putin looking weak.
  6. An vanishingly small number of people would want the gubmint recording how they voted.
  7. A classic case of painting oneself into a corner.
  8. So you want the public to be able to see how everyone else voted? I'm not sure that would fly.
  9. There is a principle in elections that once you vote, the identifying details of your vote are removed from the vote. This is so nobody can later find out how you voted. You know how you voted. If you just wanted to go fishing because you believe in conspiracy theories do you realize how much it would cost to retrieve a paper ballot for everyone who wanted to antagonize the electoral commission? Do you really want big brother to know how you voted?
  10. If you mean public oversight then they already are. If you mean something else I don't know what you meant. If you meant "discretion" then they already are, voters get a free choice.
  11. The real problem isn't Trump. It's the dark money behind him. For a clue who they might be, check Justice Thomas friends list.
  12. How about any debunking? More than 50 former intelligence officials, including former CIA Directors Mike Hayden, Leon Panetta, and John Brennan, signed the letter raising questions about the then newly published New York Post story concerning emails from Biden's laptop. "We want to emphasize that we do not know if the emails, provided to the New York Post by President Trump's personal Attorney Rudy Giuliani, are genuine or not and that we do not have evidence of Russian involvement — just that our experience makes us deeply suspicious that the Russian government played a significant role in this case," they wrote in the letter. "If we want to take this committee down a road of punitive action, I have plenty of members of the Trump administration who I think should never hold security clearances again based on their actions surrounding January 6," she said.
  13. 'Mark Meadows has a potential perjury problem' Court documents obtained by Goodman show Meadows after initially denying that he played “any role” in the coordination of a “fake elector” scheme under cross examination acknowledged that “he had in fact given direction to a campaign official in this regard. Specifically, the defendant wrote in an email…’We just need to have someone coordinating the electors for the states’ and attached a memorandum written by co-defendant Kenneth Chesebro recommending the organization of slates of presidential electors to meet and cast votes for Mr. Trump in states Mr. Trump had lost.” https://www.rawstory.com/mark-meadows-2664718865/
  14. You'd prefer that he ignored expert recommendations like Trump did?
  15. Trump is going to blame Powell and Giuliani and they will blame him. The trials are likely to be separated at Trump's behest and popcorn sales will explode.
  16. For Trump the insurrection was a do or die effort anyway. He lost and now it's time to pay the piper.
  17. Trumpians know they're finished in a fair democratic election forever anyway. For them, the sooner they move away from democracy the better. If they can seize power by gerrymander or restricting the vote they will trey anything they can to keep it, just like Trump tried to do in 2020.
  18. It doesn't matter much. The evidence will be laid out in court anyway. Especially that of the flippers and they will need to be in court.
  19. Health authorities in Paris fumigated areas of the French capital for the first time on Thursday to kill disease-carrying tiger mosquitoes whose rapid advance through northern Europe is thought to have been accelerated by climate change. https://www.rawstory.com/paris-fumigates-for-tiger-mosquitoes-as-pest-spreads-in-europe/
  20. I'd think that Trump should not be allocated a cell with this guy. They probably have a lot of fat to chew over.
  21. Who was he in a conspiracy with? I'm sure we'll find out soon. Who thinks Trump isn't looking at a longer sentence than this? I think it stretches incredulity that a Proud Boys leader says he's not a terrorist and doesn't have hate in his heart. The judge didn't buy it. Proud Boys leader Joe Biggs sobs as he's sentenced to 17 years in prison Biggs was convicted of seditious conspiracy "I'm not a terrorist. I don't have hate in my heart," he swore. https://www.rawstory.com/proud-boys-leader-17-years/
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