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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. That was the Carlson defense. Nobody should take him seriously. So, why would so many people here listen to him and support him? He's either a liar and should be history long ago or people love those lies. In any case, he caused death threats against the parents of the murdered children. Despicable scum who could slide under a snake's belly.
  2. Lowest unemployment in half a century is bad now? The economy is suffering because of Russia but that's not peculiar to the US. I think the fact that 370 billion got allocated to fighting climate change is the single most important budget issue on the table. Next would be defeating Russia but the US seem to have that under control with 98 - 1 senators voting to approve more weapons and money. The GOP lunatic Hawley was the lone dissident.
  3. My mother is about to turn 94 this week. She drinks a bottle of wine a day easily and smoked until 50. She has always been an alcoholic. Her secret? Never eat any processed food at all, not even bread. She cooks absolutely everything from basic ingredients.
  4. And yet, all of US allies dislike him, even his best mate in Israel while all US enemies love him. Except for Iran. That was just a spanner in the works to help out Netanyahu, another criminal.
  5. It really is a baseless accusation intended to smear Obama and "his people" whoever they may be. Not just Dems but independents who voted for him as well? It's nothing other than red meat for the base. After all, Jones needs the money now.
  6. Nothing wrong with that so long as they are objective. Opposing a judicial inquiry in the face of prima facie evidence is hardly objective. Wanting a judicial inquiry to settle the issues is not at all biased. I'm a bit to the left of Marx but I believe that if Trump is found innocent after a trial then good luck to him. What I don't want to see is another Bill Barr cover up.
  7. One that springs to mind was having to cough up 25 large for the victims of his university scam. Wanting a judicial process to go ahead seems eminently fair to me. The truth will come out, one way or the other. It seems like some Trump sycophants don't like sunshine. The dems trying to provoke a civil war? Risible. Trump wasn't trying to provoke a civil war now? I think it's crystal clear now that he did. Everything else is just denial. Maybe the White House just ran out of toilet paper? Trump had an adverse reaction from one too many Big macs?
  8. The best part is that this happened immediately after CPAC where Trump garnered 69% of the vote in the straw poll while no other potential GOP candidate was present. This is going to have immediate reverberations through the party.
  9. "If I were Donald Trump's lawyer right now, thank God I'm not, I would be advising my client to be telling [their] family, 'I am looking at jail time, and we should make plans accordingly.'" After House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) threatened Attorney General Merrick Garland, Weissmann said that he should just keep his head down and keep doing his job. https://www.rawstory.com/trump-jail-time-weissmann/
  10. That pales into insignificance compared to the harassment of Clinton by Ken Starr for much longer than that. I don't think there should be a statute of limitations on presidential crime?
  11. Manafort reportedly admitted to supplying Kilimnick with documents during the election campaign. There is the possibility that this issue is still alive as well although I think this is about the preservation of presidential records. If it's proven that Manafort cooperated with the Russians it could be a federal offense as well.
  12. I predict that a huge asteroid will hit the Earth tomorrow. Am I lying?
  13. This is the moment Mark Milley realized Trump had 'a screw or two loose': New Yorker exposé His moment of realization came after watching a heated conversation between House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) and Trump that led to a moment -- captured in an iconic White House photograph -- where Pelosi stood up, and pointed her finger at Trump and lectured him before leaving the briefing room. According to the report, Pelosi reportedly told Trump, "All roads with you lead to Putin. You gave Russia Ukraine and Syria,” which led the former president to shout back, "You’re just a politician, a third-rate politician!” https://www.rawstory.com/donald-trump-2657828053/
  14. The party of law and order threaten the AG After seeing that the FBI issued a search warrant for Mar-a-Lago, Republican Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy told Attorney General Merrick Garland to preserve his documents and clear his schedule. https://www.rawstory.com/kevin-mccarthy-threatens-merrick-garland/
  15. Interesting. I was hit by a car when aged 15. I bled from the ear and subsequently got a severe ear infection. I've had tinnitus ever since. I always put it down to the accident but I guess I must have had antibiotics at the time.
  16. The Biden administration announced another $1 billion in new military aid for Ukraine on Monday, pledging what will be the biggest yet delivery of rockets, ammunition and other arms straight from Department of Defense stocks for Ukrainian forces. The U.S. pledge of a massive new shipment of arms comes as analysts warned that Russia was moving troops and equipment in the direction of the southern port cities to stave off a Ukrainian counteroffensive. The aid includes additional rockets for the High Mobility Artillery Rocket Systems, or HIMARS, as well as thousands of artillery rounds, mortar systems, Javelins and other ammunition and equipment. https://apnews.com/article/russia-ukraine-government-and-politics-d0597183948fb1f1eca99a01180e3bc8
  17. Some evidence that Biden's popularity is likely to improve before the mid terms. Taking notice of the growing evidence that the Republican Party is on the way to blowing its chance to take control of the U.S, Senate in the November midterms, the editorial board of the conservative Wall Street Journal laid the blame squarely at the feet of Donald Trump. Recent polling has shown that not only could Democrats hold onto seats that the Republican leadership thought they might claim in the midterms, but now Republicans are also looking at the possibility of losing seats in Pennsylvania and Ohio currently held by Republicans. https://www.rawstory.com/trump-wall-street-2657827510/
  18. Conspiracy theorist Alex Jones warned right-wing podcast host Steve Bannon that "Obama and his people" could stage a terrorist attack before the midterm elections. https://www.rawstory.com/steve-bannon-alex-jones-obama/
  19. Democrats are seeing new glimmers of hope for the 2022 midterm elections amid a series of high-profile legislative and political victories that they say could reverse the longtime expectation of a so-called red wave in November. Senate Democrats struck a deal on a sweeping tax and climate package that had long been a point of bitter contention within their own ranks. Recent polling shows Democrats making gains on the generic ballot, a key measure of voter preference in the midterms. https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/3589855-democrats-see-new-signs-of-hope-ahead-of-midterms/
  20. They've already done that. That's why both houses passed the bill. They don't just throw that kind of money to the wind despite what the deniers want to say. Self evidently, the target is 100% reduction. The science is in that that will work. This is just a step along the way.
  21. “We’re talking about small impacts one way or the other, not likely to have any significant change in what consumers are feeling overnight,” Shai Akabas, director of economic policy at the Bipartisan Policy Center, told Vox. https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2022/8/4/23292338/congress-inflation-reduction-act-reduce-biden
  22. Chuck Grassley says he voted for insulin reduction — but videos show him voting 'no' In the United States, insulin costs over $98 per unit, whereas the rest of the world it costs less than $10. The medication keeps many people alive. But when Grassley took to Twitter he said that he voted to support insulin and that it was Democrats who eliminated it from the bill. https://www.rawstory.com/chuck-grassley-insulin-vote/
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