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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. Not for that reason. I have now said 4 times that immigration should be restricted. The only reason is because of economic disruption, orderly immigration is fine. Powell made overtly racist remarks which drown out any other conversation he may have wanted to have. He is rightly vilified by all right thinking people because of it. Flashes of reason don't redeem racists.
  2. There's no humour in racism. There is no racist joke which is anything other than toxic.
  3. I already know. Dems dislike Facebook and support hearings to investigate Google monopolies. Is that wrong?
  4. I have already said I don't favour unrestricted immigration. Three times now with this post. What I am in favour of is giving all refugee claims a fair hearing as required by international law.
  5. Many people like to live in SEA, not just Thailand only because they can't afford to live in their own countries on a pension. Would that alone not make those countries the "best" place to live for them?
  6. Like Facebook and Google? Are you sure? Or just projecting?
  7. I didn't,. I said supporters of racists like Powell are also racists. I singled out no person.
  8. and he was wrong about Australia and NZ too if he included them. He was right about Africa, lol.
  9. He was as open as book. Supporters deserve to be labelled as racists. Hitler was intelligent too, as was Mussolini, Pol Pot, Mao, Stalin and many others who are also vile.
  10. Not by me and it as directed at me. Maybe I missed something, could you explain why you think that?
  11. How is that relevant to Powell being a racist scum? Did he ever recant?
  12. 7 (seven) years Starr took to investigate Clinton and found nothing on the original complaint and had to settle for forcing Clinton to lie about a personal affair in order to protect his marriage which had nothing to do with anybody but wowsers didn't agree. If anybody thinks that was some kind of national security threat then they need to take a cold shower.
  13. His forecast was that the black man would have the whip hand over whites, presumably because of superior numbers. That's not likely to happen anytime soon and if it's a concern then that's racist in and of itself.
  14. The empah faded long ago. The overwhelming majority of Australians have wanted to cut the apron strings ever since 1975.
  15. The problem with racism and why it's so toxic? Racism and racists are the single cause of all the world's evil. Racism is strongly entrenched in churches which denigrate other religions, based on racism. The SBC in the US exists only because of its racist roots and support of slavery. Anti racist "woke" awareness should be taught at a very early age and strongly reinforced throughout all educational programs and by all educational institutions. To some extent is already is but not nearly enough.
  16. Huh? anti Brit? How did you infer that from my post about Australian racism?
  17. I'm not asking you to to care what I think, I'm telling you that your comment was racist.
  18. oh, I'm very happy to point the finger at Australian racism as well. Did you know we massacred a large proportion of the Aboriginal population? We forcibly removed kids form their parents for decades and abused them in institutions. Wanna start a thread about Australian crimes against humanity?
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