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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. I always buy everything COD from Lazada and have never had an issue but I don't buy expensive consumer electronics, just stuff under 1K. COD means no card transaction.
  2. I never said it was. The flip side is that they are unpopular because they are wrong and go about preaching their ignorance and inability to fathom science as if it were a religion or a badge of honour. That's why they are not popular, not because they reasonably question the status quo or think outside the box or aren't sheep.
  3. We've had the climate change debate. There is global consensus aside from a few whack jobs who don't trust science. If you want to find credible evidence that humans aren't responsible for global warming go ahead but so far nobody has yet managed to find anything other than pseudoscience paid for by fossil fuel companies. Claiming that climate deniers are wrong is a fair call.
  4. There were thousands of them outside, the police would have had to fight their way through them to arrest those who entered the building and undoubtedly lives would have been lost. They eventually got many of them anyway so I think they made the right decision.
  5. Here is a prediction for Darwin, Australia which is on a similar latitude as Bangkok. Bangkok can expect to same the same sort of changes. Predictions for Darwin, in northern Australia, suggest an increase in days with temperatures above 35℃ from 11 days a year in 2015 to an average of 43 days under the mid-range emission scenario (IPCC’s RCP4.5 scenario) by 2030 and an average of 111 (range 54-211) days by 2090. Under the higher emission scenario (IPCC’s RCP8.5), an average of 265 days above 35℃ could be reached by 2090. https://theconversation.com/climate-explained-will-the-tropics-eventually-become-uninhabitable-145174 Seriously ugly: here’s how Australia will look if the world heats by 3°C this century At 3℃ of global warming, Australia’s present-day ecological systems would be unrecognisable. https://theconversation.com/seriously-ugly-heres-how-australia-will-look-if-the-world-heats-by-3-c-this-century-157875
  6. I've already been to 7-11 today. I only bought water so you could say that was life.
  7. I wonder why they used a pistol to kill the first person who broke in instead of a machine gun which would have ended the riot then and there. The answer is in a lack of preparedness and planning. There was little to no coordination between the various security agencies and leadership was non existent.
  8. hang on, that's my hero you're talking about. No, not Piers Morgan.
  9. Band wagon. yawn. Really? You think climate change is "very little" and a "band wagon"? I don't think your ilk is very popular in Europe and parts of the US, oh and Australia, and Pakistan and China right now.
  10. Not only did he plead guilty to a serious charge of obstructing senate proceedings but he caused Senator Schumer and others to reasonably fear for their lives, not just their safety. Schumer has access to intelligence and good reason to fear the mob. As an afterthought, his serious intention is bolstered by the 1776 tattoo on his knuckles. Maybe on his heart might have been a better pick?
  11. No it isn't. It's 100% down to human activity, stop spreading disinformation. The jury isn't out.
  12. The vast majority of Thais wear masks in malls so I do as well. Those who don't want to conform to the Thai Government MEDICAL ADVICE which recommends people still wear masks in crowded places should simply stay home. It's no wonder Farangs get a bad rep.
  13. He's just trying the to the rioting in the streets strategy up and running.
  14. I'd vote for the sane party. Clearly the Labor party did not encourage more illegal migrants from crossing the channel. How much more delusional can one get?
  15. If that were true the church would be far less reliant on those props to make its case. The church is central to religion.
  16. In a new post on his Truth Social platform, Trump seemingly reacted to Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg's revelations that the FBI asked his company to watch out for Russian disinformation being spread on his platform, which led to the company limiting the reach of a New York Post story about the contents of Hunter Biden's laptop in the fall of 2020. "So now it comes out, conclusively, that the FBI BURIED THE HUNTER BIDEN LAPTOP STORY BEFORE THE ELECTION knowing that, if they didn’t, “Trump would have easily won the 2020 Presidential Election.'" In fact, the FBI never instructed Facebook to limit the reach of the story -- rather, the decision to do so was made internally by Facebook on suspicions that it was a Russian disinformation operation intended to sway the election. https://www.rawstory.com/trump-2020-election-loss-2657958662/
  17. I've spent a lifetime listening for any hint that my conclusions are not correct. All I see is a church I wouldn't spit on if it was on fire. The harm the church does to society far outweighs the good.
  18. We are not remarkably different to many other species of animal, share similar body organs and physiology. Like them, we are born out of chance and when we die we return to nothing. No different to a garden slug.
  19. Now, there's an oxymoron! "spiritual realities"
  20. Why Biden's 'MAGA philosophy is semi-fascist' isn't the same as Clinton's 'basket of deplorables' Atlantic editor Ron Brownstein joined former Rep. Joe Walsh (R-FL) in discussing the dramatic evolution from a few fringe conservatives being violent to it being a dominant force in the Republican Party. Behind closed doors, President Joe Biden said that MAGA Republicans have gone semi-fascist in their philosophy. The level of lawlessness seen by MAGA Republicans has included the insurrection and violent attack on the U.S. Capitol, the attempt to overthrow the government and 2020 election, voter fraud, a kidnapping attempt, bombing plots, assassination threats, slaying of an anti-racist protester in Charlottesville, two attacks on state FBI headquarters, threats against the National Archives, threats against IRS agents and threats against judges, reporters, FBI agents and a slew of elected officials. https://www.rawstory.com/why-biden-s-maga-philosophy-is-semi-fascist-isn-t-the-same-as-clinton-s-basket-of-deplorables/
  21. In her defence, the Russian invasion of Ukraine has made the situation much worse since she made those comments. I do agree that they were too optimistic about inflation though.
  22. The S&P and bitcoin had risen and risen and risen to record levels without correction. Did you imagine that would go on forever?
  23. Did those presidents refuse to comply with a subpoena? Was one even served? Were any of the retrieved documents marked top secret? Email and telephone accounts don't seem to have the same import as top secret documents.
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