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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. It's pretty obvious that the single motivation for the GOP house going after Hunter Biden is to provide a deflection away from Kushner and Trump. H Biden is small potatoes by comparison. Democrats Demand Subpoena of Trump Son-in-Law Jared Kushner Over Saudi Business Deal As Republicans hound first son Hunter Biden, Democrats want them to pursue former first family member Kushner over $2 billion he accepted from the Saudis Kushner has come under scrutiny for his cozy relationship with Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, who controls his kingdom's fund. Even Comer, one of the House GOP’s top Biden attack dogs, has suggested the Kushner-Saudi deal may not be above board. “I’ve been vocal that I think that what Kushner did crossed the line of ethics,” Comer said to CNN earlier this month. https://themessenger.com/politics/democrats-demand-subpoena-of-trump-son-in-law-jared-kushner-over-saudi-business-deal
  2. It's definitely not a Trans Am. When I used to ride a Ducati we called Japanese bikes "rice burners".
  3. This isn't going well for those who think Biden and the Dems are in the pocket of Big Pharma.
  4. Summary judgment is granted when there are no other facts to be tried. All of the necessary statements and evidence are already in front of the judge, and there’s no way to obtain more information. Summary judgment is granted when the facts can be decided upon without needing to go to trial, where the opposing party would lose due to a lack of evidence. If it’s not clear that there is no more evidence, then summary judgment must be denied. https://www.wkw.com/legal-process/faqs/what-is-a-summary-judgment/
  5. I'd agree with you but we'd both be wrong. French health minister urges mask wearing in case of small symptom of COVID-19 France records slight increase in COVID-19 cases recently, mandatory use of face mask is not yet in sight, says Aurelien Rousseau https://www.aa.com.tr/en/europe/french-health-minister-urges-mask-wearing-in-case-of-small-symptom-of-covid-19/2973053 It may be time to break out the masks against Covid, some experts say https://edition.cnn.com/2023/08/23/health/masks-covid-surge-wellness/index.html New Covid wave has begun and masks should be worn again, scientists warn https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-news/new-variant-covid-mask-rules-b2395154.html
  6. That's what happens when you keep making claims you can't substantiate. People get jack of it.
  7. Don't you feel sad that you need to go after Biden because of his life long speech impediment instead of falling on your knees praising him for achieving 40 years in the senate despite his disability? If covid is again increasing and masks and isolation are known to work, as they do, why on Earth would the health authorities not recommend those measures again in high risk areas until the infection wave passed? If I was a politician I would be damned sure I would do everything that medical experts recommended that I did. Biden does that, his predecessor ignored the advice of experts only to take that of crackpots.
  8. I will call it delusional. If you really believe you can stereotype other nationalities you should never leave home.
  9. There's plenty we can do about it. Like stopping using fossil fuels as fast as possible. The anti-climate change cult never had a problem with spending tax money to subsidize fossil fuels. While we could have moved to reduce emissions years ago, the cult needs to understand that fighting climate change won't be free. The most expensive part will be the climate change mitigation, like paying for floods and fires.
  10. I'm one of them. Definitely the most vile person on Earth after Hitler, Saddam Hussein and Pol Pot.
  11. It's not about the money, Trump supporters were happy to hand 2 trillion to the rich in tax cuts. They just want Putin to win. They were also happy to spend untold millions on a stupid wall which was never going to stop most of the illegals anyway since planes can fly over walls and most illegals came by plane.
  12. Trump supporters DO support the war. Just on the wrong side.
  13. Biden keeps improving the lot of the poor people where Trump was just interested in union busting and creating a "white slavery" economy. President Joe Biden's administration is set to propose a new rule setting up millions more U.S. workers eligible for overtime pay under the Fair Labor and Standards Act. According to copies of the proposed rule distributed to media outlets Wednesday, the Department of Labor will require employers to pay time-and-a-half to salaried workers making less than $55,000 a year—a number significantly higher than the $35,568 established under the Trump administration in 2019. "For over 80 years, a cornerstone of workers' rights in this country is the right to a 40-hour workweek, the promise that you get to go home after 40 hours or you get higher pay for each extra hour that you spend laboring away from your loved ones," Acting Labor Secretary Julie Su said in a statement DOL officials provided to Newsweek. https://www.newsweek.com/biden-wants-increase-salaries-millions-americans-who-qualifies-1823480
  14. Yeah, we're over this both sides rubbish. It clearly isn't true. I'd rather have the American economy than any other right now. Who you gonna arrest? The illegals struggling to support their families or the employers scamming the system for profits?
  15. It's great that he supports the Ukraine war. Biden is saving the world from fascism. I guess that's your main gripe?
  16. Was that "fight" to overturn an election? Context is everything.
  17. I wish the republicans would bring impeachment charges. The result wouldn't be a good look for MAGA.
  18. "The cumulative effect of these numerous deceptive schemes to inflate Mr. Trump's assets, and hence his net worth, is staggering," and is "just the tip of a much larger iceberg of deception (the state) is prepared to expose at trial," James said. https://www.reuters.com/world/us/new-york-says-trump-should-be-found-liable-fraud-even-before-trial-2023-08-30/
  19. Oh, poor Tug. He'll be devastated to hear that. Maybe get a life and stop attacking posters personally?
  20. Did you read the article. Who do you think he inflated the number to and why? I'll give you a hint: tax fraud.
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