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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. The identity of this FMS customer buying this ‘tailored JSF variant,’ could be the matter of much speculation. Currently, barring Israel, all other JSF customers receive the standard variants. so, yeah, just speculation. And there's nothing to suggest that it is advanced electronics which will be stripped out.
  2. You claimed that Thailand would effectively be handing secrets to China. You did not qualify that as an opinion. You can't hide behind every claim as being an opinion. You're just pushing baseless FUD.
  3. On the other hand, nobody would be even contemplating the deal if that was "obvious". Why do you think the US is visiting Thailand to discuss the deal? Just to say "no"? China is far from beholden to China. Show some evidence to support that claim or admit it's baseless.
  4. While money may change hands for introductory services, mail order brides have long been illegal in the Philippines and the suggestion that a woman can be "bought" is ridiculous. Many men who have brought Filipina and Thai wives to Australia unless less than ideal circumstances have learned that lesson the hard way.
  5. There's good political reasons to sell advance weaponry to a country being heavily courted by the Chinese which should be obvious. The chances that the Thais will hand over US military secrets to the Chinese is zero and assertions that they may do so are less than constructive.
  6. Both are very much defensive. Only nuclear submarines are really offensive. Diesel submarines hunt ships and others subs. F-35s typically kill over 20 adversary aircraft for every friendly loss in exercises aimed at honing pilot skills. https://www.forbes.com/sites/lorenthompson/2019/05/13/how-a-super-agile-electronic-warfare-system-makes-f-35-the-most-invincible-combat-aircraft-ever/?sh=48c80d114382
  7. I have a friend from NZ (now 78) who had the polio vaccine as a kid and spent weeks in a polio hospital partially paralysed. he recovered completely but says he'll never forget the horror of so many kids in iron lungs. Vaccines are a great invention, shame about the unfounded anti vax zealotry. My mum (now 93) actually got polio as a kid. Her grandmother forced marched her in the forests of Victoria for months and she made a full recovery. More recently, she was a bit skeptical of the covid vaccines but I kept reminding her of her experience with polio, she relented and is now fully vaxxed.
  8. more evidence why people should learn to read before trying to speak Thai if they want to พูดชัด "poot chut".
  9. Russia stripped of hosting figure skating Grand Prix event However, Russia could still field candidates at the ISU’s presidential elections in June at a congress in Phuket, Thailand. https://apnews.com/article/russia-ukraine-kamila-valieva-sports-europe-switzerland-99985187431a0c8ad6e9ece76d963bc4
  10. and 38 Australians. Maybe we should send all our useless Leopard tanks to Ukraine. They based them in Darwin for a while but it was too hot and the aircon systems couldn't handle the heat.
  11. It's very much the posting style and trademark of Russian astroturfers. The same style was very common in posts on The Guardian around 2015.
  12. so, nothing to do with their first amendment right to criticise Desantis?
  13. As I understand it Gu refers to oneself, the problem word would be it's second person equivalent, Meung. I hear both words commonly used but only among close friends.
  14. Could you please try to use shorter words? I didn't realise that my English was so poor. I am however, fairly interested in myself.
  15. https://www.oecd.org/tax/international-community-strikes-a-ground-breaking-tax-deal-for-the-digital-age.htm
  16. One thing they might do is make any of the top 300 listed companies actually pay some tax.
  17. Our cities are too far apart and our population too low to make high speed trains viable. In Japan they have intermediate cities which make them much more viable. The NBN is world class. Just last night I was helping a client in the US who has only DSL. We don't build cars because our govt. wouldn't keep pouring money into our foreign owned car manufacturers because our population is too low to make such manufacturing viable in Australia. We've been blessed with a government for ages which is only interested in handling out subsidies to the fossil fuel companies which donate to its candidates. The autobahns in Germany are how long and support how many people? Plus they large cities in between, same story as the railway. Our roads are really very good in the main.
  18. We have better than world class roads, rail, air, medical, education, internet and so on. The unemployment levels are low. It is the employers abusing the low unemployment rate by stealing wages, etc.
  19. https://study.unisa.edu.au/degrees/bachelor-of-arts-performing-arts
  20. Why lie to people? If you can't tell the truth, just don't post. https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/country/thailand/
  21. I'm one of them. I was just waiting for my 4th shot, due next week, and for the test and go system to be scrapped. This time next month I'll be there mixing with the Thais and Indians. ????
  22. 1. If you are asymptomatic and don't need to test, you're probably: a) going to know or need to report. b) going to need insurance for hospital. 2. Masks reduce the possibility of infection or transmission to "negligible" levels. Authoritive reference previously posted in this forum.
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