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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. How often did this happen compared to the actual shooting taking place? Besides which, is there a law preventing teachers from carrying a handgun in Texas schools?
  2. The salient point is that a person armed with an AR 15 will kill far more people far quicker than a knife. The .223 round literally dissolves the body's organs on impact so a hit anywhere in the abdomen or head is normally fatal. In fact, even a hit on a limb will cause so much damage that the person often dies from blood loss and shock. None of that happens with a knife. Further more, the gun has a very rapid rate of fire which compounds the problem. Not to put too fine a point on it but how many knives reach 500 meters? Finally, how many mass killings have been carried out in the US using only a knife? You are being deliberately obtuse in ignoring obvious facts.
  3. US Senator Dianne Feinstein introduced federal legislation earlier this month — less than a week before the Uvalde shooting — that would raise the minimum age to purchase assault weapons to 21 from 18; the California Democrat said in a statement that it was in response to a shooting that killed 10 people at a Buffalo supermarket. That gunman also was 18 years old https://www.crikey.com.au/2022/05/27/texas-assault-rifles-uvalde-shooting/
  4. Thousands of Israeli nationalists, some of them chanting “Death to Arabs,” paraded through the heart of the main Palestinian thoroughfare in Jerusalem’s Old City on Sunday, in a show of force that risked setting off a new wave of violence in the tense city. Jerusalem police were criticized internationally for beating mourners at Abu Akleh’s funeral two weeks ago. https://apnews.com/article/politics-middle-east-jerusalem-israel-0a6080b491cebc2aa830986029816976
  5. other than these facts. Security failures allowed the shooter to massacre 19 students and two teachers, school safety experts say. Yet when the gunman arrived at the school, he hopped its fence and easily entered through a back door that had been propped open, officials said https://apnews.com/article/uvalde-school-shooting-shootings-texas-education-violence-3d2859f9f97aec3459008b0ea8c51b65
  6. "He wouldn't have done the exact same thing with a bat or a bomb or some sort of improvised device or a machete, he's a great kid, don't judge him," he said. The 18-year-old suspect, who allegedly murdered 19 children and 2 teachers, reportedly was armed with a Daniel Defense AR-15 rifle and 1,6000 rounds of ammunition. https://www.rawstory.com/donald-trump-jr-guns/?traffic_source=Connatix
  7. Then you should rescind your allegation. I took personal offence at being accused of anti-semitism. You may not have intended to state that but the mention of it was in reply to my post.
  8. The television network said on Thursday it would submit a case to the International Criminal Court (ICC). The report said Abu Aqla was killed with a 5.56-millimetre armour piercing round fired from a Ruger Mini-14 rifle. https://www.sbs.com.au/news/article/journalist-shireen-abu-aqla-was-killed-by-israeli-soldier-palestinian-investigation-says/9u0m2968v
  9. Exactly who even insinuated her ethat Israel shouldn't exist? The topic is about Israeli crimes against humanity, specifically the killing of a journalist it didn't like. Where is the anti-semitism there?
  10. Australia had it's own judicial inquiry and found plenty of fault. There's no need to deflect on this. If the ICC want to investigate they will but they aren't. Try not to deflect off topic.
  11. You replied this to me when I never attempted to demonize Israel thus implying that I was.
  12. I said "some". not you, for that reason. I'm just pushing back on the point that you keep insisting that I'm demonizing Israel by criticizing its actions vis a vis the Palestinians.
  13. Aborigines own large tracts of Australian land but you are deflecting. Where are the war crimes against Aborigines involving any living persons? The ICC is not investigating Australia. But I'll get you up to date with ICC and Russia. The ICC is investigating Russia for possible war crimes but Russia doesn't recognize the ICC. So, do you oppose this investigation as well?
  14. The articles i read play down the panic, not hype it up.
  15. The murder of three Israeli teachers is a crime, not a war crime. The police should deal with that. Look up war crimes. Isreal is not being singled out for special treatment, they have a case to answer and they should answer it. Do you also consider that the ICC's investigation of Russia is illegitimate? Your claims that the ICC, endorsed by every country which ratified the Rome Statute is biased against Israel is not defendable.
  16. same guilty conscience. In Thailand's case, I'm not aware that the ICC wants to investigate war crimes which makes your comment a deflection and whataboutery. The dates are irrelevant. The ICC wants to investigate possible war crimes. You're clutching at straws. You would have it that a single Palestinian attack justifies everything Israel has done since.
  17. Why would the ICC want to investigate them. The only reason they don't recognize the ICC is because they are afraid to face an investigation and submit to the court. Do you support Russia's identical position as well? The case is expected to focus on three main areas: the Israel-Gaza war of 2014; violence along the Israel-Gaza border in 2018 amid Palestinian demonstrations backing the declared right of Palestinian refugees to return to ancestral homes in what is now Israel; and Israeli settlements in the occupied territories, considered illegal under international law - a point disputed by Israel. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-56687437 The international human rights organization issued its conclusions after investigating three Israeli airstrikes that it said killed 62 Palestinian civilians. It said “there were no evident military targets in the vicinity” of the attacks. The report also accused Palestinian militants of apparent war crimes by launching over 4,000 unguided rockets and mortars at Israeli population centers. https://apnews.com/article/middle-east-israel-crime-war-crimes-human-rights-watch-4dbb4e7b915346ce6aca778f12a4359b
  18. and what percentage of gun massacres does the AR 15 feature in? Isn't that the really relevant statistic here? Of the last 80 mass shootings in the United States, more than a quarter, including Monday's shooting in Boulder, Colorado, involved the use of AR-15 rifles. Among those incidents are some of the deadliest mass shootings in the nation's history, including the Las Vegas shooting, which left 59 people dead; the Orlando, Florida, nightclub shooting, which killed 50; and the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting in Connecticut, which killed 28. AR-15-style assault rifles have been a common trend in some of the deadliest mass shootings https://www.newsweek.com/ar-15-rifles-were-used-26-percent-last-80-mass-shootings-america-1578107
  19. It is as legitimate to criticize Israel without mentioning other countries as it is to criticize any country. Since we're on the topic, Israel is as guilty of crimes against humanity as Russia is in the Ukraine. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-56687437
  20. You're still trying to misrepresent what I said which was that criticizing Israel's actions is NOT demonizing Israel. Some would have all criticism of Israel as off limits.
  21. OP, would you prefer this wasn't reported at all? Merely reporting it is not "stirring up panic".
  22. How can you say that there is no evidence, they studied over 30k randomly selected articles. That is actual evidence.
  23. None of that is relevant to what I said. We should be free to ctiticize the actions of a government without being labelled anti-semites or anti-muslim. Nor does criticizing a government equate to denying its right to exist.
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