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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. USA's massive contribution to both NATO and the war effort generally had nothing to do with it? No diplomacy going on either? Sometimes you really like to push a line that is really improbable. If NATO was weakened as Trump tried to do they would have seen no point. They aren't getting weapons from NATO, they have their own. They are getting interoperability.
  2. I don't consider that prospect to be at all likely, not even possible. It would have also required the connivance of Biden at that point. Contrary to what Trump kept saying, engaging in witch hunts is doomed to failure and they know it. Trump admits he still had the records, months after starting negotiation with the FBI. What's that about? I think Occam's Razor has the answer here. The FBI felt they could not get the records by negotiation or subpoena so they came and got them. If you want me to speculate about anything, I think some of those records relate to collusion with the Russians and Trump doesn't want to give them up to anyone. Then there's the Zelensky tape. If that's as alleged there's a fatal wound to Trump right there.
  3. For decades, Republicans fashioned themselves as the party of law and order, something Trump used successfully with his chants of “Lock her up!” in 2016 and, less successfully four years later, with his poaching of Nixonian rhetoric in response to civil rights protests across the country. “You’re either ‘law and order’ or you’re not,” said Michael Brodkorb, a former deputy chair of the Minnesota GOP. “There are a number of Republicans who like to talk about law and order while simultaneously picking which laws and order they want to follow.” He said, “I can see it becoming possibly an issue.” https://www.politico.com/news/2022/08/10/takeaways-mar-a-lago-primary-00050768
  4. That they agreed with the raid is not in question but it's irrational to consider they orchestrated it. They don't have any onus to produce the evidence they found and that would never happen before a criminal prosecution. You discount that they may have been acting on evidence and a complaint from the archives dept.
  5. Got a link to that? Carried away boxes of stuff yet "found" nothing? How do you know. If you can't provide a strong argument to support your assertion we can only conclude you are trolling.
  6. You're trying to imply that the raid was driven by Garland rather than the FBI following the facts and evidence. In other words, the raid was politically motivated, not a result of Trump failing to surrender records illegally kept despite negotiations to get them back.
  7. Kilimnick had close ties to the Russian government and intelligence in particular. The probability that he did not pass that information on is nil.
  8. “By the way,” noted Richard Stengel, a former U.S. Under Secretary of State, “Trump now has the search warrant and the inventory of what was taken in his possession. If this raid was so egregious and unjustified, why not release them?” https://www.rawstory.com/mar-a-lago-search-warrant-trump/
  9. I don't think I've told 30,000 lies in 4 years.,
  10. Now he's just trolling, don't waste your time.
  11. At this point you're just a tirade of conspiracy theories.
  12. The Dems didn't do anything. The FBI did. They are a taxpayer funder career service, not a political policing arm of whoever the president is, as much as Trump always wished otherwise. You don't seem to grasp this concept. The FBI would have asked Wray to sign off on it, he did not promulgate this raid.
  13. Graph of tweets about civil war posted by a CNN correspondent.
  14. True, that's why Trump lost the election despite the record Republican turnout. Problem for him was that the Dems were more angry than the Republicans.
  15. If you're the FBI, and you want to make a raid that at the more aggressive end of the scale, as opposed to a subpoena, against a previous president for the first time ever, you need to be very sure of your facts and evidence. There is no conceivable way the raid wasn't approved by the AG as well as the Director of the FBI. There's no way that Biden would have wanted to know or that they would have told him for very obvious political reasons. Same reason they wouldn't let Trump go to the Capitol on Jan 6. Best decision Trump never made.
  16. Not just likely, 100%. CNN are claiming that was absolutely the case.
  17. Lordy, I'm hoping the tapes were in that safe. Remember the off record secure storage? What happened to that?
  18. It's hard to imagine that the far right really believe the average person is going to vote for a party or president hell bent on dismantling the FBI, just for a start. Look how much damage "defund the police" did to the dems, even though it was just a GOP slogan. The dems would have a field day with this.
  19. The White House would not have a shredder. Papers would be collected, vetted and archived in secure storage. Nothing in the WH is allowed to be shredded, everything is a presidential record. Everything.
  20. It's hard to imagine this flying with independent voters. It kind of makes "defund the police" sound lame by comparison. “They’re going to drastically use this to rally their allies, GOP leaders on Capitol Hill and juice for his political agenda and run for 2024,” said a person close to the Trump operation. “If there was a 99 percent chance it’s 100 percent now. He makes it part of his platform – going after the FBI.” https://www.politico.com/news/2022/08/09/trump-world-republicans-fbi-2024-run-00050485
  21. A senior administration official told The Hill that the White House decided to “lean into” the “Dark Brandon” imagery to make an important point about the president delivering what they referred to as a “staggering” amount of wins in a short period time. Recently the Biden administration has racked up a number of wins including a July jobs report that shattered economists’ expectations, the drone strike on Al Qaeda leader Ayman Al Zawahiri and passage of a $430 billion climate, health care and tax overhaul. https://thehill.com/homenews/3594308-what-is-the-dark-brandon-meme-that-has-taken-the-white-house-by-storm/
  22. Biden gets another photo opportunity, signing the NATO ratification for Finland and Sweden. The real litmus test will come on Wednesday when the inflation figures are released. If they tick up, bad for Biden. If they tick down, good for Biden. Such is the fickle knee jerk response to something demonstrably not under his control.
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