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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. Watch the public hearings provided by PBS on You Tube.
  2. There's almost no masks in sight on soi moo cow, LK, walking street or soi 6. Either in the bars or on the streets. The only people wearing masks are the occasional vendors and motorbike taxi riders.
  3. you are admitting your photos are fake and out of context?
  4. Muslim women in France are under no such repression and so if they choose to wear Hijabs, etc they are obviously doing it of their own volition. You have not provided links to verify your photos authenticity, origin or age.
  5. It wouldn't and I think you mean immigration.
  6. There are many, many Muslim women is non Muslim majority countries, even born in those countries who choose to wear the hijab as a symbol of their religion just as Christians like to wear crucifixes. It is spurious to claim that they are under any duress.
  7. No, he is saying that men dominate all religions. He did not say the "Same" restrictions. https://theconversation.com/sexism-has-long-been-part-of-the-culture-of-southern-baptists-112209
  8. Did you read the article? The city is allowing the women to wear what they want. Nobody is enforcing anything. The far right is complaining.
  9. I agree, it's a good thing. It will advance action against climate change. from your link: Far-left leader Jean-Luc Mélenchon was enjoying his success in bringing together mainstream parties from the left with Communists and Greens into an alliance called Nupes. He told supporters that the presidential party had suffered a total rout and every possibility was now in their hands.
  10. The law is allowing them to wear what they choose. It's the far right doing the kicking and screaming.
  11. Where did I mention men? It's clearly a question for Muslims themselves. That's what religious freedom is about.
  12. Trump had every opportunity to call the national guard but declined to do so. It was Pence who finally did. Questions over the reason behind delays in the deployment of National Guard troops to the Capitol complex have been a key point of contention in accounts of Jan. 6. https://www.militarytimes.com/news/pentagon-congress/2022/06/10/pence-not-trump-asked-guard-troops-to-help-defend-capitol-on-jan-6-panel-says/
  13. https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2022/jun/13/sean-hannity/no-evidence-pelosi-rejected-trumps-authorization-2/
  14. He said that at a rally on the day. https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/trump-fight-like-hell-speech-extremely-calming-1270504/
  15. Is this a problem? https://www.amazon.co.uk/YiZYiF-Swimsuit-Protective-One-Piece-Rashguard/dp/B07KVVL9JT
  16. Do you suppose the society they have chosen to live in wants to enforce anti muslim bigotry on the muslim population? It's only the far right ( a minority) objecting to this.
  17. Did Clinton advocate "fighting like hell" and organise a rally to gin up mob violence?
  18. They don't need to have followed the proceedings themselves. Most of those who watched the riots live on TV would have formed an opinion as to what happened on that day. These proceedings are only confirming what most people already knew.
  19. That's because those clothes are not purpose made swimming costumes. Any fool can see that the photo shows a purpose made swimming costume. Do you somehow imagine that those costumes are being worn for general street use? Yes. That's just a talking point. The fact is that most of these women DO want to wear those clothes and nobody should stop them. You are advocating forcing them to not wear clothes they want to wear out of sheer bigotry under some misguided notion of protecting them from themselves. It's a dog whistle for anti Muslims. Notice it's not the Muslim community having this debate, it's the far right having their say.
  20. This is almost the same predicament that Australia's new government found itself in before eventually reaching an outright majority in recent elections. The projections, which are based on partial results, show that Macron’s candidates would win between 200 and 250 seats — much less than the 289 required to have a straight majority at the National Assembly, France’s most powerful house of parliament. The situation, which is unusual in France, is expected to make Macron’s political maneuvering difficult if the projections are borne out. A new coalition — made up of the hard left, the Socialists and the Greens — is projected to become the main opposition force with about 150 to 200 seats. https://apnews.com/article/macron-jean-luc-melenchon-paris-france-19f8ca85b890be287f93b74bbc0fc04c
  21. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2022-06-20/shell-for-date-tbc-qld-blockchain-jobs-of-the-future-julius-denn/101123884
  22. Does it matter that the pieces of the jigsaw don't belong to the same puzzle?
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