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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. If you're going to spend any time in Thailand it might help you understand the local religion. I'll give you a hint. Would you like to be killed and cremated because you lived on the streets? And before you protest that animals aren't people, I'd refer you to my first sentence.
  2. Precautions are mainly intended to save other people's lives. This appears to be the main issue with the right, they don't care about others, just themselves.
  3. Nothing other than a crazy conspiracy theory. Just exactly how is any government controlling anybody's actions in such a way that the government gains?
  4. What I'm saying is that the case was 100% verified and Biden knew it to be because he has the resources to know. There was never any doubt except among the bobble heads that the story was anything but true. Biden would not have made a noob error like that,
  5. The senate does have the power to refer perjury to the DoJ. The justices lied UNDER OATH. in the senate hearing for confirmation. ALL senate hearings are under oath.
  6. Nobody ever said that the story was "100% true", What they said was that nobody had evidence that it wasn't true despite plenty here all suggesting that it wasn't and not one has had the cohones to step up and admit they jumped the gun. The party line came before common sense which seems to be more and more the case since Trump normalized crazy and appointed sycophants nominated by an extremist religious dark money lobby group aka the Federalist Society to SCOTUS. The guy that raped her did not kill the fetus, how y'all gonna charge him with that? It was her decision to get an abortion. Of course she was counselled but still her body and her decision, even at 10 nobody could force an abortion on her. It's likely that had she carried the child to term that she would have lifelong issues but that's between her and her doctor.
  7. Huge but wrong assumptions. The doctor had already alerted the police and the rapist arrested likely days before you posted this. You could at least have kept an open mind. Not only you but everyone who grabbed pitchforks and leapt to the attack of professional reputations declaring that the doctors hadn't told the police and claiming the story was likely false. And those who claimed that Biden had reacted to hearsay and hadn't done the anti-trump by checking the facts with his intelligence services should really out themselves and eat crow. I won't hold my breath. Normally I wouldn't care much but, you know, this story is about a ten year old girl being raped and impregnated and the politically motivated push back was a bit insensitive, to put it mildly. But anyway, kudos for keeping your finger on the pulse of the party line. The Wall Street Journal cast doubt on reports about the girl a day before Fuentes' arrest, calling the case "An Abortion Story Too Good To Be Confirmed". https://www.wsj.com/articles/an-abortion-story-too-good-to-confirm-joe-biden-ten-year-old-girl-indiana-ohio-caitlin-bernard-11657648618
  8. That didn't age well. Ohio girl's rapist arrested hours after conservatives questioned case as 'abortion story too good to be true' An Ohio man was arrested in the rape and impregnation of a 10-year-old girl after the state's Republican attorney general cast doubt on a story that drew international attention. Gerson Fuentes, 27, of Columbus, confessed to raping the child at least twice, according to police, and was charged with rape after police were alerted to the girl's pregnancy from Franklin County Children Services a little over a week before she traveled to Indianapolis for an abortion, reported The Columbus Dispatch. https://www.rawstory.com/gerson-fuentes-rape/
  9. The (UK) government closed down its investigation into alleged war crimes in Afghanistan, known as Operation Northmoor, before any soldier was prosecuted. But the BBC’s Panorama has unearthed shocking evidence that Britain’s special forces executed detainees and murdered unarmed people in cold blood in Afghanistan. The programme suggests there was a cover-up within the military to protect the SAS. https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2022/jul/12/the-guardian-view-on-the-sas-in-afghanistan-investigate-claims-of-war-crimes
  10. 54 killed, did they just make stuff up? Nothing to see here? You seem willing to just write this off without wishing the issue to be investigated.
  11. I included the story as evidence that there are issues out there. Now, do you think allegations against "your own" should be investigated and prosecuted when found credible or not?
  12. Fake news is it? I guess you don't support war crimes charges against your own under any circumstances? https://www.abc.net.au/news/2020-11-19/afghan-war-crimes-report-released-what-you-need-to-know/12899880
  13. No major poll has ever had a error greater than 5% outside their margin of error.
  14. I'd say it was. A senator accused them of lying to the senate. Not reading links from others is the very definition of being in an echo chamber.
  15. Impeached from the court and indicted for perjury. I told you already I had posted a link to evidence. If you ever read links outside your echo chamber you might already know,
  16. Did those proud boys who pled guilty to seditious conspiracy dream their crime?
  17. Her job is a judge, nothing else. Kavanaugh and Barrett lied to the senate. I have previously posted the evidence yesterday.
  18. we know your attitudes toward women already. The "father" was the child's legal parent, biological or not. Try to get away with that argument in your country.
  19. The question was politically loaded and just red meat for the base. She displayed educated aplomb in deflecting it. Should any judgement require a medical opinion or further facts about sexuality or gender I'm sure she will ask for it as appropriate. I'm not so sure about others who follow a religious agenda and lie to do so. Jackson simply avoided the question, she didn't lie in response to it. Should anyone who lied before the senate be disqualified if refusal to answer a question disqualifies?
  20. Genetic diversity is so common that there is no "normal". It doesn't need to be a visible problem like missing arms and legs. You post screams lack of research on a topic you feel you are qualified to comment on.
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