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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. Under international law, governments cannot arbitrarily deport refugees until their status is determined. https://www.unhcr.org/uk/4bf6813a9.pdf https://www.freemalaysiatoday.com/category/nation/2022/02/12/refugees-cant-be-deported-to-home-country-says-unhcr/ https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/leiden-journal-of-international-law/article/is-there-any-blood-on-my-hands-deportation-as-a-crime-of-international-law/27AA9A31864D791D0B36F74F6E14948B
  2. that's classic projection. If that was true, why are all these racially motivated mass shootings happening and why were white supremacist groups behind the Jan 6 insurrection? The right is totally consumed by race.
  3. the UK agrees to abide by ECHR rulings, that has been pointed out several times now.
  4. It's always the same side of politics which doesn't like human rights laws and agreements.
  5. or just use linux and get on with life. Viruses aren't a thing on linux - despite what anyone will tell you.
  6. Which windows version do you use? You probably need to do a disk format and fresh install. What do you use this computer for? Browsing the net, email and banking? If so, I strongly recommend using Ubuntu instead. then you can forget about viruses. If you really want to use windows then use Defender, forget the other virus programs. Back in the day Defender was horrible but not it isn't.
  7. The Vatican continues its long tradition of appeasement. https://www.smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/researchers-find-evidence-pope-pius-xii-ignored-reports-holocaust-180974795/ Red Cross and Vatican helped thousands of Nazis to escape https://www.theguardian.com/world/2011/may/25/nazis-escaped-on-red-cross-documents
  8. Britain canceled a flight that was scheduled to deport asylum seekers to Rwanda late Tuesday after the European Court of Human Rights intervened, saying the plan carried “a real risk of irreversible harm.” British government officials had said earlier in the day that the plane would take off no matter how many people were on board. But after the appeals, no one remained. https://apnews.com/article/uk-rwanda-migration-deportations-boris-johnson-9ca56e7a1736dd803690ceac544fc7e8
  9. Biden was largely elected by his party's stance on oil and gas. His reforms have been heavily curtailed by the GOP in the senate plus the corrupt Manchin.
  10. Clearly they don't. White supremacists within the ranks of law enforcement has long been a problem. You seem to have a problem with the FBI actually being run by the "elitists" at the top? The agency obviously believes white supremacy is a big threat. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2022/may/20/fbi-white-supremacist-violence-michael-german https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/fbi-white-supremacy-threat-testimony-b1951032.html
  11. It's not my game, it's the rules of this forum. "Acceptable" means in accordance with those rules.
  12. Your claim that the current measures taken by the UK Government to get rid of all the bogus asylum seekers is because they want to free up room for genuine asylum seekers , like Ukrainians.
  13. Agreed but you need to provide it at least once in a an acceptable link. You haven't done so to my knowledge.
  14. Most of those refugees arrived on trains from Ukraine. There have been numerous reports of train stations being shelled by Russia. Nearly 200,000 Ukrainian Refugees Have Left Poland by Train to Other EU Countries https://www.schengenvisainfo.com/news/nearly-200000-ukrainian-refugees-have-left-poland-by-train-to-other-eu-countries/
  15. Poland. https://www.dw.com/en/polands-open-door-policy-helps-ukrainian-refugees-build-new-lives/a-61192590
  16. This link does not reflect the claims made by you in relation to this incident. Missing is the correct number, the dinghy and the departure point. This omission goes to the need to provide a credible link at the time a claim is made.
  17. They're not hard to find https://whatukthinks.org/eu/where-stands-support-for-brexit-now/
  18. You cited the Dublin Agreement as the basis for returning refugees when it wasn't at all relevant to the issue of deporting refugees.
  19. What isn't in a law is excluded from that law (or agreement) by definition. Your question about how many refugees were deported back to France under that law is nonsense.
  20. I did read it. Why do you think I challenged you to show me where it says what you claimed. The Dublin agreement does not provide for forcible return to France.
  21. Climate action might actually happen as well as gun control. The problem with the right wing now is that they are focused on a single issue. They don't care what happens to the planet so long as they can stop immigration and preserve white supremacy.
  22. Was the Dublin Agreement intended return refugees from the UK to France? Can you show that it was?
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