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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. That's what happens when you file a publicity stunt challenge nearly 3 weeks after the raid.
  2. They aren't. They include people like Lord Monckton and Bjorn Lomberg, international laughing stocks. I don't have much time left either and I intend to enjoy it as well but I don't for the life of me understand how that means ignoring climate change. Climate "deniers" are like flat earthers, hence the dismissive adjective. Climate deniers are not to be taken seriously. They are science deniers and the gullible useful idiots of the fossil fuel industry..
  3. Bangkok is particularly vulnerable to rising sea levels. Even if the world stopped emitting greenhouse gases today, the Greenland ice sheet is set to lose at least 3.3% of its mass, or 110 trillion tons of ice, and that will cause almost a foot in global sea-level rise (SLR), says the study, published in Nature Climate Change. By mid-century, 150 million people worldwide could be displaced from their homes just by rising sea levels, according to some estimates. Things are all but guaranteed to get worse if humanity continues to burn fossil fuels. https://www.rawstory.com/melting-of-greenland-ice-sheet-poised-to-trigger-almost-a-foot-of-sea-level-rise-study/
  4. Because 97% think their science is junk and doesn't pass peer review. If it did the 97% would agree with them.
  5. The problem with climate change debate is that climate deniers aren't engaging in a good faith argument. They have a political agenda to pursue and any amount of scientific evidence and opinion won't move them.
  6. No, high school teachers do that. The prediction that CO2 would lead to higher global temperatures was made in the 19th century.
  7. Enough for the actual number not to matter. Scientists are unanimous that CO2 and other greenhouse gases released by man is the major factor.
  8. Drowning by the thousands is a sign of not adapting. So is losing thousands of houses due to fire. Or millions of cattle due to drought. Dikes and air conditioners? Seriously?
  9. This is like having to argue all over again that the earth isn't flat. Some things just aren't open to rational debate. The reason a rational debate isn't possible is that climate deniers are politically and religiously driven, rather than relying on science.
  10. Climate denier talking point 3: claim that blaming a single weather event on climate change is ridiculous while ignoring the wider pattern and trends.
  11. Rubbish, it was very well known and publicised right from 1984. You're just trying on some right wing slur here with your reference to "wokeism".
  12. Humans are directly responsible for global warming due to burning fossil fuels and clearing forests. Were it not for these activities the planet would be cooling. There are no natural factors contributing to global cooling at the present time.
  13. Opinion: What if Trump's conspiracy was way bigger than we know? There was, it increasingly appears, a conspiracy involving some in the most senior levels of the Trump administration to end American representative democracy and replace it with a strongman oligarchy along the lines of Putin’s Russia or Orbán’s Hungary. This would be followed, after the January 20th swearing-in of Trump for a second term, by a complete realignment of US foreign policy away from NATO and the EU and toward oligarchic, autocratic nations like Russia, China, Saudi Arabia, and Hungary. Evidence is growing, however, that the leadership of this conspiracy to end our form of government and replace it with a Putin-style strongman oligarchy wasn’t limited to Trump, Stone, Giuliani, and a few dozen militia members. https://www.rawstory.com/trump-seditious-conspiracy-2657964597/
  14. We passed that point of balance decades ago. Why don't you take the time to do some research for yourself? It's all been posted in this forum over the months. Or you could look at the climate policy for any university.
  15. What script? They are responding to what the scientists are telling them. I never heard of a script
  16. Schumer was not oblivious of the shouting nor what was being yelled. The guy was within feet of him and caused him to fear for his safety. it is not necessary to verbally abuse someone to be guilty of assault. One only has to put someone in a situation where they reasonably fear for their safety. That bar was passed. As for the sentence, there is a deterrent element in play I suspect. The judge obviously felt that forcible entry into the capitol building during an official proceeding and threatening elected officials was fairly egregious.
  17. Extreme weather events are natural on Earth too. What's not natural is the TREND towards ever more extreme events and temperatures.
  18. Said events were obvious to blind freddy like massive volcanic explosions. There isn't anything natural going on to cause global warming or massive CO2 increase which is the prime cause.
  19. I know because every single government scientific and academic institution in the world says so.
  20. Current climate change is on no way associated with any natural cycles of climate change or anything else.
  21. We've still got a long way to go. in 1979, Volcker and his board of governors through a series of rate hikes increased the FFR to 20% in June 1981. This led to a rise in the prime rate to 21.5%, which was the tipping point for the recession to follow. https://aheadoftheherd.com/1979-vs-2022-why-interest-rate-hikes-are-different/
  22. That's already happened. Many links to credible articles have already been posted on this board which adequately establish that climate change is anthropomorphous and is an existential emergency. I'm not going to be drawn into reposting it all for those who won't read them anyway. We know they don't read them because they keep repeating the same debunked talking points without addressing the evidence in those posts.
  23. Actually the reality is that we have completely failed to adapt to the changing climate and no amount of innovation will make a difference which has the outcome of the human species surviving. We either stop burning fossil fuels and clearing trees or we will become extinct.
  24. Yes it has been changing, usually in a known direction, either warming or cooling. Currently the Earth is in a natural cooling phase. The difference is that now it's happening millions of times faster than at any time in the past. Other metrics like CO2 levels are at highs not seen for nearly a million years. No, there is not "vigorous debate". There is the same fake science lobbying from the fossil fuel companies as there was from tobacco companies when their cash cow was threatened. Some politicians amplify the BS because the fossil fuel companies pay them too.
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