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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. So more than two dozen states not absolutely requiring a helmet. One can only imagine the difference in road accident death tolls from motorcycle accidents, Not to mention those left with major brain damage.
  2. It IS a vaccine. It is not an immunisation.
  3. a slightly more involved google search will reveal many more states not requiring helmets for adults.
  4. You've missed the bus, my comment was clearly about a cultural mindset, not the way society is structured.
  5. I just think those who believe Thais are stupid because they don't buy into the right wing conspiracy theories and those who choose to gratuitously bash Thais or stereotype them are the real stupid ones.
  6. Is the US any better at critical thinking? Half the country believes in lies and conspiracy theories.
  7. Many states in the US don't require wearing helmets. Just can't stop stupid I guess.
  8. It's not the truth in Thailand any more than it is in any other country. Do you think people in different countries are really all that different? If you think they have a subservient culture then put up some links to justify your argument, otherwise it's just more stereotyping.
  9. In other countries they let their kids have guns to go shoot other kids. No need to bash Thais. No single country has a monopoly on common sense.
  10. The obvious conclusion is that having been forced to wear masks, many people now realise that wearing them while riding motorcycles is a good thing as it stops the dust and soot. There's no other plausible explanation why they continue to so so.
  11. What's stupid about wanting to stop dirt, soot and bugs from entering your lungs? That's clearly the reason why so many people continue to wear them on motorcycles having now gotten used to them. Surely, you don't imagine that they believe they will get covid riding a motorcycle solo?
  12. No food business is required to obtain halal certification. They do it because it helps their business make money. If you find it offensive, don't eat halal certified foods, you don't need to peddle your islamaphobia onto everybody else. https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2015/aug/14/halal-certification-creates-more-value-than-it-costs-says-peak-food-body
  13. Unrelated issues. Not wearing helmets is stupid. Wearing masks is not stupid.
  14. I feel naked without a mask these days. I think many Thais do as well in most public places. I notice they don't wear them much around entertainment districts.
  15. I see two people who realise that masks keep the dust and bugs out of their lungs so they continue to wear them. The comments about sheeple are ignorant. Thais are brought up to be deferential and polite. They wear masks out of politeness and also realise that they actually stop a lot of respiratory infections besides covid. Until covid is actually gone, they will continue to wear masks. Thais, unlike some foreigners, are not oblivious to rising levels of infection and potentially danger from BA4 and BA.5. They do actually have a functioning news service.
  16. where does it say that the US survey was carried out on sex workers. Where does the CNN article state that the problem is specific to sex workers? For that matter, where does the Australian survey state that it was conducted among sex workers. Stating that sex workers are more likely to be victimised isn't stating what you claim.
  17. They don't say what you claim. Your claim is that non sex workers would experience minimal or much less stealthing. This is unsubstantiated and you don't address the CNN article which describes it as a problem. You are minimising the issue to suit your own bias and not providing any evidence. Last week, California passed a law that makes stealthing, or non-consensual condom removal during intercourse, a civil offense. In doing so, they've officially moved this act out of a gray area: Stealthing is illegal, full stop. The state joins several countries, including the United Kingdom, Germany, Switzerland, Canada and New Zealand, that have already criminalized stealthing.
  18. Findings indicated that 87% of women experienced noncoercive CUR from a partner and 49% experienced coercive CUR. Of these women, 58% and 19% reported having engaged in noncoercive and coercive CUR, respectively. Twelve percent of women had a partner engage in stealthing; https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/30826133/ https://edition.cnn.com/2021/10/15/opinions/stealthing-california-law-michaela-coel-stewart/index.html
  19. (41 minus 33) x 2 is the measure of misogyny in the US.
  20. Explain exactly how a women can compel a man to work under any circumstances.
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