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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. All just part of the story of the worst US president in history. This is the real reason for the raid. The FBI executed a search warrant Monday at Donald Trump's Mar-a-Lago resort in Palm Beach, Florida, as part of an investigation into the handling of presidential documents, including classified documents, that may have been brought there, three people familiar with the situation told CNN. https://edition.cnn.com/2022/08/08/politics/mar-a-lago-search-warrant-fbi-donald-trump/index.html National Archives acknowledges classified documents were found in boxes at Mar-a-Lago after Trump left office https://edition.cnn.com/2022/02/18/politics/national-archives-trump-department-of-justice/index.html
  2. Even having an oval office meeting with the Russian foreign minister and only Russian media present? No other Americans at all? Looked kosher?
  3. That begs the question, was that raid also politically motivated? As it stands, he could go to war without congress approval. Biden has said he wants to remove that ability but Schumer hasn't yet brought a vote to the floor.
  4. Defund the FBI! Apparently the White House was unaware that the FBI raided Trump until he reported it himself. Republicans rail against the FBI search of Mar-a-Lago, calling for the FBI to be destroyed and defunded. The far-right faction of the Republican party is up in arms about the Federal Bureau of Investigation's search of Mar-a-Lago, calling for the agency to be defunded and destroyed. Trump ally and Georgia Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene was one of the first to tweet her disapproval of the search, posting on Twitter: "DEFUND THE FBI!" Colorado lawmaker Lauren Boebert tweeted that she wanted the GOP to "set up a Select Committee to investigate the FBI's politically-motivated raid on Mar-a-Lago and on ALL the fraudulent persecution of President Trump from our government." https://www.businessinsider.com/live-fbi-search-warrant-donald-trump-mar-a-lago-2022-8#republicans-rail-against-the-fbi-search-of-mar-a-lago-calling-for-the-fbi-to-be-destroyed-and-defunded
  5. Woman? Did I get that wrong? Close? I'm a bit older. For me that was Olivia Hussey.
  6. Trump was never going to get any serving General to go along with his plans. Or any career professional for that matter. Oh wait, there was Kelly who was in the pocket of US foes.
  7. CNN are reporting that the warrant was issued in relation to classified documents being removed. Does that make it a bit more serious?
  8. I never suggested anyone should not make a contribution to the thread, unless it's an unsupported claim. I disagree, Biden's popularity has everything to do with the next election. Nobody would care if it was his last term.
  9. Charcuterie’s link to colon cancer confirmed by French authorities https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/jul/12/charcuterie-link-colon-cancer-confirmed-french-authorities
  10. Politics in the US is pretty much divided along race lines now. None of this will matter to the MAGA mob. It's independents who matter most.
  11. I don't think they are politically competing issues. Independent voters should find reason in both to vote against Trump.
  12. we've been through this talking point ad nauseum.
  13. *Deleted post edited out* Because Trump delusionists have no part to play in Biden's popularity ratings? I agree that Biden is not the best president the dems could have picked and many Dems would also have expressed disappointment in a poll, particularly progressives, but that doesn't directly translate into people voting for Trump in 2024.
  14. But he can drink out of a glass using only one hand. I didn't realize Trump could run a half marathon. Who told you that? Ronny Jackson?
  15. Destroying that library book would be a crime, no? It seems that the GOP don't want to be healed. Should that crime not be charged? One law for some and another for everyone else? Unlike trump, Biden has explicitly and publicly refused to lobby his AG or the DOJ.
  16. You're a bit vague here. Are you suggesting that Biden hasn't had a lifelong speech impediment? The rest of your post is just chaff, unsupported by any links I might add.
  17. What physical condition does he have that excludes him from being president? I was replying specifically to the comment about his disability. I gather you don't agree that was disgusting or below the belt? Anything goes?
  18. Do all those supporting Trump here and declaring this to be politically motivated believe that Trump didn't actually remove presidential records illegally?
  19. Will the republicans oppose this as well? They already blew it by opposing the burn pit compensation. Biden's popularity should start to improve with the recent legislative results he's achieving. Biden on Tuesday will sign into law a $280 billion bill to strengthen the domestic chip manufacturing industry and finance scientific research, and on Wednesday he will sign another bill to expand health care to veterans exposed to toxic burn pits. https://thehill.com/homenews/administration/3593497-biden-on-his-own-low-approval-ratings-i-think-youre-going-to-see-a-lot-change/
  20. Actually on second thoughts the senate would have sent the weapons there anyway with a veto proof bill. They did that to him over the stinger missiles IIRC.
  21. Isolationalists don't read the world news apparently.
  22. The war would be over and things would be back to normal, other than covid.
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