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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. Repeatedly having a few drinks laid on during official business? You might buy that but not many others will.
  2. The outcome from that would almost certainly be a fascist allegiance (axis) of the US, Russia, China, North Korea, Philippines, Turkey, Hungary, India, Syria, and Brazil. Some might see that as a great outcome, others not so much. It would certainly spell the end of democracy world wide.
  3. The OP provides a link which clearly states that a) It was banned b) There were multiple instances. Your interpretation is that it was a one off incident and that is the misrepresentation. The facts are there.
  4. When people in authority want others to do the right thing it's important that they be seen to be doing the right thing. Otherwise, people might form the impression that ignoring the rules is trivial. Oh, did I say rules? I meant law.
  5. Sure, that's possible. And a very good reason to get vaccinated.
  6. Ist isn't. You correctly state that this is a problem world wide. So why is it that American kids are the ones making the news? I don't think it needs to be explained any further, the reasons have been thrashed out ad nauseum. In a word, guns.
  7. You're not getting it. The shooter was motivated by alienation and social rejection and led to violence. The proud boys are motivated by the same forces. The proud boys are not just racist, they are misogynist too which goes along with the incel and anti-social attributes. You seem to want to deny that the proud boys share the same social characteristics as the shooter, NOTHING to do with racism other than that racism is a manifestation of anti-social behavior motivated by the same alienation by society. It's not just me, the Australian government owned press sees the connection as significant enough to research.
  8. They most certainly frequent soi 6 but you are right. Indian tourists are more complex. As one Indian explained to me there are upper class IT workers and traders coming to Pattaya. Apart from the obvious permanent fixtures I see around soi moo cow, Indians seem to be the most prominent tourists.
  9. And the rest is self evident. He felt alienated which led to resentment and culminated in violence. It could so easily have been prevented.
  10. Nope, he said it was a cause, not an excuse. That was my take on his post, why wasn't it yours as well?
  11. It's nothing to do with politics and everything to do with violence and the social condition. My purpose in mentioning the Proud Boys is the show the connection between social alienation, common among the proud boys, and social violence. The article I linked shows a very close nexus between alienation and anti-social behavior. Racism is anti-social behavior too. I never suggested that the Proud Boys are right wing voters (although I suggest that's widely accepted) but that they are a widely recognised manifestation of the point I made.
  12. Rejection by society is a common marker for anti-social behavior. The classic case is that of incels, the Proud Boys are notoriously full of them. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2018-11-25/incel-alt-right-mens-movement-masculanism-proudboys-milo/10482032
  13. In Australia, the change was enacted by one of the most conservative governments we have ever had. It's was a matter of following expert advice, not lobby groups.
  14. Surely you know the answers or are you just not reading widely enough? Not trolling but this is basic stuff. Covid became more infectious and changed to evade the vaccines which were developed before their existence (omicron vars) while the flu decreased because the vectors were reduced. This information is readily available. I have to wonder if you're not just trolling to be honest
  15. So now we have police afraid to tackle teenagers in mass shooting events because they know they are up against high capacity magazines and weapons which fire rounds which will kill after a hit to almost any part of the body. It's extremely difficult to stop such a person without using explosives which are out of the question in a school. A person will often survive a hit from a 9mm round but almost never from a .223. It's become very clear that the only solution is to remove the most egregious weapons suited only for mass killing from the general populace. If the penalty for owning such a weapons was close to life imprisonment they would disappear overnight. Teenagers would certainly find it very difficult to get them. Will it stop every mass shooting? Of course not but it's easy to see that the vast majority of them wouldn't happen and gun laws outside the US prove that.
  16. You start by studying the gun laws of every other country. Australia fixed the problem overnight.
  17. You obviously didn't read the context. It seems that a retired Fed had forewarning. In the previous shooting, the perp answered "murder-suicide" in a questionnaire about what he wanted to do in retirement. What I am saying is that when the clues do present themselves they should be acted upon. Every single person who ever posted racial hatred posts on social media should be on a Federal watch list for at least 5 years. More often than not these massacres are preceded by actionable clues. Too often these sentiments are just glossed over as free speech instead of recognised for what it is, hate speech.
  18. Why? Isn't it obvious? In what universe are weapons with smaller calibres and smaller magazines "just as deadly"?
  19. They didn't need certainty. Just a sniff of the possibility should have been enough to apprehend, interrogate and remove his weapons for at least a cooling off period. In the last mass shooting, that's exactly what occurred.
  20. Real proof is provided by the incidence of flu which was greatly reduced by social isolation, masks and regular washing hands. Now that those precautions are being relaxed the flu is coming back with a vengeance.
  21. How do you know they don't work? Just because some people still get infected? The science says that many more would have become infected without these precautions. References to the science provided many, many times previously.
  22. I think it's become very obvious that police stationed at schools will be worse than useless. A total waste of money compared to social programs. Those police would be mostly retirees or very close to it and not willing to risk their lives before being pensioned off. Unless they put them in full SWAT gear and armed to the teeth, not just with a 9mm pistol they will not stop anybody. The quick response team with the right equipment at the nearest police station would have the most effect. Moreover, will we stop at schools, what about churches and shopping centers? We can't put police in battle gear at every soft target.
  23. 100 meters is almost point blank range for a hunter. There's no sport there, not that there is in any killing of animals unless they are feral pests. They must also be pretty small deer. The .223 is really a varmint round. The favoured round in oz is a .308 as they mainly shoot buffalo and wild pigs at longer distances. I prefer target shooting myself, with the round style targets, not the ones resembling a person. Only sickos use them. Not pointing the finger at you of course, just giving my opinion.
  24. Correct, real hunters use single shot bolt action rifles with no magazine. They pride themselves in killing with a single shot.
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