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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. Doesn't have enough letters, maybe just add L for leftist?
  2. shock news: show which methodically portrayed blacks as inferior declared harmless by non black man.
  3. Hannity - "This is New Green Deal radical socialism." Gotta use "socialism", "green" and "radical" in the same sentence. Perfect. This is what passes as right wing debate these days, a string of epithets. https://www.rawstory.com/sean-hannity-2657941541/
  4. Not one person one the planet was financially harmed by this bill, vague assertions that taxpayers are harmed mantras aside.
  5. Trump World’s Mar-a-Lago Offensive Backfires It turns out the former president tried to block FBI access to retained classified documents, but Biden intervened. Meantime, some unsolicited advice to the former president and his apologists: If you are trying not to get indicted, the best defense is usually not a good offense. And it is never an offense that backfires. https://www.nationalreview.com/2022/08/trump-worlds-mar-a-lago-offensive-backfires/
  6. I did here. There are couple of key words in his comments which are exactly the same as yours and don't give me the story about the monkey on a typewriter eventually writing the same words. It's clear you are paraphrasing talking points, having read them on some website.
  7. I'm in fierce agreement and never said or implied otherwise.
  8. That was my point, they were NATO members acting outside the auspices of NATO. It happened then and can happen again.
  9. If things get worse at the nuclear plant, NATO may just regard that as a threat to member nations and invoke article 5. The danger from a chernobyl x 10 is too great not to.
  10. It wouldn't but it also would not preclude a "coalition of the willing" whether NATO members or not. This is what Bush achieved in Iraq and the force included NATO members.
  11. The question was what about those people who didn't benefit from the loans or fit the income limits. None of those people are financially damaged, they just got their little feelings hurt. The question was trite.
  12. When a reporter asked the president whether his plan was unfair to those who have repaid student loans or chose not to borrow in the first place, Biden replied, “Is it fair to people who, in fact, do not own multi-billion-dollar businesses if they see one of these guys getting all the tax breaks? Is that fair? What do you think?” https://thehill.com/homenews/morning-report/3615080-the-hills-morning-report-will-bidens-student-loan-plan-pump-up-the-base/
  13. The right wing become real debt and deficit hawks when they're not holding the purse strings. It's a bit different when they do.
  14. Demonstrating consideration for minorities is "failed thinking"?
  15. "President Biden's student loan socialism is a slap in the face to every family who sacrificed to save for college, ... https://www.businessinsider.com/mitch-mcconnell-gop-republicans-slams-bidens-outrageous-student-loan-forgiveness-2022-8
  16. Can't possibly give "free stuff" to the poor but it's ok for the rich. Were Trump's tax cuts a good thing?
  17. A couple of trillion was a single tax giveaway to the rich, an amount far bigger than this bill but you're glossing over that.
  18. Just wondering why you claim to be impervious to racism but regard the community you live in to be racist against you because they use a "racist" word to describe you? Perhaps you're more concerned at protecting the racism you care to impart?
  19. Those that couldn't afford to get a loan will lose nothing and those who can clearly afford to pay it back can hardly claim to be screwed. So, who gets screwed?
  20. Some of us don't consider the term "farang" to be a slight at all.
  21. This is an almost verbatim quote from Mitch McConnell yesterday. It might have been nice if you attributed it. I saw it by chance reported on CNN.
  22. The real reason the right wing are agin' this. President Joe Biden announced a highly anticipated plan Wednesday to offer student loan relief to more than 40 million people, a move supporters hope will have life-changing ramifications for borrowers, particularly women, who hold two-thirds of student loan debt, and women of color, whose loan debt is highest. He is also making reforms to lessen the debt burden on borrowers in the public service loan forgiveness program and income-driven repayment plans, allowing those with undergraduate student loans to cap repayments at 5 percent of their monthly earnings. As a side issue, Australia has had this student loan repayment cap since forever. https://www.rawstory.com/women-biden-loan-forgiveness/
  23. Except that mainly Republicans oppose this tax cut for the poor. That includes all Republican elected politicians. I guess many independents will benefit from this as well.
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