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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. Furthermore, her testimony is strongly bolstered by the secret service's deletion of the texts, subsequent inability to recover them, failure to punish those responsible and refusal to counter her testimony under oath.
  2. No. This points system brings Thailand more or less into line with many other countries who have proven that the points system is effective as a deterrent.
  3. It isn't China that claimed this figure. Your response is trite and off topic.
  4. The largest country in the world burns the most fossil fuels. I'm shocked. China ranks very low on the per capita emissions list. https://www.worldometers.info/co2-emissions/co2-emissions-per-capita/
  5. I asked for a link to your claim that the solar flares constantly affect the Earth's weather..
  6. Since you've nominated yourself as an expert, what was your field and qualifications?
  7. Link please. You made a claim contrary to medical expert opinion, you have been challenged and must now provide a link as per the rules of this forum.
  8. Bad weather? Record heat waves all across Europe, North America, floods in Australia is just "bad weather" now? Ok, got it. De Nile isn't just a river in Egypt.
  9. From your article Susan Hopkins, chief medical adviser at UKHSA, said: "We support the Department for Education's decision to reintroduce the use of face masks in secondary schools temporarily whilst Covid rates remain high." From the Australian CMO today. Chief Medical Officer Paul Kelly has encouraged Australians to wear masks in most settings, but governments have stopped short of declaring mandates. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2022-07-20/covid-live-blog-latest-updates-masks-fourth-booster/101252982
  10. the MWP was not a globally uniform event. Possible causes of the MWP include increased solar activity, decreased volcanic activity, and changes in ocean circulation. None of those conditions exist at the current time. There are no natural issues which might affect climate change to cause warming at present.
  11. Britain shattered its record for highest temperature ever registered Tuesday amid a heat wave that has seared swaths of Europe, as the U.K.’s national weather forecaster said such highs are now a fact of life in a country ill-prepared for such extremes. The typically temperate nation was just the latest to be walloped by unusually hot, dry weather that has triggered wildfires from Portugal to the Balkans and led to hundreds of heat-related deaths. Images of flames racing toward a French beach and Britons sweltering — even at the seaside — have driven home concerns about climate change. https://apnews.com/article/wildfires-france-fires-london-england-b9bc07c1685b76ddf377b65f19fb811b
  12. Doctor who performed abortion for 10-year-old rape victim may sue Indiana AG for defamation https://nordot.app/922199992408604672?c=592622757532812385
  13. The magnitude and rate of warming over the last 150 years far surpasses the magnitude and rate of changes at any other time over the last 24,000 years https://www.washington.edu/news/2021/11/10/new-method-shows-todays-warming-unprecedented-over-past-24000-years/
  14. If nobody carried guns how would more people have been killed? Statistics very clearly show that countries with strong gun control laws have a lower incidence mass shootings, it's that simple.
  15. Was that temperature change world wide? How large was it and what was the temperature change over any period of 50 years?
  16. You denied that there were temperature records going back millions of years and yet now claim to have known about temperature proxies all along.
  17. a continued dearth of relevant links to support your arguments is all I see.
  18. Nobody was comparing modern temperature data with proxies. You were busy suggesting that the proxies didn't exist. You have not yet established that global temperatures have increased at anything approximating the current rises at anytime in the past.
  19. Modern global warming is occurring over less than 100 years. Your chart doesn't show warming changes that rapid. Are you trying to suggest that global warming is just natural cycles of warming and cooling? What natural changes could explain the warming in the last century? The YD had explanations of natural causes. The current warming is running counter to the natural cycles as has been demonstrated in links provided.
  20. There's nothing individuals can do that will make any difference to climate. On the other hand, collectively we can make a huge difference but that requires international cooperation to solve an international problem. Your micro view of the world is shared by climate change deniers who point out that Australia contributes less than 2% of the world's CO2 so why should we do anything? Belittling people who fly to imply that they aren't serious about climate change is missing the point. You have made it a recurring theme.
  21. No, the YD was a period of cooling, not rising temperatures. The Earth's atmosphere is known to have cooled rapidly from time to time due to volcanic eruptions and the like but not rapid warming phases. They aren't equivalent.
  22. This is a chart showing a temperature change of 10 degrees over 10,000 years. How is that relevant to the rapid rise in temperatures we are experiencing now? That chart only proves the very gradual changes of temperature due to natural variability, very much unlike what we are seeing now as a result of human induced global warming. That's the point of recent climate change, the rate of change is unprecedented in the time homo sapiens has been around.
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