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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. On that we can firmly agree. I know another western leader who went down with the ship rather than bow to public opinion on climate change because he just did what he was told by his major donors and benefactors.
  2. Because of the money? The US pays the largest contribution to the UN too. That doesn't mean it controls the UN and that seems to be a sticking point for the far right.
  3. Have they really? You might wonder how they joined and why they stayed in it for so long, The Russian propaganda machine and online astroturfers played a big part in fomenting public opinion about the referendum. For your further edification here is the current polling not indicating that the British people have always wanted leave the EU. Finally, Germany does not lead the EU. https://www.statista.com/statistics/987347/brexit-opinion-poll/
  4. You mean the money from donors? A few million at best? Like a drop in the ocean compared to the dark money super pacs. We'll never see any accounting for that either. The US doesn't just cut a check to Ukraine and tell it to go shopping either. This is the big foreign aid myth.
  5. Firstly, everybody thought Putin would attack Ukraine and Biden correctly said so for weeks. Russia may well use tactical nuclear weapons to defend Crimea, probably not Donbas in my opinion. If they do they will be bombed directly by NATO, on Russian soil. NATO will make the calculation that Russia will not use large scale nuclear weapons under any circumstances. The fact that Russia has not yet used tactical nuclear weapons means they probably won't.
  6. Germany gained a lot of territory as well during the war, for a few years. Then it lost more than it previously had.
  7. It was but that's not the point. Admins have said time and time again to post links or have your posts deleted and I'm sure you already know that. Don't expect everyone who reads your post to individually have to go search for your reference, especially since the post will eventually become very old.
  8. Amazing how the far right carp on about the drug companies making a squillion by pushing supposed propaganda but then it's crickets when it comes to the gun manufacturers doing the same thing. One thing is for sure, there will be more thoughts and prayers and talk about mental illness on Fox.
  9. Even when they can easily post a link they won't because that would undermine their no link policy on the "other" claims. Here it is tho, https://www.bbc.com/news/world-61570444
  10. I saw about 4 this morning around Soi New Plaza. I also saw several with full body tattoos including one with tattooed hair, never saw that before.
  11. Specifically, Australia had a dozen mass shootings (4 or more victims) per year average before 1996 and ZERO since. That's 16 years ago. That statistic makes arguments like "gun control doesn't work" look imbecilic.
  12. Can be but it's like being shot with a BB gun instead of a 12 gauge compared to coronavirus. The facts are that the death rate for coronavirus is much higher than for flu and other nondescript viruses which you allude to without naming them, thus making your post meaningless garbage.
  13. It seems your reality is to ignore the fact that people are still dying from this pandemic and abusing others when they provide anecdotes to remind us. You still wear masks like I do because the reality is that the locals wear masks and routinely abuse those who don't. Try going into a 711 without a mask on.
  14. There may have been lots of swirling currents but the results of the federal election overwhelmingly showed that 2022 was, finally, the climate election. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2022-05-22/election-2022-anthony-albanese-wins-transformative-election/101087834
  15. Incoming prime minister Anthony Albanese says Labor is ready to govern after emerging victorious in the federal election, promising Australia now has an opportunity to end "the climate wars". https://www.abc.net.au/news/2022-05-22/anthony-albanese-labor-ready-to-govern/101088900
  16. everyone else did. The surprise is that the Labor didn't get a majority due to the strength of the greens and the intensity of the murdoch press hit jobs.
  17. You're trying to make the case that elderly people are disposable to support your preferred lifestyle. Give it a rest, it's reprehensible,
  18. I don't "believe" anything about vaccination and climate change. Rightly or wrongly I accept the science. I substitute critical thinking for "belief" I agree that many subjects don't involve truth or lies they are opinion as you say. Truth may include the absence of wilful lying.
  19. The vaccines do reduce transmission markedly so you're wrong on the facts there. I previously posted the link so not doing it again. I took my mother on several overseas trips in her late eighties so your comment about old people not flying is absurd. Pelosi recently went to Ukraine in her eighties so there's another example.
  20. I believe that if you say it enough times people start to think that it is the truth. This is the basis of propaganda. The actual truth, however, never changes. While your positive energy comment can be true I think a lot of propaganda creates hate and therefore is negative energy. Creating hate is the most common use for propaganda.
  21. If you want a proper debate just put up a cogent argument. This is a troll post as it stands.
  22. He might well be wrong, I think he is but he hasn't been accused of any crimes.
  23. There's also a few disturbing reports about people who didn't get the vaccine at all.
  24. So, winter is December, January and February, right? the graph shows a strong peak right in the middle of winter. Biden was exactly on the money. He's only repeating what his scientific advisors told him anyway. Listening to the experts I thinks its called. Makes a refreshing change.
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