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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. In Thailand there is terrible air pollution - everywhere where there are people.. And dust.
  2. Nah, the simple answer is just that fascism is a product of the realization that they can't win an election in a fair and open vote.
  3. Then there are nutters who think that 100,000 cycles are the same as 100 year cycles and who totally ignore that the current CO2 levels in the atmosphere are the highest in 800,000 years, all due to mankind's influence.
  4. Its scientifically proven that if you don't wear a mask while riding a motorcycle then your lungs will be filled with dust and diesel smoke.
  5. That's the right wing playbook. Cast doubt where there is none. The nutters will come out in droves to boost the conspiracy. It's the same thing with climate change, suggesting that the science isn't settled in respect to man made global warming isn't denying it but it's a total wack job.
  6. Diabetics should not eat white bread. If I eat white bead (not a diabetic) It blocks up my esophagus and I can't even swallow water until I either throw it up or drink some soda which makes me burp. It's highly uncomfortable and distressing.
  7. Until it was shown https://www.cbsnews.com/news/pentagon-makes-public-9-11-footage/
  8. sure, like white bread as opposed to whole grain bread.
  9. Possibly because the CCTV cameras belonged to the Pentagon? There was huge plane parked in the front yard with lots of dead bodies scattered around.. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/gallery/2017/mar/31/pentagon-after-911-attack-american-airlines-flight-77-in-pictures
  10. The prevalence of type 2 diabetes is rising worldwide, especially in older adults. Diet and lifestyle, particularly plant-based diets, are effective tools for type 2 diabetes prevention and management. Plant-based diets are eating patterns that emphasize legumes, whole grains, vegetables, fruits, nuts, and seeds and discourage most or all animal products. Cohort studies strongly support the role of plant-based diets, and food and nutrient components of plant-based diets, in reducing the risk of type 2 diabetes. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5466941/
  11. A plant-based diet may lower severity of COVID-19 infection by 73 per cent https://www.sciencefocus.com/news/plant-diet-covid-19/
  12. Not exactly conclusive. Conclusions In Western cultures vegetarian diet is associated with an elevated risk of mental disorders. However, there was no evidence for a causal role of vegetarian diet in the etiology of mental disorders. It also points out that 35% of Indians follow a vegetarian diet. ----------- Ditching meat and fish in favour of a vegetarian diet can have a dramatic effect on the health of your heart, research suggests. A study of 44,500 people in England and Scotland showed vegetarians were 32% less likely to die or need hospital treatment as a result of heart disease. Differences in cholesterol levels, blood pressure and body weight are thought to be behind the health boost. https://www.bbc.com/news/health-21258509
  13. In general people feel entitled to dismiss conspiracy theories surrounding a single even like that without a shred of evidence after 22 years.
  14. The Australian Heart Association recommends eating no red meat at all and limiting chicken in favour of fish.
  15. The BBC ran a story a few years back saying that vegetarians are a third less likely to go to hospital for any reason. If you provide a link to your story I'll go find the article. I believe it studied something like 65,000 people.
  16. Haven't you seen the conspiracy theories that say it was an inside job?
  17. I was going to write some of the rules I live by but somehow I ate a whole packet of cough drops last night and spent the night and today vomiting and diarrhea with massive stomach ache.
  18. Where are the left wing equivalents of Jones, Trump, Carlson, Hannity, Linbaugh and Watters making a motza out of spreading conspiracy theories online?
  19. Why conspiracy theories flourish on the right https://www.vox.com/2015/12/10/9886222/conspiracy-theories-right-wing https://www.politico.com/news/2020/05/12/trans-atlantic-conspiracy-coronavirus-251325 https://home-affairs.ec.europa.eu/networks/radicalisation-awareness-network-ran/publications/conspiracy-theories-and-right-wing-extremism-insights-and-recommendations-pcve-2021_en
  20. I suggest that almost none of the believers are dems, almost all of them are Americans, almost all of them are Republicans and almost all of them don't have a college degree.
  21. Alex Jones’ $49.3M verdict and the future of misinformation Lawyers for the plaintiffs, the parents of one of 20 first graders killed at the Connecticut school in 2012, said they hoped a big-money verdict against Jones would serve as a deterrent to him and others who peddle misinformation for profit. “I am asking you to take the bullhorn away from Alex Jones and all of the others who believe they can profit off of fear and misinformation,” Wesley Ball said in his closing argument Friday. “The gold rush of fear and misinformation must end, and it must end today.” https://apnews.com/article/covid-health-shootings-violence-7afca66904f889c1420a8187dd6d887d
  22. If that was the case the crazy would be distributed evenly across all countries but it isn't, at least not to the same degree.
  23. Unfortunately there's enough whack jobs there that catering to them as a niche market is quite profitable. Much more so since Obama won the presidency.
  24. In walking street in Pattaya tonight I'd be happy to buy you one!
  25. If his agenda is pointing out that others have an agenda I guess you're right.
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