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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. Last time I checked, Biden and most of the senators were not scientists. Did they listen to scientists? I won't insult your intelligence by answering that. When were the big emitters meant to get on board? That's the whole purpose of this target. To make then get on board. Have you got an approved link that demonstrates that 300 large will do nothing? I'm getting kind of tired of asking you for links for your disinformation.
  2. Sounds like a solution looking for a problem. Where has this happened, pray tell? I will say that I had government sexual orientation shoved down my throat when I was in kindergarten. The thing that disturbs me most about that is that I still remember it. I remember chucking a whammy at kindy because the teachers wouldn't let me play with the dolls and push prams around with the girls on the little concrete track they had. I had to play sport with the boys instead. Now, I ask you, which one would a straight boy choose? I'm straight and I always hung around mostly with girls in school from the very beginning. I took music in junior high school instead of PE because the class was mostly girls. The sexual orientation you are taking about is gender orientation reinforcement, not encouraging kids to do and feel whatever they want. This bill protects that gender enforcement by prohibiting any education which might cast that model into doubt.
  3. I'm surprised Sheldon Whitehouse hasn't run or put his hand up. He'd be the most capable senator on either side for sure.
  4. Yes, that's because there was no likelihood that Ukraine would be in a position to fight Russia in a war and if there was one it would be short lived. Trump was in the pocket of Putin and doing his best to prevent weapons getting to Ukraine and nobbling NATO as much as possible, in furtherance of his debt to Putin for helping him get elected. Biden recently got them down a bit by strong arming the Saudis who would dearly love to see Trump get back in the White House.
  5. It's a target. It's not just intended to be words. When you put a target into law you need to introduce laws to mandate that happens. That compels industry to take notice and so something to achieve that goal. It also provides incentive for investment and surety for banks. When all companies have to do their boards can't refuse just to save the shareholders a buck or two.
  6. No limits? Schools, roads, police, hospitals, etc. I guess you live off your savings and investments and all your kids are grown up?
  7. Trumps giveaway wasn't just corporate taxes. Most big corporations avoid tax like the plague. The average worker pays more tax than them. The degree to which government spending causes inflation depends on how it's spent. Overall, yes but spending on investment can return some of that expenditure. Investment in green energy is needed fast. Especially since governments have dodged the hard decisions for decades. Now we get to pay for that. If you're so worried about inflation now why not just increase taxes on corporations a bit. Or close a few loopholes, whatever it takes to get them to pay some tax. The Trump giveaway which only inflated assets like property, stock, crypto,overseas bank accounts, etc.
  8. I suspect that, with the big bill, whatever they want to call it, passing both houses and being the largest ever US investment in combating climate change and the cost of gas falling below $4 in Arizona now night shift Biden's popularity a little. Not to mention the stellar employment statistics.
  9. Where was this cop protecting himself? If he can prove that then he will be acquitted. You would have no cop indicted ever, just for being a cop. Again, provide a link that establishes, rightly or wrongly that this cop was protecting himself.
  10. Really? 390 billion will increase inflation but 2.5 trillion not? Trump's giveaway produced nil productive investment. Most of the money went to tax havens and share buy backs. It was a major driver of the current inflation that we see now.
  11. There's no other way to control climate change or reduce drug prices other than government spending. There will be pain involved but on the plus side, just maybe our kids will have a livable future. It's a shame the right didn't raise this issue when Trump gave away 2.5 trillion to the rich.
  12. In what alternate universe would any of those cops have considered that they might wind up in jail for attempting to save kid's lives against a mass shooter? They were simply afraid of being killed by an shooter carrying a deadly high powered weapon with a high rate of fire and no way to know when the magazine was empty. It's as simple as that. There is no equivalence. Fact is, there are good cops and bad cops out there. Stop deflecting, the 2 incidents are utterly unrelated.
  13. I'm talking actual results and you know it. Start backing up your misinformation with links.
  14. No, you informed incorrectly. Thailand's electricity generation is mainly NOT coal.
  15. Link that they did not elect their leaders with the actual popular vote.
  16. CNN are reporting that 5 kids have tested positive for monkeypox. They didn't say where.
  17. That isn't the issue. Most people just want to do what they can to keep the dust and larger particulates out of their lungs. There's little they can do at a practical level to protect themselves against actual chemical pollution. Just apart from the climate change aspect, it's a huge reason to stop burning fossil fuels for energy production.
  18. asleep in class? https://smartairfilters.com/en/blog/surgical-masks-surprisingly-effective-pm2-5/ https://www.womenshealthmag.com/health/a34284778/do-face-masks-protect-you-against-air-pollution/ That said, facial is is crucial but that's not an issue with the mask itself.
  19. That's the basis of all religions, right? Exactly why the confessional exists.
  20. Does your wife have a younger sister?
  21. Only Trump and G W Bush have not been elected by the popular vote in the last century.
  22. Australia also allows citizens to return on expired passports. The 6 month validity rul is only required when travelling to another country.
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