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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. This is the biggie. The GOP just killed millions more people. https://www.politico.com/sponsored-content/2022/july/health-care-in-america?utm_source=native&utm_medium=homepage
  2. Please post. Pretty please? Did I say please?
  3. Thais add sugar to everything and I live on restaurant food so not in much danger of not enough sugar. Milk is the what I want to cut from my diet. All the research I do turns up no harmful effects but I think it's still not good. I normally drink upwards of a litre a day.
  4. Normally in Australia they will give you only one month supply of Eliquis. I convinced the doc to give me 3 months as I was going overseas. The chemist made a mistake and gave me almost a years supply! $41 for a month. I got lucky.
  5. I'm talking about actual outcomes, not the theory. The electoral college has broken down somewhat due to gerrymanders which are just straight out fraud against the nation. In Australia, the system is not perfect either but at least we have an independent commission doing to electoral carve up.
  6. Yes, I try to avoid white bread. I do eat a little white rice which is the same carb wise but doesn't have the same effect on me. The difference is the rate at which sugar levels climb.
  7. Two things happened when Obama became president. McConnell vowed that he would be a one term president and turned the GOP into the party of "no". That's when compromise died and US politics became hyper partisan. The other was that white supremacist militia's tripled in number.
  8. those countries invariably elect a leader by popular vote. The US used to as well.
  9. The court asked the parents about that. They weren't so generous.
  10. beside the point isn't it? By definition a political system that does not elect it's leader through free and fair elections is fascist.
  11. Cuts both ways. Please answer my question. Do you consider that Trump was entitled to do nothing?
  12. The House committee investigating President Trump’s actions on Jan. 6 may find that he did not fulfill his duty to “take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed,” a requirement of each president, detailed in Article 2, Section 3 of the Constitution. The committee might find – and it apparently has, based on testimony presented throughout its hearings – that Trump’s failure to ensure that rioters would not storm the Capitol, and his failure to stop them once they were there, amounted to a dereliction of duty in an informal or colloquial sense. https://theconversation.com/why-donald-trump-cant-be-prosecuted-for-dereliction-of-duty-for-his-inaction-on-jan-6-187407
  13. So you believe he was entitled to vicariously do nothing when people were being killed and injured in his name?
  14. Rubbish. Trump, as CIC, had a legal obligation to do what he could to reduce violence and restore order to the Capitol proceedings. He failed in that duty.
  15. Fascists hate preferential voting because it guarantees the popular vote will be the winner.
  16. Nobody's disputing that. They are up in arms precisely because such a despicable, hateful racist scumbag does in fact appeal to so many.
  17. Best cheat wins? Who would not support electing the winner of the democratic vote? Fascists, that's who. The single reason that Republicans win elections despite losing the democratic vote is cheating.
  18. Honestly, people wouldn't care if the GOP and their sycophants committed to a free and fair election. If Trump won the popular vote people would just accept that.
  19. Then there is the reality. The CPAC straw poll put Trump at 69% favourability rating and he is more than likely to run again.
  20. Sure they do, and they are right on both counts. I don't understand your point. Are you suggesting that because they don't wear helmets then they shouldn't bother wearing masks either?
  21. On what planet could wearing a mask not lead to reduced respiratory diseases? I guess conservatives really do have a phobia about learning and change because that's exactly what's going on here..
  22. Easy, people have noticed that respiratory diseases are reduced when they wear masks in polluted air. Doctors say so as well.
  23. That's right. Until they can produce scientific research which has the backing of mainstream scientists who don't just make a living peddling lies they should be quiet. When such evidence is produced by all means trumpet it out loud. Until then such conjecture is just fomenting misinformation and conspiracy theories.
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