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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. It really doesn't matter what the numbers are, the evidence is now plaint o see and it's catastrophic, already. Only fools and the corrupt think this is a natural cycle and that the extremes in temperatures and climate will go away.
  2. You don't really expect climate deniers to actually read the links you post do you?
  3. Warming is occurring at a rate many thousands of times faster than at any time in the past apart from major volcanic eruptions. Furthermore, the primary driver of atmospheric temperature is at the highest levels for almost a million years. There is natural change. Right now it should be slowly cooling. Stating the obvious that natural change exists is in no way proving that any of the current warming is related to natural change, let alone how much.
  4. Zero is caused by natural causes because no natural cause has been identified which is or can cause atmospheric warming. On the contrary, much evidence has been discovered to show that climate change is caused by man. A mathematical formula to determine the amount of temperature rise for a given CO2 increase was published over 100 years ago. https://daily.jstor.org/how-19th-century-scientists-predicted-global-warming/
  5. 1980's but it isn't related to climate change in any way. There's a lot we don;t know about cancer either but that doesn't stop us from postulating as to the causes and trying to cure it. https://www.climate.gov/news-features/understanding-climate/el-niño-and-la-niña-frequently-asked-questions
  6. You can do a little cherry picking back in the 60's and 70's if you like but it doesn't change the fact that the overwhelming majority of climate modelling is quite accurate.
  7. No, Graham is supporting Trump in the hope that if Trump stumbles he gets to be chief whack job instead of DeSantis.
  8. There's plenty more... Norm Eisen: Trump likely to face racketeering charges in Georgia https://www.salon.com/2022/06/19/norm-eisen-likely-to-face-racketeering-charges-in-georgia_partner/
  9. Yes, I expected Trump and MAGA to face RICO charges. Tiny fists? LOL https://www.forbes.com/sites/stevedenning/2019/03/06/why-the-trump-organization-now-risks-being-charged-as-a-criminal-enterprise/?sh=32860b313a18
  10. Those violent incidents you described aren't organized crime. MAGA is an organized criminal organization with an agreed leader. Furthermore, justice has already dealt with those incidents. There's no need to rehash them. MAGA are yet to be properly prosecuted for their crimes.
  11. The best outcome is probably that Trump blows everything up and then implodes. I'm hoping that's what he does and so far he's following the script.
  12. Trump’s Truth Social barred from Google Play over content moderation https://thehill.com/policy/technology/3621000-trumps-truth-social-barred-from-google-play-over-content-moderation/
  13. German inflation rose to its highest level in almost 50 years in August, beating a high set only three months earlier, data showed, strengthening the case for the European Central Bank to go for a larger basis-point interest rate increase next month. Consumer prices, harmonised to make them comparable with inflation data from other European Union countries (HICP), increased by 8.8% on the year, following an unexpected 8.5% rise in July, the federal statistics office said on Tuesday. The reading was in line with a Reuters poll of analysts. https://www.reuters.com/markets/europe/german-inflation-rises-88-august-2022-08-30/
  14. A person familiar with the matter confirmed that the Republican National Committee is not paying for Trump’s legal fees related to the FBI’s investigation and retrieval of documents at Mar-a-Lago. That’s a departure of sorts from the past. The RNC has, for example, paid for Trump’s legal bills involving New York Attorney General Tish James’ investigation into the former president’s private businesses. https://www.politico.com/news/2022/08/30/trump-florida-solicitor-general-mar-a-lago-probe-00054219
  15. Collins then posted a screen shot from a QAnon forum that giddily revealed that Trump promoted a meme that referenced "The Storm," which in QAnon mythology refers to the time when Trump conducts mass arrests of his political foes and exposes them as part of a global pedophile cabal. https://www.rawstory.com/trump-qanon-2657966360/
  16. Trump’s meltdown, which includes dozens of posts and reposts per hour, comes amid his baseless demand on Monday to either be named president again or have the nation hold a new election “immediately.” “Trump is spending his morning on Truth Social directly posting 4chan and Q messages, a day after calling to be reinstated as president. For good measure, he’s also promoting a nonsense idea that the FBI and antifa, not his supporters, stormed the Capitol on Jan. 6 https://www.rawstory.com/trump-is-losing-it-on-truth-social-as-his-legal-troubles-continue-to-mount/
  17. Republicans hoping to seize control of the House in November are already setting their sights on what is, for many of them, a top priority next year: impeaching President Biden. A number of rank-and-file conservatives have already introduced impeachment articles in the current Congress against the president. They accuse Biden of committing “high crimes” in his approach to a range of issues touching on border enforcement, the coronavirus pandemic and the withdrawal of U.S. troops from Afghanistan. https://thehill.com/homenews/house/3620081-house-conservatives-prep-plans-to-impeach-biden/
  18. Their work is not peer reviewed or heavily criticised (without rebuttal) by the other 97%. That's the point. Very occasionally a contrarian paper does appear in a peer-reviewed journal, which segments of the internet and the media immediately hail as evidence against global warming or its human causes, as if a single paper somehow nullifies thousands of previous scientific findings. https://theconversation.com/climate-change-denial-and-the-abuse-of-peer-review-1552
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