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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. You might be right. CFD has nothing to do with politics and has been used as a financial trading tool since forever.
  2. No matter where you stand on abortion, the audience for the state GOP's legislatures setting up snitch bounties (eg Texas) and forcing pre-teen rape victims to carry and ectopic victims to die has a very small constituency." https://www.rawstory.com/trump-gop-midterm-debacle/?traffic_source=Connatix
  3. Nobody is singling the praises of Big Pharma. Nobody. We do need their products but that's a different issue.
  4. Your denial that race had anything to do with Brexit caused me to actually laugh. Case in point is UKIP, rabidly racist and pro Brexit
  5. At least the Biden Administration is taking concrete steps to reel in Chinese theft of intellectual property like the Chips Act and reinstating US membership in the trade alliance against China. I forget what it's acronym is. All Trump could do was install a tariff and falsely claim that the Chinese were paying it, testament to his intellectual incapacity and dishonesty.
  6. No rational excuse has ever been ventured by the leavers which wasn't proved wrong by the outcome. Like the economy.
  7. I regard the religiously motivated far right right stance against abortion as part of the Trump toxicity. He did the bidding of the Federalist Society by installing their nominated catholic extremist judges.
  8. Throw away slogans like "We won't surrender to wokeness" isn't a plan for government. Sounds more like a religious sermon that a political manifesto because it is. The far right are doing their level best to replace democracy with theocracy and oligarchy.
  9. There's been a lot of speculation from liberal Dems about what might have been if they had chosen a charismatic leader. It says a lot when an unpopular leader still produces a good result in difficult economic times and against historical trends. The Trump toxicity is the single reason that the right wing extremists fared particularly poorly.
  10. Not his votes to allocate. That's why all states should have the same rules as Georgia or use preferential voting like some other countries.
  11. Yep, the big lie about WMD. 9/11 saved Bush who proceeded to attack the wrong country. He was known for not being too bright as a President, and like Reagan, didn't really run the country.
  12. But other countries are doing similar things and they aren't circling the drain. The economic cost of doing nothing is going to make people wish we had spent more when we had the chance. It's already probably too late because of climate denialism funded by Big Pollution.
  13. If it doesn't work why do the Russians and Chinese keep doing it?
  14. Pretty obvious, really. When you cut off your nose to spite your face it hurts. The leavers blatantly put the issue of immigration and race ahead of economic prosperity. I don't think the jury is out on that anymore. The UK is leas dependent on Russian energy than EU countries and yet has fared far worse so it's got nothing to do with Russia.
  15. Much the same reason as Europeans want to go to a Thai club. They're not racist.
  16. You'd need to be pretty feeble minded to believe that young people of one political persuasion considered abortion to be birth control but similar people of another political persuasion did not. That's really pushing a message of hate.
  17. I need to buy an electric motorcycle (scooter type) so my daughter's mother can transport her to school every day in the Philippines. Distance is about 2 Km and the sois are too narrow for the trikes they have there. I have researched a couple selling on Lazada but one has a 2 month warranty and the other has no warranty. Both cost around 25,000 baht. Does anyone have any recommendations for a reasonable quality bike? There seems to be dozens of them so I guess there's no brand reputation yet. Do they last, generally speaking?
  18. Crime tends to concentrate in cities. Cities tend to vote democrat. See anything wrong with your non sequiter?
  19. It's also how all drivers in Australia are required to exit a T junction with limited lateral view. Slowly and carefully.
  20. A lot of supposition there. I don't want to say much because I opened my mouth on the Samui garbage truck accident and I was wrong after seeing the video. In this case, if the driver was in Australia he'd probably be looking at something like culpable negligence causing death. There's going to be a lot of outrage over this. The video also shows him not immediately stopping but running over something, either the bike or a person. He may have killed someone doing this. He was required to stop totally, completely and immediately.
  21. Why the US is becoming more brazen with its Ukraine support The Biden administration is arming Ukraine with weapons that can do serious damage to Russian forces, and, unlike early in the war, U.S. officials don’t appear worried about Moscow’s reaction. In the past several months, Washington has detailed tranches of new drones, harder-hitting missiles and deadly rocket systems as part of billions of dollars pledged to the former Soviet country. The clear support is a far cry from the early days of the war, when the U.S. government seemed hesitant to list exactly what was being sent into Ukraine so as not to tip off or draw the ire of Moscow. https://thehill.com/policy/international/3627782-why-the-us-is-becoming-more-brazen-with-its-ukraine-support/
  22. That would also be a breach of rules. Your over the top vitriolic, racist comments are not deserving of a response.
  23. You just demonstrated a complete ignorance of the definition of racist. Either that or you just handed out a gratuitous flame.
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