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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. That's because those who invest in the stock market are not stupid, they can see an interest rate rise hike months before it's implemented. Economists knew that inflation was rising at that has only one outcome for interest rates and economic stimulus.
  2. The reason they're falling is because the stimulus has been pulled and interest rates have been pushed up.
  3. Are you trying to tell us that there's no difference between classified and top secret? As I recall the FBI didn't subpoena Clinton to get those documents back, much less have to "raid". Which government agency filed an affidavit of complaint against Clinton?
  4. No, there was net damage. Much of that money went into stock buybacks and assets. The rest is is overseas bank accounts. As AOC said, 81% of that money went to the 1%. That didn't get spent at Walmart. Or anywhere else for that matter. That tax cut was highly inflationary because it stimulated asset demand so much, real estate especially.
  5. Trump became a hero for inciting an insurrection. Now, Graham is trying to get in on the act and steal some of the limelight by inciting mob violence.
  6. “If there’s a prosecution of Donald Trump for mishandling classified information, after the Clinton debacle… there’ll be riots in the streets,” Graham told former South Carolina congressman Trey Gowdy, who now hosts Fox News’ “Sunday Night in America.” Trump shared a clip of the interview on Truth Social later Sunday evening. Gowdy was chairman of the House Select Committee on Benghazi, which probed the 2012 terror attacks in Libya that left four Americans dead and uncovered a private email server used by Clinton. https://thehill.com/homenews/sunday-talk-shows/3619050-graham-predicts-riots-in-the-streets-if-trump-prosecuted-over-classified-docs/
  7. A group of two or more people or a family will always find that condos are cheaper than a hotel suite.
  8. Even if that were completely true, does that make it right not to support controversial opinions? Particularly ones which people find offensive or challenge as false? Is the freedom of speech thing (peculiarly American) so all encompassing that anybody has the right to be a dick on this forum? The bottom line is that everybody who contributes to contentious topics should debate in good faith and not just toss bombs.
  9. You can put up an opinion as much as you lkike but you should still make a good faith attempt to justify it. The dems are stealing babies and selling them to pedophiles. That's my opinion, do I have an ethical duty to support that opinion in any way or can I just put any garbage out there?
  10. Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez said Saturday that Congress could reverse the 2017 GOP tax cuts, which overwhelmingly benefited the rich and large corporations, to finance the cancellation of all remaining student loan debt after President Joe Biden announced his more limited plan to wipe out $10,000 for most borrowers. "Never forget: 83% of the Trump tax breaks are going to the top 1%." The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA), signed into law by former President Donald Trump in 2017, is projected to cost around $1.9 trillion over a decade. Total U.S. student loan debt is currently around $1.75 trillion. https://www.rawstory.com/aoc-student-debt/?traffic_source=Connatix
  11. Got some evidence that's true or just the usual right wing paranoia?
  12. His attention was hard to secure and maintain we had found ourselves using a lot of graphics and images just to get his attention. Things that were sort of catchy, maybe kind of conforming a bit more to it he would appreciate, sort of the headlining approach. And when he did get enthusiastic about certain reporting, these questions were less about the nature of the information, the reliability, but how it played for something on his agenda or interests. https://www.rawstory.com/trump-stealing-documents-hurts-america/
  13. Some people don't eat Thai food and like to do their own cooking.
  14. "What I wonder about is why this could go on for almost two years and, less than 100 days before the election, suddenly we’re talking about this rather than the economy or inflation or even the student loan program," Blunt complained. The answer, of course, is that Trump refused to turn over the documents for the last 14 months. https://www.rawstory.com/republican-sunday-shows-election-fears/
  15. Again, it isn't one individual, society as a whole isn't that stupid. When many complain credibly that some statement is racist then it's racist. It's entirely a collective thing. And don't come back with some argument that there is no unanimity, there doesn't need to be. Sociologists determine when there is a significant groundswell of opposition. It comes down to education.
  16. I'm not referring to individual cases of people lying, that should be obvious. I'm talking about what gets defined as racism and what doesn't.
  17. The difference looks subtle. I would translate that as self interested (full of himself, egotistical) vs selfish.
  18. The appointment of a special master would mean that they had to find someone who has the highest level of clearance to handle such documents in a secure facility. The problem, however, is that there is no "special master" for executive privilege cases. The Justice Department is likely to appeal the decision to a higher court that will overrule Judge Aileen Cannon, and likely, publicly humiliate her. https://www.rawstory.com/trump-judge-pandering-obstruction-charges/
  19. If we can't know that it's a delaying tactic then we also can't know if the request is reasonable. That's an assumption, no different. We also DO know that the tactic won't change the FBI investigation in the tiniest bit. Any documents which either fall under the PRA or which indicate any form of criminality (save for reasonable attorney client privilege, i.e. correspondence between attorney and Trump) will be turned over to the FBI.
  20. There is always always concealment of the warrant until a trial.
  21. Do you imagine that racism is coded into our genes? It is in fact learned and demonstrates how pervasive racism is in society that most people are racist until they get an education or travel.
  22. No need to protect any of those witnesses? Leading counterintelligence officials issued a memo to all of the CIA’s global stations saying that a concerning number of U.S. informants were being captured and executed. The CIA’s counterintelligence mission center investigated dozens of incidents in the last few years that involved killings, arrests or compromises of foreign informants. https://thehill.com/policy/national-security/575384-cia-admits-to-losing-dozens-of-informants-around-the-world-nyt/
  23. They didn't "not pay" anything. They were excused, a few crumbs given to the poor to stop them complaining too much as compared to the massive GOP tax reductions for the rich.
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