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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. this is a reasonable expectation given the overwhelming evidence of a seditious conspiracy that has been uncovered. You're just using GOP talking points about political bias to deflect from the evidence itself.
  2. How can you say they are focused on charges but not seditious intent? The charges aren't for jaywalking. They are very much focused on intent, much of the evidence produced is designed to show that he had been expertly advised on numerous occasions that the election was not rigged. Practically the first thing they showed was Bill Barr claiming to have advised Trump that there was no evidence of fraud.
  3. The girl at my local 7-11 in North Pattaya is absolutely stunning. I'm late 60's and she doesn't even glance at me so i keep my mouth shut.
  4. Patriot Front is a white supremacist neo-Nazi group whose members perceive Black Americans, Jews and LGBTQ people as enemies, said Jon Lewis, a George Washington University researcher who specializes in homegrown violent extremism. https://apnews.com/article/climate-texas-idaho-government-and-politics-southern-poverty-law-center-4f6b998f83814e8951eef658f44d818d
  5. Under an agreement reached in July, Britain agreed to finance border security in France to the tune of 62.7 million euros ($73.8 million), The French side has hired more gendarmes, purchased more technological equipment and thereby "succeeded in greatly reducing migratory pressure", he added. Over the past three months France has stopped 65 percent of attempted crossings by illegal immigrants, up from 50 percent, the interior minister said. https://www.france24.com/en/france/20211010-france-calls-for-creation-of-a-migration-treaty-between-the-eu-and-britain
  6. Your claims don't quite match the facts, In England and Wales, government statistics show there were 41 convictions for helping asylum seekers to enter the UK between 2017-2020, compared to 137 prosecutions in the same period. Last September, over 50 suspected criminal gang members were arrested in relation to small boat crossings, according to Home Office figures. https://www.bbc.com/news/explainers-53734793
  7. Proving nothing at all. Some French naval boats ensuring they were on hand to rescue refugees in case they sank. Reprehensible in some peoples' eyes.
  8. More conspiracy theories. What evidence do you have that all of these boats are controlled by human traffickers. the French probably do go after human traffickers.
  9. Did the french navy have a legal obligation to turn the boats back to France? Were they "escorting" them or monitoring them? Escorting implies forcing them to travel to a point where they did not wish to go.
  10. Neither of those cuts the mustard either. the Turkish news outlet quotes a "UK daily" and the express is not an approved source.
  11. Are you suggesting that Biden didn't get the most college votes? Your deflection has nothing to do with this process. in this case Biden won both the popular vote and the electoral college vote. you don't have a point.
  12. For a start they were in a safe country. What was wrong with leaving them there?
  13. If you torture those words any harder they'll start screaming. ???? They were attempting to subvert the process of presidential succession and the transfer of power. In sort, insurrection. And seditious conspiracy.
  14. Were his comments really private? Obviously not and the linked article suggests the comments were made between the monarchy and the Commonwealth. As such, they were not private, didn't deserve to be private and shouldn't have been made at all since they were political. The monarchy is "duty bound" to stay out of politics. furthermore, if he hasn't learned his lesson yet he needs to abdicate and leave it to someone without a tin ear. The world is sick of the British monarchy's attitude to race issues and clear conservative bias.
  15. It depends on the situation somewhat. For all of my life, road trains (trucks with three trailers) on the open road in my state in Australia have used the left indicator to warn you not to overtake. if a car did this, you would overtake. They use the right indicator to signal that it's safe to overtake. You'd never overtake a car with its right indicator on. Given that we drive on the left side of the road, it's very strange. They do this because the trucks are so long, up to 54 metres, that it's impossible to see past them even on a straight road. it takes an estimated 1.3 km to overtake them at 100 Kph.
  16. Pretty sure the truth is out there for those who want to see it. More evidence is coming out but no surprises.
  17. Here are the witnesses appearing before the second Jan. 6 committee on Monday https://www.rawstory.com/january-6-witnesses/
  18. almost all are now in Australia. But try to address what I posted instead of deflection. The topic isn't about Australia.
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