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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. But that's a once off process when a new bitcoin is mined, right? Not every time it is sold.
  2. You would be wrong. I've been married three time to Asian women and still talk to them. I've never been accused of domestic violence, either physical or psychological. I've never heard any of them speak ill of any of them. One Thai bar girl I brought to Australia for 6 months had a child and never spoke ill of her husband who died in an accident. The proposition that all women lie is nothing other than straight up misogyny.
  3. Did the women appear to "always" lie in order to pointlessly blacken the name of former lovers?
  4. You might be making a mistake about who is a red shirt fan. A stopped clock is right twice a day. Nobody is ever always wrong or always right.
  5. You're missing the point in my opinion. It's not what the picture shows one way or the other, it's the actual truth. The picture is not proof of truth. Truth exists without the support of any evidence for or against.
  6. you are confusing opinion with fact. The number of times is the fact, whether it is often or rarely is opinion.
  7. This is totally incorrect. New bitcoins are not issued to miners, they mine them by a proof of work algorithm. You could mine your own bitcoin without interaction from anybody. Nobody controls bitcoin. This algorithm is essentially a random chance and is very expensive for energy. Once a bitcoin is mined, that's it. Transfers of the coins (transactions) do not require much energy). If the energy is generated by hydroelectric or thermal as much of it is then the cost to the environment is minimal. China banned mining bitcoin in a province that used mainly coal for this reason.
  8. Do you mean like a 2,000 year old book actually written 400 years ago? I view truth and lies as absolutes. There can only be one truth about any particular issue.
  9. A lot of dollars actually. ATM's are toxic for international withdrawals.
  10. Lincoln Project co-founder and former GOP strategist Steve Schmidt wants the United States to strip Rupert Murdoch of his U.S. citizenship, calling the 91-year-old Australian-born media titan "the most venomous and dangerous foreigner to ever arrive on American soil." https://www.rawstory.com/steve-schmidt-calls-for-venomous-and-dangerous-rupert-murdoch-to-be-stripped-of-us-citizenship/
  11. I agree with you but the reasons for that need to be studied and understood. I don't know the answer to that question but I only note that it hasn't been for the past few years and that's what's important. Maybe that will change. One possibility is that the stimulus money for the GFC and for covid has found it's way into the financial system and has propelled the value of many assets to astronomical levels, including the stock market and crypto. So people are less interested in gold. Another thing to consider is that higher interest rates and bond yields will make dollar investments more attractive as gold doesn't return interest on holdings. An economic collapse would likely kill inflation and the dollar. In that scenario gold might become a hedge but I think its value would fall as well. It may simply be that the mix of assets available in recent years (especially housing) makes gold obsolete as an investment. I don't claim to be an expert. I have studied economics and take an interest in macroeconomics but I am not an economist.
  12. You're confusing bitcoin mining with bitcoin transactions https://hbr.org/2021/05/how-much-energy-does-bitcoin-actually-consume
  13. My point, as previously stated, is that gold is not a hedge against inflation and will join every other asset in a crash or stagnate at best. That said, it may well become attractive if the world's economy descends into depression. https://crowdwisdom.live/us-stocks/gold-price-forecast-today/
  14. We are currently in a period of very high inflation, right? The highest for 40 years right? Cast your beadies over this gold price outlook. https://knoema.com/ryjroog/gold-price-forecast-2021-2022-and-long-term-to-2030 https://capital.com/gold-price-forecast
  15. I'm saying that not all assets are productive. Gold is one of them. The bottom line is that bitcoin is priced at $30,000 today because $1 trillion greenbacks says that it will be higher in the future., It was worth double that but $1 trillion bailed out. I am not suggesting that anybody buy BTC at current prices. I'm only saying that it has intrinsic value based on perception. That's all it takes. There was a very public difference of opinion between Cathy Wood (Ark Investments) and Michael Saylor. Both lost. My position is that there is no safe asset class right now other than uncle sams. The stock markets are in a confirmed bear market with no macroeconomic factors supporting a recovery anytime soon. BTC will not go to zero because it can't be destroyed. Other crypto, notably Luna and UST can but bitcoin can't. It must have a bottom price. When it gets there it will be a fantastic buy. It might be now but that's not my opinion. I might well be wrong, Time will tell. I just think that something that is worth nearly ten times what it was 2 or 3 years ago can easily go back there given the current economic outlook.
  16. Yes, but you own nothing and can't ever get your hands on the bitcoin unless you hold the wallet addresses. Possession is 100% of the law in this case.
  17. Tesla never made money for years, it was purely speculative. Gamecorp, what was that about? Houses? They can drop 50% and did so after the GFC in many places.
  18. A new Human Rights Watch report has documented claims of torture, summary execution and other abuses of civilians by Russian forces in north-eastern Ukraine. US President Joe Biden has hammered Russia over what he calls "major war crimes" committed in Ukraine, and has underscored his resolve to hold Moscow accountable for launching the largest land war in Europe since World War Two. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2022-05-18/hrw-report-on-russian-war-crimes-against-ukrainian-civilians/101078664
  19. The same way as you know how any other asset is at a low or a high. ????
  20. Nobody's going to give him the coin. If he has possession of the wallet addresses then he has control of the coin.
  21. Glyphosate, sold as Roundup, has been banned in dozens of countries worldwide and by multiple Australian local governments because of its toxicity to humans. https://www.abc.net.au/news/rural/2021-07-20/glyphosate-ban-could-cost-farmers-hundreds-of-thousands-/100307322 I actually held a permit to use chlorpyrifos and attended a government course to get it. I intended to use it in one of its 3 forms, in tubes branded Mirant for use against mastotermes darwiniensis, a large termite which attacks young and stressed mango trees. It was illegal to use it on the actual trees themselves. I never used it as I discovered that the termites only attack young trees in newly cleared and disturbed ground near the perimeter lines of native bush land. It was therefore preferable to put up with some losses for a few years until things stabilised. It is still legal as an under slab treatment for that termite in my state alone. The other form was a more diluted air spray which is the most dangerous form. I think it's use in that form is now banned.
  22. https://www.bbc.com/news/business-59571277
  23. I used roundup, now also banned. Did not know of the effects at the time when it was not banned, I never used paraquat or chlorpyrifos. Their effects were known then and are now. That's why they are banned. You said they'd be fine if used responsibly. Please detail exactly how you would use then responsibly. Full hazmat suit with respirator? Full equipment washdown is a dedicated wash down area with collection of all wash liquid and disposal in a proper hazardous chemical facility? Completely away from any food crops forever? Chlorpyrifos doesn't have a withholding period for food. It doesn't break down.
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