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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. What part of attempting to interfere with a legitimate vote isn't a threat to democracy? It's not opinion at all. The Murdoch press is definitely the enemy of the people as are several other truth challenged clickbait publications.
  2. My interpretation is he clearly broke the rules right at "harassment". Your world view will never acknowledge that people have a right to feel offended.
  3. It's hypothetical. You said that IF you had a child in the US you would not send them to school and my post explained what the result would be.
  4. This belongs in the angry old white man thread or should be deleted altogether as not being an approved source. Twitter was entitled to ban him under their rules.
  5. Happy with your daughter being a Walmart checkout girl for the rest of her life?
  6. The point is she must travel to another state and requires someone to take her there. Some states laws are attempting to prohibit that. Do you think it's reasonable that she is required to travel interstate to have an abortion at 10? The travel costs will be significant for her and her guardian, not to mention time off work for the guardian and who's going to look after any other siblings. Who raped this girl is off topic.
  7. Have you ever seen where they do unless they are already caught and charged?
  8. That note didn't write itself. Mark Meadows asked an associate to 'influence' January 6 testimony of his former aide: report On Friday, CNN reported that one of the people who tried to "influence" the testimony of former White House aide Cassidy Hutchinson to the House Select Committee investigating the January 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol, did so on the request of Hutchinson's former boss, Trump Chief of Staff Mark Meadows. According to the report, Meadows' team vehemently denies anything of the sort happened, with Meadows spokesperson Ben Williamson saying, "No one from Meadows camp, himself or otherwise, ever sought to intimidate or shape her conversations with the committee." https://www.rawstory.com/mark-meadows-asked-an-associate-to-influence-january-6-testimony-of-his-former-aide-report/
  9. I'm not condemning her. I just don't believe she was either naive nor uninformed. She had every reason to know the risks. She had little regard for the problems she was likely to cause.
  10. That's right, it's not worse than alcohol. In fact the private and public harm caused by alcohol is far greater.
  11. She's a rich professional sportswoman. She has a manager. It's unlikely she didn't get the memo. I agree the US should not cave in and swap her. If memory serves they haven't been in a hurry to do so in the past.
  12. The most frightening thing we’ve learned over the past six years is just how indifferent the vast majority of the Republican Party is to the rule of law, the Constitution, basic decency and truth. But there have also been ordinary men and women who met the moment with grace and integrity. And Cassidy Hutchinson will deserve a place of honor for showing a party of cowards what courage looks like. https://chicago.suntimes.com/2022/6/30/23190208/cassidy-hutchinson-shows-a-party-of-cowards-what-courage-looks-like
  13. She knew the risks. Nobody thinks she is just another person. It was a no brainer that Russia was going to do something like this. The State Dept had warned against travel to Russia. She obviously thought she was bullet proof. She was not naive, she was stupid and she has now present the US with a headache.
  14. Yes, did you never do anything stupid when you were young despite which you miraculously survived?
  15. Meadows intermediary may have tried to influence Hutchinson's testimony to January 6 committee, sources say https://edition.cnn.com/2022/07/01/politics/mark-meadows-cassidy-hutchinson/index.html
  16. The State Department is offering up to $10 million to those who provide information on foreign interference in U.S. elections, officials announced on Thursday. https://www.politico.com/news/2022/06/30/state-department-reward-election-interference-00043680
  17. This incident underscores the need for teaching the truth of the history of slavery aka critical race theory.
  18. I'm still waiting for anybody to have have the cohones to front the House and refute this courageous young lady's testament under oath.
  19. Arizona Senate President Karen Fann and Mesa Republican Senator Kelly Townsend were subpoenaed by the FBI for an on-going investigation into President Donald Trump’s alleged pressure campaign on state officials to overturn the 2020 presidential election results. https://www.rawstory.com/karen-fann-fbi-subpoena/?traffic_source=Connatix
  20. There isn't even an obvious joke. It's just a gratuitous Thai bashing comment.
  21. Since Jan. 23, the U.S. State Department had warned Americans not to travel to Russia, saying there was the “potential for harassment against U.S. citizens by Russian government security officials.” Yet, Brittney Griner and other WNBA players have for years played overseas in countries like Russia, precisely because they’re paid far more than in the U.S. https://theblackwallsttimes.com/2022/03/07/detained-in-russia-wnba-star-brittney-griner-faces-uncertain-future/
  22. The crime has neither been solved, tried or punished yet. It's far from a dead horse. It's still a work in progress and its extremely relevant given ongoing efforts to allow the rules to be broken in future, even in the event of the efforts being unconstitutional. And finally, Trump may yet run again so the 2020 election will be very relevant despite your wish to sweep it under the carpet.
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