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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. The key word should be respect. Respect for others around you and respect for expert medical opinion and recommendations. Not to mention respect for facts. The rate of infections and deaths is increasing in Thailand and elsewhere right now.
  2. Some comments, yours in particular demonstrably increase the death rate from covid. You are permitted your own opinion but it's misinformation at best to state it publicly.
  3. The thing about democracy is that everybody is expected to abide by the majority rules. When the majority recommend masks, everyone is supposed to comply. Otherwise it's a civil uprising or disobedience.
  4. What you are doing should be illegal. Comments like yours demonstrably result in witless fools dying unnecessarily.
  5. "In most of Europe masks were gone months ago" It's not completely true. Requirement to wear coverings in certain spaces dropped as part of government’s ‘Living with Covid’ strategy but increasingly advisable as cases rise https://www.independent.co.uk/news/health/covid-face-mask-rules-restrictions-b2140525.html As Omicron variants of COVID-19 continue to fuel a rise in cases across Australia, there is renewed focus on masks as a simple way to prevent the spread of the virus. It has led National Cabinet to strongly encourage the wearing of masks indoors, when appropriate, and authorities have warned Australia's current COVID-19 wave will likely peak in August. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2022-07-27/reusing-masks-covid-19-washing-cloth-surgical-n95-p2/101273926
  6. One of my friends is a diabetic. His pancreas produces no insulin, he has to inject it every day. He told me he spent every night up at the pub drinking after work and never ate. He said doctors told him that was the main problem, not eating.
  7. Furthermore, even if he had duly declassfied the documents, he would still be breaking the law. He has lifetime access to those documents but not the right of possession.
  8. I was thinking that very thing last night as I ate at tree town. Tree town had a single unarmed security guard while the Macdonalds across the street had nothing. Years later, that contrast still strikes me.
  9. When the law says something has to be stored in place A and they are stored in place B and the person who caused them to be stored there disputes that fact then they are stolen.
  10. The number approximates those who said it was a hoax in he first place.
  11. Which doctor in Bangkok? Do you have a link to further evidence. The argument about whether a person died with covid or because of covid is really very simple. It's only the deniers who have a problem interpreting the issue. If a person with any disease, including terminal cancer, is determined by a doctor to have died earlier than would be expected but for complications from covid then they died because of covid, not with covid.
  12. The facts are that millions of people went to hospital because of covid and many of them never went home. Why do you seem to have a problem with that fact? I have no agenda beyond staying alive. My sister is on some kind of expensive, new drug and has been very sickened by covid just this month despite 4 shots.
  13. Is that the rationale you are relying on to explain why so many people go to hospital with covid?
  14. Well in hindsight I guess I meant credibly accused. Trump never turned up a list of any documents stolen by Obama. It's a child's defense to argue that "he did it first", especially when it turns out to be a lie. Oh, I remember. Yeah. Obama stole 33 million documents. Riiiight.
  15. It was not until after Nixon that it became illegal for presidents to keep documents from their incumbency. No president before Trump has even been accused of doing so.
  16. The capacity to learn is a wonderful trait which continues to improve the human condition over time. Is it any wonder that, after being forced to wear masks for some time, people have realised that there are benefits to wearing masks? The fact that people didn't wear masks much in the past is completely irrelevant, they don't do it now because they are brain dead lemmings despite what you'd like to believe.
  17. Masks provide great protection against dust and diesel particulates while riding a motorcycle. That's why people wear them. Don't let religion blind you to science.
  18. Conspiracy theories deserve ridicule and derision. In the history of mankind, not one has ever been proven to be true. Actual conspiracies involve very few people who keep their mouth shut and the time span is very short. That's not what we are seeing here.
  19. I spent 24 years living in Angeles City then moved to Thailand. I loved it there until about ten years ago. I won't go back to live there.
  20. Yesterday, I went to Big C Extra on Pattaya Klang. Almost every Thai wore masks and almost no farangs wear them. I wear them in malls to engender respect, not my country. Masks wearing is very mixed outside of malls and offices, etc.
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