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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. He is no longer anonymous but creating it and controlling it are two different things. Nobody controls it, nobody can destroy it and nobody can change the blockchain algorithm.
  2. buy low and sell high like any other asset.
  3. Why do you think both of these chemicals are banned in most countries? How can either be used responsibly? Both deserve to be banned.
  4. If you're suggesting that either of these chemicals should not be banned bring forth your argument. Otherwise it's just mud slinging.
  5. Before covid I always used TT money changers and one in particular near the D Hotel. That closed when I was leaving in 2020. Any recommendations for a money changer in that area?
  6. The ones that fall the least whenever bitcoin drops and rise the most when bitcoin rises.
  7. It would be in Pattaya. I understand that the TM30 will be done the same day as I arrive by the condo office where I will stay. Why would I need to change my address? In the past this has always been done through the office in soi 5 in Jomtien.
  8. If I use an agent to do the original non O visa will the 90 online reporting work OK?
  9. Quite simple, choose a publicly funded news outlet back by a regulatory mandate to be unbiased and provide balanced content.
  10. I wouldn't say it was a selling point but it was an incorrect assumption. Like gold isn't either despite having a supposed reputation for being so. Bitcoin (and all crypto) history of following the stock market belies any theory that it would ever become a hedge against inflation..
  11. The current bear market is easily explainable. Bitcoin has always been in a bull market because it came at an ideal time, several years after huge injections of money supply following the GFC and then again aftyer covid started. Most of that money found it's way into share buybacks and crypto. It also caused rampant inflation which the Fed failed to recognise and check. Now they have no weapons to fight inflation other than increase interest rates which drives up the cost of capital and depresses the stock market. Since crypto always follows the stock market the outlook is down for the next couple of years at least, probably much longer. War with Russia and economic losses due to climate change are also depressing asset prices..
  12. Chloryrifos kills every insect and animal around, including snakes. One of my friends used to spray his mango trees with chlorpyrifos and the ground was littered with dead tree snakes the day after on each occasion. Another friend used to do the spraying for him, he is now dead from cancer.
  13. He is on the money here. If you want to do something other than gratuitously bash Thailand why not put up a reasoned argument with citation to show how he's wrong. I live in the only state in Australia where chlorpyrifos is legal and I was a mango farmer in a past life. That industry uses lots of it unnecessarily. Both paraquat and chlorpyifos are extremely dangerous to the environment and food chain. Chlorpyrifos has a 100 year half life.
  14. Like you, the only thing I believe is that bitcoin will still be around. I don't know how many times I have to say that it's not necessarily a good investment at current prices. In the short term it may rise but at the end of the day I believe this is a bear market for ALL asset classes and the longer term outlook is down for everything. My reasons are off topic here. Unlike you, I believe that bitcoin will never be "worthless" and that one day it will again be an excellent investment. Most crypto will fail (as has happened historically) but bitcoin won't because of the huge amount invested in it and the fact that it was the first crypto. It's lack of utility actually benefits its value, similar to gold. While gold has some utility that represents a tiny fraction of its value. Its rarity gives it value.
  15. Bitcoin is running out the clock on Time will tell. It isn't going away. The reason the "crypto crowd" refer to tokens as coins is because of the "coin " in bitcoin which was the first one and was intended to be a currency but really evolved as a store of value instead.
  16. They won't have to do anything unless Russia attacks Sweden. If that happens, article 5 gets invoked.
  17. Most crypto is not money and doesn't purport to be so.
  18. I have seen anyone pushing people to invest. All assets go up and down.
  19. They still died from the virus. But for the virus most would still be alive, Obese people can live for decades but might die overnight from the virus. I don't understand your point. Or actually I do, you are downplaying the virus for political reasons.
  20. I'm not trying to convince you that they are a good investment, they are not. Like shares, they should be bought and sold, not just held. There is money to be made and investors are attracted to crypto precisely because of the volatility. The price of gold or shares move at a snail's pace in comparison. For those who are willing to put in the work there is the potential for great gains to be made. Historically, that has been the case, along with great losses.
  21. We can't say that any asset will make money. None. If we experience another great depression, houses will be worth a fraction of their current price.
  22. Bitcoin won't be a currency for the same reasons as gold isn't. It's worth too much, there's not enough off it and transaction times are too long.
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