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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. That's not all he said is it? He said that after he said there would be a complete blockade on Gaza. No food, no water, no electricity. Then he said they were fighting against human animals. A complete blockade on Gaza isn't just Hamas is it? In context, in the sentence immediately following the blockade announcement he said this. Nobody should infer that he is referring only to Hamas.
  2. Being able to trace one's DNA to the region does confer an entitlement to live there but not at the expense of the denizens of that region. And especially not when the "heritage" hasn't been endemic to the region in a couple of millennia. If that standard was applied to me I could be a citizen of half the western world.
  3. Intentional killing is murder. Wilful negligence leading to death is manslaughter. When inflicted on a civilian population en masse, both are war crimes.
  4. My preference would be for a single secular nation (banning religious leaders from elections) with proportional representation and a parliament and electorates decided on population numbers with gerrymandering banned. Failing that, the total arable land and water resources should be divided proportionate to the population including living refugees and their descendants.
  5. The far right have a deep seated belief that they just fill out mail in ballots and send them off and they are counted.
  6. If the US didn't need illegal immigrants there wouldn't be illegal immigrants. Illegal immigrants are the new slaves. Well, since wetback times and well before then as well.
  7. I think with his perjuring patsy accountant pleading guilty Trump has a very good chance of being personally indicted for fraud instead of just his company.
  8. What part of "all" doesn't include Palestinian nationalist movements like Hamas?
  9. My bona fides go back a long way. When I was 19 I sat for a state federal public service entrance exam (came 3rd) and there was an essay question which was "Discuss the philosophy of boundaries". I wrote then in favour of no national borders and one world democratic government. Nationalism is founded on racism. They may invoke religion but it's really racism which is the root problem.
  10. Where did you get that Idea? I have also watched Hannity and Watters and that other super bigot that got fired. I wouldn't have an opinion of I hadn't watched them. All of them sell their ethics for money. Racist scum all of them.
  11. Since I have commented on this thread I want to make my philosophy clear. I believe all religions are a man made construct based on fables written to convey legitimacy to nothing other than another social power grab. A precursor to democratic governments if you will, and why religions are so closely associated with government. That said, I absolutely support the right of any person to worship any god they choose. That people invoke religion to justify killing and land conquest infuriates me. It is racism, pure and simple. Goes for every religion.
  12. I thought journalism was a skilled based occupation.
  13. I identify as greener than spirulina. And Antifa. And I support gay groups while being a white hetero male of WASP descent. It's your anti left delusionment kicking in. What the right doesn't understand is that the left are not team players in the ways that the right is extremely so inclined.
  14. Tucker Carlson absolutely supports the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Stop insulting our intelligence.
  15. Leader of the Fascist Party in the US.
  16. Here comes the antisemite accusations you came you don't make. A more useful response would be to point out posts which you do consider to antisemitic and explain why without resorting to an ad hominem attack in the first instance. Then we could have a vitriol free debate. Instrad, your main purpose seems to be to just shout down your detractors with nasty accusations which do amount to flames. Lay off.
  17. Absolute crap. If you are talking about Hamas, there is not a single person on this board who has not condemned Hamas, of those who have posted on any relevant thread. And that's just the political organization.
  18. Criticizing Jews = not ok. Criticizing the Israeli government and leaders = ok. Criticizing any organised religion = ok.
  19. If I recall correctly Trump advanced the withdrawal date 5 minutes before leaving office.
  20. Gideon Rachman, the chief foreign affairs columnist for the Financial Times, has penned a withering column claiming that a second Trump term will make Russian President Vladimir Putin's dreams come true. All of this, he argues, is part of Trump's calculation that he can retake the White House by denying Biden any wins. "If the freedom of Ukraine and the security of Europe are collateral damage in Trump’s bid to win back the White House, the former president seems to regard that as a price worth paying," he writes. https://www.rawstory.com/trump-putin-2667171823/
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