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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. All a result of this. https://www.forbes.com/sites/douglaswigdor/2022/05/25/statute-of-limitations-on-sexual-assault-eliminated-for-one-year-in-new-york-following-passage-of-the-adult-survivors-act/?sh=4d812b3546fd https://www.wxxinews.org/capitol-bureau/2022-11-23/adult-survivors-of-sexual-abuse-have-a-year-to-sue-the-alleged-abuser-starting-thanksgiving-day
  2. There was a statute of limitations. The administration dropped it for one year. This is why E Jean Carroll could sue trump and why this suit could go ahead.
  3. If nothing is going to happen Garland will say so when it doesn't happen. Saying that nothing is happening does not mean that nothing will happen.
  4. 'We only need six to come over': Jim Clyburn thinks Dems could strike deal with GOP moderates on new Speaker https://www.rawstory.com/raw-investigates/james-clyburn/
  5. This was my first "porn" experience. I watched this movie several times as a 14 year old kid and fantasized over Olivia Hussey for years. Olivia Hussey was 15 and Leonard Whiting 16 when they starred in the Oscar-winning version of William Shakespeare's tragedy. The actors, now both in their 70s, claim in a suit filed in Santa Monica last week that a bedroom scene in which buttocks and bare breasts are visible amounts to sexual exploitation by movie studio Paramount, and that the company was guilty of distributing nude pictures of adolescents. The suit says Zeffirelli -- who died in 2019 -- cajoled them into performing the scene, telling them without it "the picture would fail", having originally insisted there would be no actual nudity, with both actors covered by flesh-colored underwear. https://www.rawstory.com/romeo-and-juliet-child-actors-sue-over-1968-nude-scene/ https://www.bbc.com/news/entertainment-arts-64160726
  6. On Thursday, The Detroit News reported that retired Congressman Fred Upton (R-MI) is entertaining a plan to offer Democrats some degree of power sharing in the House in return for joining with a handful of GOP lawmakers to elect him Speaker of the House, in the event that Republicans fail to solve their gridlock in trying to elect Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-CA). According to the report, one possible offer Upton could make Democrats is an equal number of seats on House committees. https://www.rawstory.com/fred-upton/
  7. I think it's a bit of a leap to think that transhumanism will be used vicariously in a democratic society. Genetic manipulation has long been used to fix defects in embryos. AI and nanotechnology obviously has application for disabled people.
  8. Maybe the same advice could be applied to his elder brother and his father?
  9. You didn't link to my post. You clipped my post. I believe that was in reference to members here demonstrating racism toward Markle, nothing to do with her accusations.
  10. 'Circular firing squad' derails GOP in new Congress “McCarthy’s election to speaker may be the easiest thing he does all year. Then trying to legislate in the majority, obviously that’s going to be very hard,” said Sen. John Cornyn (R-Texas). “Especially if you have people who are not particularly interested in generating a legislative result and who are more interested in attracting attention to themselves.” https://www.politico.com/news/2023/01/04/gop-leadership-congress-mccarthy-mcconnell-00076211
  11. I used the word "accusations" extensively, like in every post. "Unproven accusations" is a tautology.
  12. Why are there no whistleblowers? Not a peep about top government officials and secret societies.
  13. Definitely. I tried that long ago but you kept misconstruing my claim.
  14. Between the Russians and Chinese I expect a renaissance in Pattaya condo prices and rents. I'm not happy.
  15. I have no ability or desire to cook for myself. I just try to avoid foods that I believe are toxic as much as practicable without being anal about about it. That means cutting out red meat essentially. I'd like to stop drinking milk but the fat is a comfort food as you alluded. I want to use intermittent fasting to attempt to offset some of the harmful effects of the food I do eat such as the oil they are fried in. I like wok fried food. I make salads and add sardines frequently. I also eat a lot of fruit.
  16. All well and good but the point is that they made the accusation. My initial response was a post from another member claiming that they had other motives not including racism. I'm not going to be drawn into an argument about whether or not such incidents occurred. My sole point was to establish that they did, in fact, cite racism as a motive for leaving. Go ahead and prove they are liars yourself if you wish. I have proved my point that they made the accusation. That's all I set out to do.
  17. You can look for whatever you like. That wasn't my contention.
  18. I can't think of any other beaches I'd prefer to be sitting on right now.
  19. I wasn't. I was referring to accusations of racism made by H & M. Any rational person can conclude that they implied that "incidents of racism" had occurred. There would be no basis for their accusation had they not occurred. As I said, it's not for me to challenge the veracity of H & M comments. I posted only that they had made those comments as part of the reason they had estranged themselves (at least in part) from the royal family. That they made those accusations must be beyond question at this point.
  20. Trump had initially tried to help McCarthy get the votes he needed, but declined on Tuesday to say whether he’d continue supporting the lawmaker after he lost the three consecutive rounds of voting. https://thehill.com/homenews/house/3797518-trump-attacks-mcconnell-wife-over-gop-turmoil-after-mccarthy-fails-to-win-speakership/
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