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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. https://www.kawasaki.co.uk/en/news/Greener_E10_fuel_and_what_it_means_for_you?Uid=08F3C1kJXwtfWQ4OC15RXFoJCVBaUF4LDlkKX1AJUVkMWVs
  2. The following morning, the billionaire Trump sent out emails asking for money. “I need every single red-blooded American Patriot to step up during this time,” read the email. “Please rush in a donation IMMEDIATELY to publicly stand with me against this NEVERENDING WITCH HUNT.” https://nordot.app/929783457074577408?c=592622757532812385
  3. "You use a search warrant, and not a subpoena, when you don’t believe that the person is actually going to comply," he said. "For me, the biggest takeaway is that the Attorney General of the United States had to make the determination that it was appropriate in this situation to proceed by search warrant because they could not be confident that the former President of the United States would comply with a grand-jury subpoena." Weissmann also speculated that Trump could have asserted Fifth Amendment protections as reason to not supply with a subpoena under the so-called "act of production" privilege. https://www.rawstory.com/trump-search-warrant-2657835410/
  4. Their actions are undoubtedly a result of a smoking gun having been found. That's what probable cause means.
  5. A New York Times poll released last month found that despite President Biden’s approval ratings sinking to 33 percent, Biden still led Trump in a hypothetical 2024 matchup, 44 percent to 41 percent. https://thehill.com/homenews/3594055-heres-we-know-about-the-fbi-search-of-trumps-mar-a-lago/
  6. Can't go past Virginia Governor's Cup Gold https://shop.trumpwinery.com/product-details/2280/2015-Sparkling-Rose--Gold-Medal-Winner
  7. Former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo is meeting on Tuesday with the January 6 committee, a source familiar with the matter told CNN. The deposition will be conducted virtually, the source added. https://edition.cnn.com/2022/08/09/politics/mike-pompeo-january-6-committee/index.html
  8. Well, perhaps they should just take the more direct route and have another income tax reduction favoring the rich?
  9. The U.S. House Select Committee on the January 6 Attack will receive sworn testimony from Doug Mastriano, the Republican Party of Pennsylvania's nominee to be governor. Mastriano, who has strong ties to far right wing extremists, is a current state senator, and an anti-democracy Christian nationalist who has promoted the QAnon conspiracy theory. He attended Donald Trump's January 6 rally and reportedly was seen at the Capitol that day. https://www.rawstory.com/christian-nationalist-gop-nominee-for-governor-doug-mastriano-to-testify-before-j6-committee/
  10. France has gone after them as well. I think perhaps Germany too. And Italy.
  11. Whatever the numbers, statistics showed the US doing worse per capita than any other developed nation. We know that Trump actually said it was hoax. Finally he was forced to go along with the CDC. Biden, on the other hand, embraced the science. How did suggesting people inject bleach on national TV do anything other than kill people? Only Trump was stupid enough to believe himself?
  12. Statistics showed the US doing worse per capita than almost any nation on the planet. The proof was in the pudding.
  13. "If I am Donald Trump, I am getting ready for raids at other locations, and I'm getting ready for a very rapid progress of the, not chain reaction, but you can imagine things happening very fast on a lot of fronts right now if this is the attitude Merrick Garland has toward this case," he added. https://www.rawstory.com/mar-a-lago-search-warrant/
  14. To be fair, it was a no knock warrant. I'd call that a raid. Maybe the FBI didn't want to allow time for the cistern to refill?
  15. I love it when people do some research. Maybe we should get a room?
  16. (a) Whoever willfully and unlawfully conceals, removes, mutilates, obliterates, or destroys, or attempts to do so, or, with intent to do so takes and carries away any record, proceeding, map, book, paper, document, or other thing, filed or deposited with any clerk or officer of any court of the United States, or in any public office, or with any judicial or public officer of the United States, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both. https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/18/2071
  17. Not to mention the loss to the nation's governing history which is the whole intent of the preservation of records act.
  18. French authorities not good enough? I'm only posting the link, not making any claim and so have no onus to post any further links. Make up your own mind. I did. I stopped eating red meat in any form a couple of years ago. Apart from bacon and eggs once in a blue moon.
  19. Try English. You lack of genuine effort convinces me that you are a Putin sympathiser. https://www.newsweek.com/russia-world-war-3-ww3-ukraine-war-conflict-state-tv-1711921 https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/europe/russia-ukraine-world-war-3-b2091224.html
  20. Hiroshima's mayor slams Russia while marking 77th anniversary of atomic bombing Japan is today marking the 77th anniversary of the atomic bombing of Hiroshima, which killed tens of thousands of people in World War II. Hiroshima mayor Kazumi Matsui, whose city this year did not invite the Russian ambassador to the ceremony, was more pointed and critical of Moscow's military actions in Ukraine. "In invading Ukraine, the Russian leader, elected to protect the lives and property of his people, is using them as instruments of war, stealing the lives and livelihoods of civilians in a different country," Mr Matsui said. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2022-08-06/hiroshima-anniversary-atomic-bombing-russia/101307694
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