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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. The US wants what the Israeli political lobby wants it to want. That said, the US isn't a party to the actual conflict itself.
  2. Which is why they don't want to fix it until Trump can claim credit for it.
  3. I'm very wary of cookies, I have to give up smoking because my lungs are suffering these days. About 6 months or so ago. I had half a brownie and went to a soi 6 bar. After a few minutes my vision started to go white and next thing I was on the floor with several security guards asking me if I wanted to go to hospital. I explained that I had eaten a dope cookie and they just laughed and left me to it. It was 2 hours before I could walk home. I once had a similar reaction to synthetic weed that someone gave me to smoke. I'm wondering how many of these cookies are made with just real ganga.
  4. Among the older demographic there is more islamophobia for sure but I think the issue here is political power. I'm not sure if antisemitism is trending or not, it's been pretty bad since WW2
  5. "In the environment where we are now where Trump is obviously insane and an adjudicated rapist, he is the guy who planned a coup over the U.S. election, he helped kill half of a million people by fumbling Covid. β€” people get it," he added. "They understand now in a broader way. https://www.rawstory.com/trump-insane-2667161619/
  6. So, what do you suggest? Americans should stay home or vote third party. I believe everyone has a civic duty to actually make a choice and vote. Even if that vote is a vote against a candidate.
  7. The reason, from what I read, is that he suffers from the worst case of incontinence I have ever heard of. Uncontrolled over minutes.
  8. 'He has dementia': Internet erupts after Trump suggests he looks like Elvis https://www.rawstory.com/trump-dementia-elvis-mocked/ Actually it's true. They were both very pudgy at this twilight time in their lives.
  9. He wasn't her boyfriend when she hired him if another post here is correct. How does your reference to her being black do anything other than establish your racist credentials?
  10. Trump famously lives on a diet of big macs and coke while never exercising. There isn't a doctor alive that will tell you that won't lead to early onset dementia. Only his "perfect genes" and the Walter Reid Hospital have allowed him to live this long.
  11. Nobody has been able to say where the conflict of interest lies. Both want to see Trump locked up forever. They are entitled to that POV, they are not jurists.
  12. This means that the red states aren't doing as well. Why is that? What does that have to do with Biden?
  13. Most of the recent jobs increase has been added to the manufacturing and service sectors.
  14. Why don't you say what you really mean? Don't hold back. πŸ™‚
  15. Where the jobs are: Strong hiring in most industries has far outpaced high-profile layoffs So, how are both occurring at the same time? It’s not as contradictory as it might seem. Recent job cuts have been concentrated mainly in just a few sectors: technology, finance and media. Relative to the U.S. labor force of 160 million people, layoffs so far have been dwarfed by consistently vigorous hiring β€” a monthly average of 248,000 jobs added over the past six months. The unemployment rate is still just 3.7%, barely above a 50-year low. https://apnews.com/article/jobs-hiring-layoffs-unemployment-economy-inflation-29028a515cfd6250f3588254e77e6922
  16. So, all that "Sleepy Joe" talking points was just more MAGA accusation confession it seems. Trump's declining 'mental capacity' is now his greatest weakness Donald Trump's repeated gaffes and slurring during his speeches and public appearances has opened the door for former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley (R) to make inroads into cutting into his support as the two battle for the GOP's 2024 presidential nomination, and one GOP strategist claims his declining mental capacity is fair game. https://www.rawstory.com/trump-mental-decline-2667160383
  17. "The chances of a successful disqualification went from 5% to .05%," wrote Kreis, noting that according to Wade's affidavit, "The relationship with Fani Willis started after his appointment as special prosecutor, the two have never cohabitated [sic], and travel expenses have been split between them." The existence of a relationship between Willis and Wade, in and of itself, would not pose any legal conflict of interest, because the two of them are on the same prosecutorial team and their professional interests are aligned regardless. https://www.rawstory.com/trump-fani-willis-affair/
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