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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. Biden has handed out massive quantities of weapons to Ukraine that Trump did his best to deny. Trump wanted to make sure Ukraine could not defend itself. https://foreignpolicy.com/2019/11/15/trump-resisted-ukraine-sale-javelin-antitank-missile/
  2. I'm sure i saw a farang tourist police in uniform last saturday night in walking street
  3. You're right, he tried to everything in his power to nobble NATO and let Putin do whatever he wanted. If you think Trump would have stood up to Putin, that's delusional.
  4. I'm really hoping that Sussman sues Trump, Barr and Durham. Then there will be a process of discovery of evidence.
  5. Trump pardoned a long list of cronies with ties to the Russia scandal (Paul Manafort, Roger Stone, Michael Flynn, George Papadopoulos). And every Republican is pretty much required to say it’s no big deal if a hostile foreign power helps a presidential candidate get elected, provided that candidate is a Republican," they wrote. "But the long-held dream of Trump and his allies to erase the enormous significance and depravity of the Russiagate scandal stands as decidedly unfulfilled. https://www.rawstory.com/special-counsel-john-durham/?traffic_source=Connatix
  6. Was the Trayvon killing in a democratic stronghold? Was Rittenhouse in a democratic stronghold?
  7. Do you not understand their point or you just want to shill the party line on guns? Why are nations afraid Russia will use nuclear weapons in Ukraine? It's still the same enemy? It's because those weapons kill more people more easily and more effectively and that's precisely the argument presented by posters trying to convince you that there's a difference between an AR 15 and a BB gun but you refuse to even acknowledge the point.
  8. It's really kind of hard to understand why even minimally educated people don't understand the difference. Maybe it's just regurgitating talking points but that argument that they could use anything to kill people instead of the single most lethal weapon available is mind boggling.
  9. The reality is that Thais don't mind wearing masks.There is no particular opposition to doing so and so the government keeps the mandate because they know that masks do reduce infections and that reduces the burden on the public health system. In some countries like mine the government is afraid to lose votes and so rejects the expert medical advice which is to keep masks until the pandemic is gone.
  10. and yet they are the ones trying hardest to rig the election by gerrymandering and restricting the vote by means they know target people least likely to vote for them. Furthermore, the most indictments for election fraud recently have been against republicans. And dirty tricks like running a candidate with the same name as a dem but extolling left wing policies just to draw the vote away from the real candidate while knowing the person can't win. Hypocrites.
  11. That's a standard health warning and it does not make any effort to play up the issue. Not to make such an announcement would be to abrogate the duty of care they are paid to do. Show me a country without a similar health warning. Here's the Australian travel warning. Can we just cut the Thai bashing already? https://www.smartraveller.gov.au/news-and-updates/monkeypox-outbreak
  12. I disagree. I think people who like guns are a little bit psycho. Guns have no particular use beyond killing. To like killing is not normal. And before you go off on what about target shooting, even that's a proxy for killing. I used to teach kids to shoot on ranges in the navy cadets. There was no doubt it was training to kill.
  13. For anyone interested, AIS uses 003 for enhanced call quality but you have to apply for it which takes a few minutes on a call to their help center.
  14. "Global surface temperatures continue to rise. In most surface temperature data sets, the years 2014, 2015 and again 2016 set new global heat records since the start of regular measurements." "We discuss some pitfalls of statistical analysis of global temperatures which have led to incorrect claims of an unexpected or significant warming slowdown." https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1748-9326/aa6825
  15. What Geology Has to Say About Global Warming https://news.climate.columbia.edu/2014/07/11/what-geology-has-to-say-about-global-warming/
  16. did you actually read the article? It doesn't imply good news. Here's the byline. Analyses of satellite imagery show many Pacific Islands are actually growing, but that doesn’t mean all is well for the people who live there.
  17. Global warming isn’t a straight line. There will be record warm moments and not-so-warm moments, but overall the trend is upward. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/capital-weather-gang/wp/2018/04/26/global-temperatures-have-cooled-since-2016-heres-why-thats-normal/
  18. You might want to read to the end next time Chi Chen, one of the authors of the study, said: “In the fight against climate change, plants are the lonely-only defenders. Stopping deforestation and ecologically sensible large-scale tree-planting could be one simple, but not sufficient, defense against climate change.” The authors noted, however, that the cooling effect from extra vegetation was large from an energy dissipation perspective, but wa quite small compared to the pace and intensity of global warming.
  19. Donald Trump pitched a tantrum after the acquittal of Democratic lawyer Michael Sussman. https://www.rawstory.com/donald-trump-john-durham/
  20. what was the timeline stated for this to happen? It's happening now. The article is trying to imply that if the deadlines were missed then apocalypse would follow the next day. KIndergarden kids could see through that trash. The climate change denier ship has sailed and only the extremists are claiming it's a hoax. The rest of the world are ringing the alarm bells.
  21. Every one of those predictions was accurate. It's not like the Earth's climate isn't reaching a tipping point as a result of climate inaction. The world wide disasters and record breaking temperatures, glacial melting and ocean acidity testify that we have already missed our chances when action would have been most beneficial. The NY Post is a hack rag and that article quotes Lomberg who was effectively booted out of Australia after a revolt by academia follow the Abbott government's effort to paint him as an expert. "The difficulty is he is neither a scientist or an economist, he's a political scientist." https://www.abc.net.au/news/2015-05-08/bjorn-lomborg-uwa-consensus-centre-contract-cancelled/6456708
  22. Yes, nothing to worry about. The last time the CO2 levels were this high was 5 million years ago https://climate.nasa.gov/climate_resources/7/graphic-carbon-dioxide-hits-new-high/
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