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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. Most democrats are looking for somebody more progressive and more energetic than Biden.
  2. Totally off track. I'm talking about somebody having just coughed up the location of the missing documents. Nothing to do with what Garland knew.
  3. Because only now has someone fessed up their location. Furthermore, they likely had another reason to act now, that question remains to be seen.
  4. Be careful with tamarinds, they are a very large tree when mature, Mangoes are big but tamarinds are much larger. Mulberries would also be a good pick.
  5. Cashew fruit, not the nuts. There are red and yellow varieties. Prone to insect and bird attack.
  6. Longans should grow well there. I had good success growing a Longan tree in tropical Australia. Rambutans grew well as well but they prefer a cooler climate, preferably elevated. Longans are more hardy and will fruit in 3 or 4 years. Grafted Mangoes will fruit in 3 years. Never plant mangoes from seed. And custard apples, and 5 corners (star fruit). And cashews. All fast fruiting.
  7. For a document to be covered by attorney client privilege it must be generated by the attorney or by the client in communication with the attorney. Presidential records do not fall into this category.
  8. You mentioned a lot of stuff here but nothing about Trump or the documents. Look over there, a squirrel.
  9. And, as far as Donald Trump is concerned, Democrats still think Donald Trump is the best Republican nominee for Democrats to run against. They think he is politically weak, not only with Democrats but with moderate and independent voters as well, https://www.rawstory.com/trump-2657860680/
  10. Stop trying to put words in my mouth. Quote me or shut up.
  11. They certainly won't be fingerprints of FBI agents. Whatever you may think of them, the chances that FBI agents handled those documents with bare hands is nil. So that leaves the secretary, Kilimnick, Trump himself, any of his family, the secret service stationed at his house, etc.
  12. I'm fine with criticizing authority, honestly. But not at the defense of the obvious perpetrator and without a shred if evidence. That's just deflecting and muck raking.
  13. I could see SCOTUS ratifying that, if for no reason other then to protect Barr.
  14. If that was a thing they'd never have raided him. Other than Donald's cohorts I don't think there's any there there.
  15. If it's true that the FBI have probable cause on an espionage charge I don't think we will have long to wait. It's not the type of indictment they would sit on unless one were president.
  16. OK, lets assume you are correct, how is any past conviction for corruption by the FBI relevant? The mere fact that questions have been asked exonerated Trump? Oh, I see now. You're just scratching around to find any reason to excuse Trump or cast doubt on his accusers. Unless you can keep the discussion limited to this incident and the documents then you are off topic and deflecting.
  17. Speculating on the honesty of an FBI director is a habit of Trump's. That alone undermines his credibility.
  18. Are you suggesting sufficient evidence for a case was built but not prosecuted. That would be a conspiracy theory which you should consider substantiating.
  19. You could report it but it is a video of trump Jr, that isn't contested it it? Are there any claims made in the very short article that you'd like to dispute?
  20. Let's keep in perspective that Trump did not sign operation warp speed until over 5 months after he knew about coronavirus being a pandemic. Oh, and the fact that he dismantled the very agency in the CDC which was tasked with pandemic preparedness. Because it was an Obama initiative. A crime against humanity.
  21. Here's a link for you. Please actually read it and confirm that you have. https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2022/05/jared-kushner-affinity-partners-saudi-arabia
  22. I stand corrected, I don't know the difference between coke and crack.
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