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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. aww, he's just trying to imply that the lure of "free stuff" induced hordes of young voters to vote for Biden. Truth is, most of those young voters won't be eligible for student loan forgiveness anyway so it's just a talking point.
  2. The problem arises when people don't vote in their own best interests. The propaganda industry is all about convincing people to do otherwise.
  3. It would be wrong to cast brexit as apolitical. https://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2019/10/28/brexit-divides-the-uk-but-partisanship-and-ideology-are-still-key-factors/
  4. I think you're likewise trying to pin any garbage on the left, like the projectionist claim that the remainers don't understand that their energy bills are a product of the war, not brexit.
  5. The fact that many young people were motivated to vote would have been a big factor in this election because they normally don't vote so much. That would imply that climate change was a significant factor. There's not many other factors which would explain the high turnout among younger voters.
  6. That and the general conspiracy theory BS. I think many factors played a part and one of them might have been concern about right wing equivocation about supplying arms to Ukraine. The need to do something about gun laws would have been another.
  7. I do agree that they should be required to pay the same wages but this sounds to me a like Apple making computers in China, the public corporations making poor decisions outsourcing manufacturing to save a buck, unfettered by government regulation. It shouldn't have taken Brexit to stamp that out but it did. Why? It's easier to blame somebody else.
  8. Bucking the historical trend was the real victory and the message to political extremism.
  9. This reads to me like some companies wrote contracts with Polish labour agencies to ensure a viable source of contract labour. If this is not the case would you care to elaborate?
  10. If you actually read my post I said "Whether or not it was the main reason is debatable". That leaves room for some people to claim it wasn't their motivation. That at least some people voted based on racist attitudes is beyond question. Economists certainly weren't typically in favour of brexit, not many other obvious motivations out there. If not absolute racism then a big dose of xenophobia at least.
  11. Earlier this year, a Brookings Institution report worried that US democracy was “failing”, and that in doing so it was, God forbid, putting capitalism at risk. The solution, according to the report’s authors, was for US corporate capitalist heavyweights to intervene even more heavily in politics, ie to do more of what made the US an undemocratic corporate plutocracy in the first place. ... But since US democracy was designed to be undemocratic, is it not also succeeding in its failure? https://www.aljazeera.com/opinions/2022/11/9/has-us-democracy-failed-for-good
  12. It seems like there was no effective air traffic control. Still, VFR rules should have been enough as you say.
  13. Is a tax cut of 2.5 trillion, mainly going to the rich, not handing out money like sweets?
  14. Ok, are you really saying you have never laughed at anybody's link other than in response to their joke? I will say your claim that racism had nothing to do with brexit is patently false. Whether or not it was the main reason is debatable. I believe it was because the predicted outcome came to pass. The UK joined the EU in the first place for a reason. There is a strong confluence between prominent racists (with convictions) and Brexiteers, that's not deniable.
  15. I believe fear of the Supreme Court post Trump was another big influence in the vote. Chief Justice Roberts has lost effective control of the court agenda and Thomas is clearly placing his thumb on the scale, either driven by or with the assistance of his wife.
  16. If it's not then you have to admit that the charts and numbers make a strong case that it did.
  17. The GOP should have read the writing on the wall when Trump experienced a blue wave in his mid terms and ultimately lost his own re-election. Biden was not popular as a candidate even then but still produced a record voter turnout and handily beat Trump who beat the previous record number of votes for a second term election. As the saying goes, stupidity is doing the same thing and expecting a different result.
  18. Does that table demonstrate that the UK economy went up, down or sideways since Brexit?
  19. No powder found in the mail. Any guesses as to what actually happened there?
  20. https://www.piie.com/research/piie-charts/uk-and-global-economy-after-brexit
  21. Trump is famous for disregarding expert advice on any issue. In fact he had to be strongly dissuaded by his advisors from some of his more rash ambitions. Furthermore, if I recall correctly the truth was actually hidden from Bush.
  22. Was it Churchill that said "Americans will always do the right thing only after they have tried everything else"?
  23. They have not. There have been huge recent judgements against big pharma. It's just not a political issue.
  24. I said my piece and you just quoted it. Regardless of any deflections you may wish to indulge about ancient racial history and migration patterns, I stand by my assertion that Brexit propaganda was mainly driven by racist elements and assisted by foreign interference.
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