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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. I know that at least one Trump apologist here has tried to claim that the protesters at the Capitol building on Jan 6 were peaceful and unarmed and even challenged the evidence that some of the protesters had guns. While most of those who did carry weapons would have left undetected with those weapons, at least one didn't. Indiana MAGA rioter pleads guilty to losing gun in crowd while storming the Capitol https://www.rawstory.com/mark-mazza-2657528094/
  2. What about Ken Starr investigating Clinton for 7 years before finding nothing and accusing him of lying to protect his marriage?
  3. Trump attempted to facilitate Putin's invasion of Ukraine by blocking weapons supplies. Trump is Putin's Manchurian Candidate.
  4. “When a service tries to use PAM to authenticate a user, the malware checks the provided password against a hardcoded password,” he explained. ” If the password provided is a match, the hooked function returns a success response.” https://threatpost.com/linux-malware-impossible-detect/179944/ I know of no linux servers which permit PAM authentication. Only a fool would allow it. Most servers use encrypted keys without root or password access. Most servers are also protected with Gateway or VPN on LAN subnets as well.
  5. Full time linux sysop for the past 8 years here. People who like to pain linux as vulnerable like point to these theoretical vulnerabilities as proof but the simple reality is that such viruses aren't in general circulation. Linux is really only hacked when attackers target particular servers and even then not too often. Windows is far more vulnerable to users installing viruses and malware. So far, there’s no evidence of infections in the wild, only malware samples found online. It’s unlikely this malware is widely active at the moment https://arstechnica.com/information-technology/2022/06/novel-techniques-in-never-before-seen-linux-backdoor-make-it-ultra-stealthy/
  6. rubbish, if it can't install it can't run. this would require login access anyway and there are no accounts of this having ever happened.
  7. There is a major reason that linux distros aren't affected by viruses in the real world and that is the user doesn't automatically have root permissions unlike in windows and therefore viruses and malware can't install themselves.
  8. what you want them to be isn't what they are. bottom line is countries are compelled to assess any and all claims for asylum.
  9. Yes it does. They can't be both. Once a person makes a claim for asylum they cease to be Illegal immigrants until that claim is assessed. International law provides for people to make claims for asylum regardless of the means in which they entered the country and compel the government to assess their claim. If that claim is rejected then they become illegal immigrants, not before.
  10. How is the opinion of rank and file embers relevant to anything at all, especially when it differs to the opinion of the leadership?
  11. It simply doesn't matter whether he ignores the expert or not. When your lawyer tells you that bank robbery is a crime before you rob the bank, you can't claim you didn't know based on ignoring or not believing the experts. Again, in the end, it's what a jury believes he knew, not what he said he knew.
  12. Paying a trafficker (human smuggler) doesn't diminish their claim for refugee status. that goes more to the level of desperation than anything.
  13. It isn't a legal defense when one had reason to believe that what one was saying wasn't true. That's why the committee focused on the advice he received from people he knew were experts and who he had appointed. In the final analysis it's what a jury will believe.
  14. Why are you conflating the traffickers with the refugees. Traffickers are hunted by law enforcement and are prosecuted when caught. The one thing I'm not seeing here is any attempt to understand why those people are refugees in the first place. I accept that many are not genuine but all i see is a lot of racist garbage about how Somalians and Kurds aren't real refugees but Ukrainians are.
  15. No, France, Turkey and Germany have far more refugees per capita than the UK. Why can't the UK abide by international agreements to take its share of refugees. All I see here is an unwillingness to take any refugees at all unless they are white.
  16. Why should France have to shoulder that burden while the UK gets a free pass?
  17. Almost none of them came from France and the argument that the first safe haven nation should have the shoulder the burden of supporting refugees is just disgusting. It's just a "not on my lawn" argument. France and Germany have far more refugees than the UK. Almost everywhere has more refugees than the UK.
  18. come back to me when you are in a position where you don't have any choice at all in that matter. when what you "like" isn't a consideration but you can't remain where you are.
  19. I've only been peripherally following the bickering due also to time constraints. I'll just say that I'm a very strong believer in human rights, no matter how much red tape they may involve. I'm very much aware of the privileged place I have found myself due only to a my birthplace. I find it a matter of huge regret that so many in the same position lack the empathy and compassion for others less fortunate. it's a fact that the UK, like so many other nations needs immigration to maintain the safety net which we enjoy and which is the magnet that draws those at most risk. the answer may not be to just open the borders, although all my life i have felt challenged by the very notion that national boundaries should even exist. (Back when I was teengaer I topped a state public service entrance exam with an essay on why they shouldn't). The reason we are in such a privileged position is because of the rape and pillaging of our colonial era. The obvious solution to the problem is to export our wealth to those regions where it's needed to raise the standard of living to a point where the mass migrations due to war and climate change won't be so much of a necessity. I also believe it means a heavy military and economic hand against fascist and undemocratic governments which are one of the major causes of such human suffering. In the meantime, we need to reply on world order type solutions such as international conventions and agreements to help level the playing field until and unless people get the message that some sacrifice by the haves is needed to fix the problem.
  20. So easy to sneer when you are born on the right side of the railway tracks.
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