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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. Kemp to testify before Fulton grand jury Tuesday https://www.ajc.com/politics/breaking-kemp-to-testify-before-fulton-grand-jury-tuesday/TUIQE54KIBFH5LCINSOYARBPVY/
  2. Nobody happier than this person: Liz Cheney leads the way in 'congratulating' Kari Lake on her Arizona loss https://www.rawstory.com/kari-lake-mocked-loss/
  3. His failure to recuse is a crime in this circumstance. It's certainly an impeachable offense. Thomas's wife was engaged in organizing the fake electors.
  4. Now that the election is over, the Dems need to impeach SC justice Thomas soon, before the GOP take over the house because they will never do it. Impeachments rarely, if ever, succeed but they need to be heard when circumstances warrant. The US can't stand to have an SC justice's wife campaigning to illegally overthrow an election while her husband runs interference in the court. To allow that would be to surrender democracy to the unholy cabal of the oligarchy and the would be philosophy. It amazes me that those who believe there is a deep state also believe that it's run by the left. That's the koolaide financed by the power and wealth. The oligarchy realized that the religious right were the ideal useful idiots to target when the GOP adopted the southern strategy. The oligarchs would get protection for their racketeering (Citizens United) in return for religiously motivated laws about abortion and anti gay laws. Small bananas in return for the real power. Not for nothing is there a nexus between education and conservatism and religion. Not for nothing do the GOP disdain education. There is also the possibility that, if there was an impeachment, the GOP congress would be forced to vote to impeach Thomas or be smeared with the stink of corruption and decimation at the next general election.
  5. Is it worse than running and funding a fake candidate with an identical name to an opposition candidate to draw off the vote?
  6. and, as politics becomes more and more polarized, the elections are closer and so take longer to arrive at a result.
  7. Who wouldn't back an unelectable candidate in an opposition primary? Do you think the Dems are bad people for doing that? It worked.
  8. Trump set the stage when he declared AZ's own war hero a loser in his own election campaign. It's no surprise at all that Trump continues to be punished by AZ voters. His endorsed election denying cretin failed. Trump was toxic at this election. He alone cost the GOP a red wave. That opinion will be voiced over and over during the next days and weeks.
  9. My money is on Trump not getting the memo and announcing his presidential run today. His chances of winning will not factor into the equation. He wants to burn the party to the ground now, while potentially (in his mind) protect himself from prosecution by giving himself a platform to claim he's a victim of political persecution. LOL.
  10. Why is that? Is the time it takes to count votes a huge problem somehow? Are we without a government in the meantime? This is the normal experience in Australia which has huge mail in voting. nobody complains about fairness.
  11. Rubbish, you have no evidence. The Trump apologists' best defence is "both sides do it".
  12. The dozen or so convictions and as many pardons which prevented convictions is why Trump lost. If we want to discuss the Washington swamp. Kushner stayed at Trump hotel at the same time as Qatar officials — two months before their property deal https://www.rawstory.com/jared-kushner-qatar/?traffic_source=Connatix
  13. An unprogrammable IQ testing device from yesteryear.
  14. I thought they did everywhere.. Microwave clocks are like VCR clocks, a waste of space.
  15. Because no president ever signs anything without thoroughly reading it , right? They never rely on aides to tell them what's in it?
  16. If nothing else tangible emerged then record low unemployment didn't either. The UK shares this statistic with many countries around the world which have nothing to do with the EU or brexit.
  17. On the other hand we have the corrupt right wing extremist supreme court judge attempting to block investigations into his wife. It is beyond the pale that this scum didn't recuse. He must be impeached. A long-standing call for U.S. Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas to face impeachment proceedings was renewed Monday after the right-wing judge indicated in an unsigned dissent that he would have blocked enforcement of the House January 6 panel's subpoena for the communications records of Arizona Republican Party Chair Kelli Ward. https://www.rawstory.com/clarence-thomas-impeachment/
  18. Would you support a ban on hate speech or not?
  19. Undoubtedly, Obama's last minute tour exhorting people that democracy was at stake contributed to the large turnout among the younger voters.
  20. Yeah, I misremembered the news outlet but my point is the tory brexit backer now whingeing about not being able to hire foreign workers.
  21. this one https://www.business-live.co.uk/retail-consumer/brexit-backer-next-boss-lord-25482506
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