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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. A trained social worker is far better qualified than a cop to counsel kids. Cops are wholly untrained. A social worker can also exercise judgment and pass information along to the police if they deem it appropriate. Unless the cop is sitting there with SWAT gear and assault rifle at the ready he is near useless against a kid or adult with an assault weapon.
  2. it's totally off topic and you know it. Narcissism isn't about being right or wrong. It's about not caring for the feelings, emotions and physical and mental well being of others.
  3. I'm from a broken home. I'm not a narcissist. Your opinion is not only ignorant but also offensive.
  4. While that's self evidently true, that talking point plays into the hands of the gun lobby who like to point out that any blunt, sharp, soft, hard object of any description can kill people so guns shouldn't be blamed. People would simply kill less people but for the use of guns optimised for killing people rather than sport or hunting.
  5. Whether children have 1 or 2 parents is utterly irrelevant and just another right wing talking point to excuse guns as being the problem. There is no issue of 2 parents being better than one. If you think there is, start another thread and demonstrate that. There is a reason why beating children is considered child abuse these days.
  6. I went the bank today at opening time. The staff were having a meeting in the seating area. They were all socially distant. They all wore masks all the time. Everybody in Big C wore a mask bar none. Social compliance is near 100%. It isn't all about the risk of death, most Thais have respect for each other and they wear masks out of respect..
  7. God gave people the right to own guns? This is the nub of the problem. Conflating religion and gun ownership is beyond insane.
  8. Again a deflection. The salient issue is MASS shootings where your assertion is false.
  9. The AR 15 features in all of the worst mass killings. It is 25% of all mass shootings. Links previously supplied. The laws the US currently has are a joke.
  10. I think you already know and it was stated in the link I provided that a simple majority is not enough to pass an amendment to the constitution. As far as keeping it going there is political capital in that as the recalcitrant Republicans seem to be shooting themselves in the foot over gun control and abortion.
  11. The waste of money is your opinion. On one leveI I agree that any arms purchases are a waste of money in the bigger picture. In a smaller picture, Thailand does need to upgrade its airforce and the F-35 is really the only viable option to do so. Australia had the same experience. Another reason not to arm them is that there is a modernisation programme in place for the F-35. which was built under a different model (evolutionary development) to previous aircraft.
  12. Senate Majority Leader Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) told colleagues on the Senate floor Wednesday that he will not immediately bring gun control measures to the floor in the wake of two mass shootings in Buffalo and Uvalde, Texas, because he doesn’t expect them to muster enough Republican votes to pass. Instead, the Democratic leader said he will wait for Sen. Chris Murphy (D-Conn.) and other members of his caucus to try to negotiate a bipartisan compromise with Republicans on a measure that has a better chance of securing 60 votes to overcome a filibuster. https://thehill.com/news/3501101-schumer-tells-colleagues-not-to-expect-a-gun-control-vote-anytime-soon/ Your point about black killings is off topic here which is about mass shootings. Start another topic to discuss that.
  13. Not so. Clearly the objection is not giving Thailand the aircraft but the weapons. What does innit mean? This isn't twitter,
  14. The house passed a bill already and it's before the senate now. The left know exactly what they want to do. Stop trolling and get informed. https://www.nssf.org/articles/sen-feinstein-proposes-banning-americas-most-popular-rifle-again/ https://www.pbs.org/newshour/politics/what-action-should-be-taken-on-guns-we-asked-every-senator
  15. The other point that seems to be missed is that the second amendment is an amendment. It can be further amended by a simple super majority of the senate.
  16. I think your point about people wanting guns because everyone else has them is well made. We had a similar debate in Australia when the laws were changed and the buy back started. Now there is no debate and no angst about needing a gun for self protection. Unless you are a bikie or member of a drug gang, neither of whom are perceived to present a threat to the general public.
  17. I don't think the "well regulated militia" is intended to fight the British anymore, the military can do that if needed. Its really to fight a civil war against a democratically elected government.
  18. Are there not Americans here arguing in favor of gun control? I think you should tone down the nationalism and team rhetoric. I think you are being a bit over sensitive. Criticism is not knee jerk prejudice. Note the strong arguments by brits against the government in the Boris Johnson thread. You are just repeating points made in your past post. Don't double post, make new points.
  19. since when? Buying the aircraft without weapons does make a lot of sense. Firstly, it gets pilots trained to use up to date aircraft. Secondly, it allays any fears that sensitive weapons systems may fall into the hands of Chinese or Russians and it allays fears of a regional arms race. Finally, it would not be huge stretch to arm these aircraft in the event of a war in which Thailand would likely support the US and its allies. If that weren't the case they would be buying Chinese jets not American jets.
  20. Here's a decent guide. There are some prices mentioned which are in the range. I see the Blue Yeti is the first mentioned. https://www.soundguys.com/best-mics-for-youtube-21997/
  21. Painful to watch, especially the falsetto voice. And why the hippie disguise? As far as atheists, preventing free will, well try bucking the church doctrine and see how that works out. Conformity underpins church membership.
  22. 1. There is no prejudice, just a statement of actual statistics. 2. Shootings do happen worldwide but mass shootings are rare. On a statistical basis they are far more prevalent and far more people are killed in the US on average than in any other developed nation. Every other developed nation has strict gun control laws. 3. Guns are legal almost everywhere but not all guns and certainly not AR 15's. There are also strict controls over the ownership of those guns and background checks. 4. I'm assuming the police didn't go in because they had no SWAT gear and were armed with 9mm pistols only. Thus they would have been ineffective against the shooter armed with an AR 15. If the shooter didn't have that weapon they may well have gone in. 5. In Australia at least, gun safes are mandatory. Failing to store a gun in a safe is a criminal offense. 6. It is not a fair assessment to say that guns will always find their way to the general public. Hardened criminals, yes. Teenagers no. Mass shootings are simply rare in other countries but they still have the same mental health issues. 7. Nobody is trashing the US, other than fair and justified criticism of their nutty gun laws. The reason why guns are so prevalent in the US is money. Most guns are made in the US and the gun manufactures are highly active politically. This factor is absent in other countries which have sane gun laws. Even in the US, more than half the population believes the gun laws are insane so it's simply not fair to say that criticism of gun laws in the US is prejudice. 8. Mental illness is not behind all evil. Evil is a terrible description with religious connotations and is not used outside that context. If a person would be fit to stand trial then they are not insane.
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