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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. Legal analyst Glenn Kirschner said Friday that former President Donald Trump might have sold classified documents that were found missing from dozens of empty folders with classified markings that were retrieved by FBI agents who searched his Florida residence last month. "The most reasonable inference is that Donald Trump disposed of those classified documents after unlawfully taking them from the White House," Kirschner said in a video posted on YouTube. There is no compelling argument against arresting Donald Trump promptly." https://www.newsweek.com/trump-may-have-sold-classified-documents-should-arrested-kirschner-1739646
  2. Siberia has huge amounts of melting methane which is going to cause environmental disaster. Tropical areas will become unlivable.
  3. Of course CO2 emissions should be compared per capita, anything else is ridiculous.
  4. Where was Russia going to get the gas? It's main motivation was to shut down coal and nuclear power generation in favour of natural gas which is much cleaner than the former two. Nuclear power may not produce CO2 but ultimately nuclear waste poses a huge problem for the planet, not to mention the now obvious danger.
  5. The source of the concern is not merely anecdotal. Over the past half-decade, the number of threat investigations launched by the U.S. Capitol Police has skyrocketed, from 3,939 in 2017 to 9,625 in 2021 — a spike of almost 150 percent, according to numbers provided by the department. Lawmakers who are critical of Trump remain among those most frequently targeted for violence. “People who show that there’s a way to be a conservative and not be part of the MAGA faction are in the targets because that’s the most threatening group,” https://thehill.com/homenews/house/3626478-violent-threats-against-lawmakers-have-congress-on-edge/
  6. The thread is about politicians. Enoch Powell was a politician.
  7. We know the documents were top secret. That's all we need to know and that's all we are going to know. No need to wait before vilifying trump as a traitor.
  8. You deflected into politicians calling each other names and now you're complaining about discussion of it? lol
  9. It's about racism. Powell was infamously racist and that's the single reason his name is known to anyone today.
  10. The phrase "The Ugly Australian" was coined to describe the prevalence of Australian tourists who go to other countries and trample all over local sensitivities.
  11. The arrest of Kellye SoRelle, the Texas attorney associated with the Oath Keepers on Thursday, on conspiracy to obstruct an official proceeding and other "offenses" potentially marks a new stage of the prosecution of the perpetrators of the Jan. 6, 2021 attack on the US Capitol. In a direct message to Raw Story on Twitter, SoRelle pointed the finger at three high-profile Trump allies: retired Lt. General Flynn, attorney Sidney Powell and retired Overstock.com CEO Patrick Byrne. Powell filed multiple lawsuits seeking to overturn the election, while Flynn rallied Trump supporters at protests and media appearances, and Byrne covered travel and lodging costs for a wide array of volunteer researchers and analysts seeking to reverse the election. https://www.rawstory.com/kellye-sorelle/
  12. Wasn't somebody in another thread just claiming that the GOP wasn't a violent party? The GOP leaders are just going to pretend that this isn't them but say nothing to denounce the those who make violent threats. Graham, are you listening?
  13. But Hilary's email server! Those empty folders are going to be a huge problem for Trump if he can't account for the documents.
  14. It's a good percentage of them. Trump has a 67% approval rating in the CPAC poll. Anyone who approves of Trump also approves of his message. Until the GOP finally repudiate Trump they're going to have to face this criticism of being a violent lawless party.
  15. Listen to his speech [again], there's a clue in there. He battling an insurrectionist outlaw party right now.
  16. The only problem with renewable energy is that despite the various green parties in the EU warning about reliance on Russia for gas instead of moving to wind and solar faster and sooner they took the easy way out.
  17. That's really made my day! Do you subscribe to the false flag conspiracy that they are FBI and ANTIFA setups?
  18. That's why I like living in Thailand. All the unhealthy food and drink is outside my budget. I've eaten or drank every one of those things this year but not very often.
  19. If there are issues with crime it isn't because of the perpetrator's race unless it's a hate crime.
  20. "Dozens of EMPTY folders labeled 'Classified' or 'Return to Military Aide.' Trump didn’t pack up EMPTY folders to take with him to FLA. Things just went from bad to worse to unfathomably dangerous." https://www.rawstory.com/unfathomably-dangerous-former-federal-prosecutor-on-trumps-empty-folders-warns-things-just-went-from-bad-to-worse/
  21. Was there something non factual about the article? Try to debate in good faith and cut the racism.
  22. His perceived performance by tories is irrelevant. Your claim that the UK isn't racist towards its public figures is not true.
  23. Yes, his own party. He never was in a psoition to pass laws because of his racism. Too much even for the Tories. Mr Heath last night dismissed Mr Enoch Powell from the Shadow Cabinet. It became clear that the members of Mr Heath's Shadow Cabinet were unanimous that Mr Powell would have to go. Several Front Bench members let it be known that they would resign if Mr Powell remained. https://www.theguardian.com/news/1968/apr/22/mainsection.ianaitken
  24. You claim he's right without a supporting argument. You claim he had to pass laws to be a racist. Just a waste of time.
  25. You've said your piece. You've added nothing new here. Others have disagreed with you, let it go unless you can produce something new. It's getting tedious. The guy is a violent, armed insurrectionist. He deserved what the judge gave him. Unless he appeals, it's over.
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