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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. Kyiv police say 148 bodies were found in a mass grave in Bucha, near the Ukraine capital, "all of which show signs of torture". https://www.abc.net.au/news/2022-05-03/ukraine-russia-war-updates-putin-zelenskyy-mariupol-kyiv/101031972
  2. Lindell was banned for attempting to evade his ban. His original account was not reinstated, he simply made a new account. Stone, for the same reason. “Well bitches I’m back on Twitter,” Stone bragged on Telegram early Thursday morning. “I’m anxious to see how strong Elon Musk’s commitment to free speech is.” In 2017, Stone was initially banned from Twitter after hurling a series of vulgarities at CNN hosts on the platform. https://www.thedailybeast.com/roger-stone-tries-to-come-back-to-twitter-is-immediately-re-banned
  3. The premise that the Thai economy was "demolished" is wrong. In 2020 it was similar to 2018 and the decline in 2020 was not peculiar to Thailand. The projected GDP for 2021 was higher than that for 2020 and projected to continue rising. The strength of the Thai economy is reflected in the continued strength of the Baht. https://tradingeconomics.com/thailand/gdp https://tradingeconomics.com/thailand/gdp-growth-annual According to this article, the biggest threat to the Thai economy is the continued spread of covid, not the failure to open up unrestricted travel, similar to Australia's experience. https://asia.nikkei.com/Economy/Thai-economy-grew-1.6-in-2021-despite-COVID-19-headwind
  4. Russian generals 'extremely frustrated' as they fail all of Putin's 'strategic objectives' "You know, folks — the pundits since the very beginning have said, if we push too hard, Russia is going to use some kind of extreme measure," Hertling continued. "That is certainly a consideration. What we've seen so far is, Mr. Putin, since the very beginning, has failed in achieving every one of his strategic objectives. https://www.rawstory.com/russian-generals-increasingly-frustrated-as-they-fail-all-of-putin-s-strategic-objectives-cnn-military-analyst/
  5. Pope Francis on Sunday described the war in Ukraine as a “macabre regression of humanity” and said the city of Mariupol had been “barbarously bombarded and destroyed.” https://www.politico.eu/article/pope-laments-macabre-russia-ukraine-war-bombardment-mariupol/
  6. In addition to slamming Russian President Vladimir Putin for military “incompetence,” the former commander also accused him of unleashing war crimes on Ukraine, beginning with “the illegal invasion of a neighbor and a democracy” and including “massacring” civilians, destroying cities and “using rape as a weapon of war.” Stavridis said General Alexander Dvornikov, who Russia last month put in charge of its invasion of Ukraine, is “well-known to Western intelligence as the ‘Butcher of Syria.’” https://thehill.com/news/sunday-talk-shows/3472752-ex-nato-commander-loss-of-top-russian-officers-amid-invasion-unprecedented-in-modern-history/
  7. The British Foreign Office said on Sunday Russia is using a troll factory to spread disinformation about the war in Ukraine on social media and target politicians across a number of countries including Britain and South Africa. Britain cited UK-funded expert research, which it did not publish. It said the research exposed how the Kremlin's disinformation campaign was designed to manipulate international public opinion of Russia's invasion of Ukraine, boost support for it and recruit new sympathisers. https://nordot.app/893273374932680704?c=592622757532812385
  8. So that's the equivalent of the argument about banning Russian in the Donbas region, right? Discrimination against Ukraine in their own country?
  9. The intent of his post was to demonstrate a lack of empathy, not to discuss the technical possibility that motorcycles might be affected or not by electromagnetic radiation.
  10. I don't believe that spam is a reason for being banned on Twitter at all. I see thousands of posts touting stuff like crypto coins and you tube websites which can only be described as spam. Porn is obvious and need not be listed as it is self evident.... The topic of this thread is about Twitter banning people for regular free speech issues such as political opinion. My response was to challenge a BM to provide evidence that Twitter has a strong left bias and bans permitted free speech on the basis of that bias. They don't.
  11. Nobody gets banned for publishing political views. As I said before they get banned for hate speech, incitement to violence, covid misinformation and conspiracy theories. I asked you to provide me with an example of a liberal who has done that and not been banned which was the basis of your complaint. Blatant bias never gets banned. You're only reading from an echo chamber which panders to confirmation bias. Again, show me otherwise.
  12. Every person banned by Twitter was banned for posting either incitement to violence, hate speech or anti vax misinformation. Show me the liberals who should have been banned but were not and the posts they should have been banned for. You contention is that there are liberals who have breached the rules and not been banned so step up.
  13. Produce a credible link implicating a Ukrainian person in a command role who has either been indicted or not been indicted. The Ukrainian citizen mentioned will be tried. The point is that Russians with command responsibility are fugitives.
  14. says more about the conservatives than the liberals. Who are the ones peddling BS, racism, insurrection, etc?
  15. Indeed. The entire world's economy is based on a single premise, that the population will always grow to maintain the pyramid with the tax payers at the bottom. If the population doesn't naturally grow at a rate of at least 2.3 then people must be imported from elsewhere. The only way out of that situation is to tax corporations and the rich which are stashing wealth away at an ever greater proportion and to use that money to pay a living wage to support the unemployed and elderly. Without that, the government will eventually (already has) run out of funds to maintain the welfare and health system. It's actually interesting that the living wage plan has broad support among the right wing and the wealthy because they understand that the system as it is can't go on much longer where the shrinking middle class get saddled with the tax burden.
  16. I'm not disputing what the great unwashed might call it but the English definition of the word doesn't fit this case.
  17. I answered your question. Assuming Russia is a rational player they would surely surrender to avoid massive loss of life? Surely the argument now should be that the Russians are the ones causing further loss of life by not surrendering since they are inevitably going to lose? Wasn't that the argument that the pro Russians were putting up to suggest that Ukraine should surrender when all this started?
  18. this one https://www.un.org/en/genocideprevention/about-responsibility-to-protect.shtml
  19. Charging non Thais higher prices may not seem fair but it certainly isn't racist. You should look up the definition and ask yourself how this practice fits that definition.
  20. You're leaving out a lot of the story. For the past few years, conservatives have been waging an insidious and disingenuous campaign to whitewash racism and oppression from American history and censor material that would examine the more sordid parts of America’s past and present. Almost as soon as it was first published in 2019, conservatives attacked The 1619 Project – the Pulitzer Prize-winning historical reevaluation that seeks to place slavery and racism at the centre of American history and institutions. https://www.aljazeera.com/opinions/2022/2/11/conservative-book-bans-are-part-of-gops-fascist-turn
  21. Agreed, I think Putin will press the button rather than lose this war. He is dying and doesn't want to see his legacy as a loser who destroyed what was left of the empire. DW TV yesterday was saying there was a prevailing attitude that maybe, with some sanctions, that they could deal with Russia but now realise that they can't.
  22. it's almost as if Russian astroturfers don't exist and aren't rife on social media. Twitter estimates a high proportion of bots on its network and Musk has vowed to removed them or "die trying".
  23. Stop making stuff up, this is nothing but projection.
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