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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. Shame you can't drink the water. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2021-03-16/new-zealand-rivers-pollution-100-per-cent-pure/13236174
  2. Is that true? Sadiq Khan says he has received at least 233,000 "explicitly racist or racialised social media messages" since being elected mayor of London in 2016. https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-london-61403035
  3. accidentally replied to you instead of GG who posted the photo. Sorry.
  4. Already provided. The government recommends wearing masks in crowded places and places with poor ventilation. Supermarkets are both of those.
  5. I agreed with the jury who didn't buy his defense either. No need to re-litigate it now, Webster will have a couple of years to think about it. Webster's attorney, James Monroe, wrote in a court filing that Webster's actions -- which he previously argued were in self-defense and justified -- were now "unmistakably violent and reprehensible," calling them, "unspeakable" acts. https://edition.cnn.com/2022/09/01/politics/nypd-officer-january-6-sentencing/index.html
  6. Do you believe the government doesn't consider supermarkets to be high risk venues?
  7. Supermarkets are regarded by the government as crowded places where you should wear a mask. The difference between supermarkets and many other indoor venues is that people need to go to supermarkets whereas a crowded bar is entirely optional. Anywhere where the public mingle in significant numbers is a crowded place, particularly indoors.
  8. Are you suggesting that Webster was sentenced for a crime for which he wasn't charged or convicted of?
  9. Monroe also shifted the blame to former President Donald Trump and the Republican party for turning Webster, and "otherwise decent, law abiding individuals ... against fellow Americans." https://edition.cnn.com/2022/09/01/politics/nypd-officer-january-6-sentencing/index.html
  10. I'm asking questions for which the answer is self evident and obvious. The only rational conclusion was that he brought the flag in order to use it as a weapon. He was found guilty of bringing a weapon, that requires intent.
  11. The jury didn't buy it, they took 3 hours to convict and were unanimous the whole time.
  12. Webster took the flagpole to the Capitol building with intent. As far as I know, it would be pretty difficult to bring a complaint of self defense as an excuse for hitting a police officer but I may be wrong. "We unanimously agreed that there was no self-defense argument here at all." I suspect part of the rationale for this sentence will be the lack of remorse shown as evidenced by the various defenses he provided. https://www.npr.org/2022/05/02/1095940064/nypd-thomas-webster-assault-january-6-assault-officer
  13. As long as the majority of locals continue to wear masks I will as well. That's the path of least harm. No need to force locals to feel unsafe through lack of consideration and public manners.
  14. The flagpole was the weapon, not the flag. Was the flagpole more dangerous than any of these items? By far or just a little? He used it to strike the officer. Can you tell us what the flagpole was made of? Was it a purpose built flagpole or was it selected in order to be used a weapon? 300 people were injured, 6 died as a direct result of this riot.
  15. The main benefit derived from wearing masks is to prevent transmission from the person wearing a mask, not to the person wearing a mask.
  16. Yes, and I said so. The post I was replying to implied that the government did not issue such advice because it wasn't mandatory.
  17. Many places are enforcing the mask mandate because they do listen to the government, you are misinformed about what the government says. The official health department advice in Thailand is to wear masks in crowded places. The government has made it legal to not wear a mask but that differs from the recommendation.
  18. Yes, in relation to residency and working rights aka visas. I don't believe for an instant that Powell wanted British to have the right to go cut sugar cane in the Carribean.
  19. He was more concerned that the black man would get the whip hand. I doubt very much that Powell was merely campaigning for reciprocal visa rights. One always knows when the speaker knows they are lying because they need to resort to dog whistles like Powell did.
  20. I don't think they ever were. I've never had any right of residence in the UK as an Australian.
  21. In May, Webster was found guilty of all six charges he faced, five of which were felonies. Additionally, assaulting a police officer normally carries a heavier sentence. link: OP
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