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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. Oh, right wing talking point #3, the slippery slope argument. They spent money on X so the universe is the limit. Any reduction in tax burden has always been tax relief. Debt and deficit always goes up under GOP presidencies and down under dem presidencies.
  2. The same pot that Trump gave away 2.4 trillion (with a T) dollars to the rich from. Those arguments about it being taxpayers money so all taxpayers have a right to be butt hurt is just a talking point, probably found on Breitbart or Infowars. Governements spend money according to their mandate and student tax relief is popular.
  3. which makes it more secure, not less, because anyone can identify bugs and submit pull requests on the project repository.
  4. And now you're all butt hurt because other people got free stuff.
  5. I wonder if Trump's administration issued that form when he gave the rich a tax cut?
  6. It's the normal human condition. Anything else is ignorance or prejudice.
  7. Goes to my point about the victims get to decide what's racist, not the perps.
  8. It's a delaying tactic designed to get past the mid terms. The special master appointment, if it happens, is unlikely to significantly affect the direction of the Justice Department investigation, though it’s possible an outside review of the documents could slow the probe down. https://apnews.com/article/florida-government-and-politics-1cc6c63010da10a19fb8cfc8595ffe38?utm_source=homepage&utm_medium=TopNews&utm_campaign=position_5
  9. Forget cutting compound. Mango sap burns deep. Wet and dry and new pain is all that will work. The stuff is like brake fluid. It burns the skin quite badly as well.
  10. Nothing will get mango sap stains off paintwork. It burns the paint. I used to have a mango farm and had a white ute (pickup) streaked with brown stains.
  11. No, I am saying that the term was barely used by anybody until the right wing nutters decided it was a great epithet to hurl at lefties for having a normal social disposition based on personal education and enlightenment. It isn't a concept known in the left wing lexicon. It is pure far right gobbledigook. Your comment about anti-semitism being predominantly a left wing trait is uninformed bias in the extreme.
  12. The U.S. intelligence community will evaluate the potential national security risks stemming from former President Donald Trump’s possession of top-secret documents at his Mar-a-Lago residence, Director of National Intelligence Avril Haines told top lawmakers. In a letter obtained by POLITICO and dated Friday, Haines told House Oversight Committee Chair Carolyn Maloney (D-N.Y.) and House Intelligence Committee Chair Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) that her office will lead an “assessment of the potential risk to national security that would result from the disclosure of the relevant documents.” https://www.politico.com/news/2022/08/27/intel-officials-national-security-fallout-trumps-mar-a-lago-documents-00054006
  13. They filed in a county where there was only one judge, a Trump appointed judge.
  14. No, for lefties, wokeness is normal human behaviour. Lack of woke awareness is racist and social ignorance.
  15. Who has ruined the USA exactly? I don't think I mentioned opposing party supporters in my post.
  16. Bongs for sale on Beach Rd, Pattaya.
  17. They sure as heck don't feel inferior to Trump lovers.
  18. I'd love to see a decent dark theme.
  19. Period means lefties NEVER use the word to describe anybody.
  20. It shouldn't be but only people from one side of politics ever use it. Period.
  21. But somehow a much larger tax gift to the rich isn't robbing the poor to give to the rich?
  22. Can't you make an educated guess as to what he really meant?
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