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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. Perhaps you misinterpreted their looks because they were wearing masks?
  2. Masks are better at protecting others than oneself. Everybody wearing a mask in an enclosed space provides the most protection. Many people will not display or suffer covid symptoms but may still transmit it to others. I have no way of knowing from day to day if I'm infected, reinfected or not. I wear a mask in public indoor and outdoor crowded areas because I know that I have taken every reasonable step to save other people's lives. People in Thailand are still dying from covid on a daily basis.
  3. If Russia doesn't willingly cede that territory back to Ukraine, including Crimea and the entire Donbas, the country will be sanctioned for decades. German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock made clear that sanctions against Russia will only be lifted after a complete withdrawal of its troops from Ukrainian territory, including the eastern Donbas region, another sign the penalties are set to stay for a prolonged period. https://fortune.com/2022/05/02/russia-sanctions-troops-withdraw-all-ukraine-donbas-crimea-germany/
  4. "The Washington Post reported late last month that Hutchinson had told the committee that Meadows remarked to others that Trump indicated support for hanging his vice president after rioters who stormed the Capitol on that day started chanting, 'Hang Mike Pence!'" Last month, Politico revealed Hutchinson told the committee that Meadows incinerated documents after a meeting with Rep. Scott Perry (R-PA). It was previously revealed that Trump attempted to flush documents down the toilet, clogging the pipes in the centuries-old building. Former Mark Meadows White House aide Cassidy Hutchinson is the surprise witness: report
  5. It doesn't "need" certification. Companies choose to get certification because it increases their sales. No other reason. No company is forced to get Halal certification for anything. They choose to do so because they want to sell to Muslims. How can a company's business decision be a "scam"?
  6. Women most in need of an abortion are likely the least able to afford to travel to get one.
  7. When the supreme court trashes the separation of church and state, it shows they have an agenda to establish a christian theocracy in the US. "In just a few years, the court has upended constitutional doctrine, shifting from a rule that permits states to decline to fund religious organisations to one that requires states in many circumstances to subsidise religious indoctrination with taxpayer dollars.” https://www.theguardian.com/law/2022/jun/21/sonia-sotomayor-supreme-court-separation-church-state
  8. States rights is a dog whistle for "The civil war ain't over yet".
  9. You didn't provide a link to your claim. Is that because you can't substantiate it? Start here. https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2017/06/right-to-carry-gun-violence/531297/
  10. https://ukhealthcare.uky.edu/wellness-community/health-information/short-long-term-effects-preterm-birth
  11. If I'm not mistaken, Roe v Wade was decided pertinent to the ninth amendment. This is what makes the recent decision such an egregious error in law.
  12. I'm pretty sure the Federalist Society would have told those nominees that they could freely lie to republican senators and still get their nominations approved.
  13. antagonist placed on ignore to prevent further provocation.
  14. I'll call out bigotry as I see it and make no apology for doing so. I'll also live with the consequences.
  15. Google doesn't care what everyone is thinking, just what most people are thinking, hence the "average person".
  16. It's not a personal flame, it's an observation about your views.
  17. Many women don't take the pill because they don't intend to have sex but are raped or coerced anyway. Abortions are ALWAYS a reaction to an unplanned pregnancy and NEVER a means of contraception.
  18. agreed. Most people's behaviour is quite predictable. Normal computer algorithm's can predict what they will look at or buy.
  19. So, do you support a women's right to use contraceptives in order not to get pregnant? That's now Thomas' target. And apparently McConnell as well.
  20. The new evidence includes documents from the National Archive and multiple new leads given to a tip-line since the televised hearings began earlier in June. The most prized haul though will be hours of footage from documentary filmmaker Alex Holder, who was granted extensive access to Trump and his inner circle -- including for interviews -- before and after January 6. https://www.rawstory.com/jan-6-house-select-committee/
  21. Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-KY) suggested on Monday that women's reproductive rights have become "outdated" -- and that's why the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade. https://www.rawstory.com/mitch-mcconnell-abortion-outdated/
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