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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. Voter majority is mob rule? That's made my night. ???? I'm off to walking street now to laugh about that over a beer. Cheers! You'd prefer the "conscience vote" of a certified elector to the democratic vote?
  2. Of course not, it's unacceptable in any country. I used the term to illustrate the only possible circumstance (in my opinion) where the use of the term might be appropriate.
  3. I understand there's a bipartisan bill in the works to mandate that they can't vote against the constituent vote.
  4. The term was often used in a derogatory fashion after world war two. That connotation has faded but it would be wrong to say it's disappeared. Any term which brings attention to race in a negative way is racist. The right approach is not to reference the mixed race aspect at all except as necessary by a doctor or something. For example, Thais don't get skin cancer much. A half caste kid might.
  5. Biden doesn't want people to inject bleach or pesticide into their bodies to cure covid, just for a start. There's a reason that the media is disdainful of Trump. 30,000 lies is another reason. Trump brought all that on himself.
  6. He had a debt to repay to Putin for helping him swing the election.
  7. Did you not read the FBI's explanation for the redactions? It would seem not from your post because you don't address what they said at all. Most people considered it a reasonable explanation. Why wouldn't you want to prevent witnesses from being killed by rabid right wingers who have already made thousands of death threats to FBI agents? Why wouldn't you not want to telegraph your possible prosecution strategy to the defense before a trial? It's extraordinary for the FBI to ever release the warrant before a trial. Do you not know that?
  8. Not true. https://theconversation.com/the-problem-with-jokes-about-irishmen-2370
  9. In Thai, the combination of words can't necessarily be broken down to derive meaning. The word really means half caste and is just as derogatory in Thailand as it's counterpart is in the west. It certainly doesn't mean "half child".
  10. It's because there's no there there. The whole shaking hands with imaginary people (pl?) is a right wing talking point just as valid as being able to drink a glass with one hand or not seeing toilet paper stuck to his shoe, or wearing a wig, or being helped down a ramp from a speech are left wing talking points. i.e. not valid. Tripping on the stairs at his age? Can Trump ride a bicycle? Biden does all the time. Did Trump run up the stirs of air force one? It doesn't get repeated on the liberal news is because it isn't news and nor are they trying to throw red meat to an ignorant base.
  11. Can you tell me what English word my user name is derived from and then explain how that relates to the word "moron", other than the spelling of part of it? Adamant was neither a person nor an ant.
  12. There's no laws against ridiculing a religion, at least not in the UK.
  13. There's plenty of Trump haters that think he won't face jail. A smaller number believe he won't be convicted.
  14. No, could you explain? I wouldn't have used it if I'd thought that. You do understand that the word "moron" is not related to my user name etymologically?
  15. An ongoing investigation by the FBI is BS because they haven't brought charges? LOL.
  16. Like for a year at tertiary level. Stop being an idiot.
  17. I'm not sure where I said I had no knowledge of the Thai language. I've been able to speak and read Thai for 40 years. Every country has it's bigots and racists. Thais are no different to any other nation in this respect. It is wrong to characterise Thais as racists in general. That itself is racist stereotyping.
  18. That's true. The sitcom was an early attempt to break down the racist barriers by portraying the blacks as just like whites. And they made the racists look like idiots. It, however, quite crude and employed every stereotypical joke in the book which is why it's now considered inappropriate for a more sophisticated and better educated audience, not to mention much greater numbers of people at the target end of the skits.
  19. Like most people I was brought up a product of my peers and their prejudices. By age 17 I was decidedly anti-racist. Where I came from has the highest indigenous population in Australia and the white population was and still is quite racist. I started travelling at an early age and can honestly say I have never had a shred of a racist attitude toward any race or nationality. I briefly studied sociology and anthropology at uni because I was interested in the curriculum until I realised there was no money in it as a career. Am I prejudiced against far right wingers, you bet, like all extremists. That said, there are far more right wing extremists than left. The domestic terrorism stats in any country support this conclusion in my mind. I'm very much a data driven type of person.
  20. Exploiting workers in and of itself isn't racism. There sems to be a lack of understanding of fundamental concepts here.
  21. Can a white person complain about public racist comments made by another white person or are they just being offended on behalf of someone else and therefore should be cancelled?
  22. I have no clue what Thai transgenders feel but I suspect you don't either.
  23. Thais aren't capable of understanding or sensitivity toward minorities? You make no sense. "Woke" is a word coined to describe a concept and used as an epithet by the right. It applies to all populations equally.
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